Politics and Religion

You're probably right . . . .
followme 22 reads
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It is Amy Coney Barrett

You're Welcome
A Mooch Boy We Laugh

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 149 reads
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followme 23 reads
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You are a fucking liar. You just proved you do NOT have me on ignore.

How does me wanting Amy Coney Barrett on the court a racist?
Just because Mitch blocked obamas pick in an election year and at the end of obama’s last term  
Does no make ma or anyone racist

You saying RBG was assassinated does irrefutable make you  the most stupid, ignorant moronic partisan hack on planet earth.


You’re Welcome  
2020 = 6-3 Supreme Court  

inicky46 61 Reviews 30 reads
4 / 44

The least she could have done is to have stayed alive another few months.

GaGambler 41 reads
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That particular statement, stupid, ignorant and moronic as it was is NOT what makes him "the most stupid, ignorant moronic partisan hack on earth" It simply confirms what we have known about him for years. rofl.

Don't you know the rules? Disagree with any black liberal and you are a racist, but laughing at the death of a black conservative like Herman Cain is fully permissible.

I can't wait to see the shit show when the Dims first demand that Trump wait until after the election to name Ruthie's successor and then when he tells them to fuck off they will then demand that he make a "pledge" that the new Supreme Court Justice recuse "Herself"(we all know who she'll be) from deciding the 2020 election when it undoubtedly ends up in the Supreme Court after the Dims cry foul AGAIN after losing another election. LMAO  

Hold on folks, we are in for a WILD ride.

followme 25 reads
7 / 44

LTM&L also shits himself about the right running around with their hair on fire.....here is a perfect example of of him doing nothing but....he fucking does it several times a day.

I do hope Trump nominates Barrett (after RBG's funeral) and that Mitch takes it up for two reasons. I want to see her on the court  and to see LTM&L have a temper tantrum and hissy fit daily.....in addition to his usual ones.

Also I think it is very likely that the court will be 7-2 by the end of trumps second term ...the dems running around with their hair on fire the  temper tantrums and hissy fits will be priceless and fun to see.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 37 reads
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I hope and will not be surprised if some republican
senators do the right thing at this critical time in history.

GaGambler 30 reads
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Yes, Trump could very well end up having  picked 4 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices before he's done.  

The one thing that is for sure, the dims are going to go fucking insane (well even more than usual) and it's going to be VERY entertaining to watch. Well except poor you poor fuckers who live in any city run by the dims, watching your own neighborhood go up in flames by "peaceful protestors" won't be much fun at all for you.

CENZO1 162 Reviews 17 reads
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There was pressure on her to resign when Obama was President so that he could appoint a liberal justice. But for reasons unknown she didn’t do so. Her worst moment was in 2016 when she publicly stated that Trump was not fit to be President, and then have to apologize in a half assed way. But a bigger looming question is whether we’ll see another Brett Kavanaugh debacle.

inicky46 61 Reviews 28 reads
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Upon being told as he was getting on the plane, all he said was something along the lines of, "She was an incredible woman. She led an amazing life. I'm sad to hear it."
First thing he ever said I agreed with.

100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 31 reads
13 / 44

Rest in peace Notorius One.

100ProofOfLV See Agency Profile 22 reads
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Beefman69 16 Reviews 22 reads
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Lisa Murkowski and Romney will not vote to allow hearing and all the Dems need to do is to get two more GOP to vote against allowing to vote. My feeling is that the Dems may have 2-3 more besides above to block a vote.

Don't count on Susan Collins to vote with Dems-she is a two face cunt that vote with GOP at last minute.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 25 reads
16 / 44

They didn't use a gun, they injected her with pancreatic cancer nearly a year ago.  It holds the Guinness record for the slowest assassination in history.  If you didn't have such a razor-sharp mind, most of us would never even considered assassination.  We're lucky to have an insider like you here.  Bwahahahahaha

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 24 reads
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"When there is a vacancy on the SCOTUS, the President is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination... There's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That's not in the Constitution text." -- Barack Obama
“I made it absolutely clear that I would go forward with the confirmation process as chairman even a few months before a presidential election” -- Joe Biden
"Harry Reid will go down in history for having handed the court to conservatives when he took the first step toward eliminating the 60 vote requirement for confirmation." -- Someone on Twitter

CENZO1 162 Reviews 21 reads
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And don’t count on all the democrats to vote against Trump’s nominee, especially if it’s a woman. Women have created in politics a “silent” force if you will, whereby they don’t consistently vote along party lines. Democratic senators I am sure are aware of that. And let’s face it, the bottom line is that those in office want to stay in office. A vote against a woman could backfire.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 24 reads
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If McConnell somehow rams a judge through, (even though Graham said he wouldn't) when Biden wins, it'll be very simple to impeach Kavanaugh for financial fraud ($200k in credit card debt that miraculously disappeared as soon as he was announced as the nominee) and Barrett for gross incompetence. 5-4 liberal majority. Could even add three more judges if you wanted to.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 23 reads
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In his statement not even 24 hours after her death, he said his reasoning this time around was that the American people had elected a Republican Senate majority in 2018, neglecting to mention that a) 20 million more people voted for Senate Democrats than Republicans and b) the House won a Democratic majority (arguably a more democratic institution than the Senate. Typical Republican horseshit.

Floorhump422 25 Reviews 16 reads
21 / 44

I guess you can't even be fucked to look into the context of the quotes you used. Reid had to do away with the 60 vote rule because Republicans were so fucking incompetent they wouldn't vote on any of Obama's nominees. Fucking snowflakes.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 16 reads
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lester_prairie 12 Reviews 17 reads
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lester_prairie 12 Reviews 16 reads
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"That's their job. There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year" -- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 29 reads
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A new poll conducted shortly before the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed that an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults of all political stripes supported holding hearings for a nominee if a vacancy opened on the nation's highest bench.
Marquette University released the survey results on Saturday that showed 67% of adults believed the Senate should hold a hearing if a vacancy occurred during 2020's race, with only 32% opposition — and similar strong numbers across Republicans, Democrats, and independents, who supported holding confirmation hearings at 68-31%, 63-37%, and 71-28% respectively.
The poll was completed three days before the death of Ginsburg.

Steve_Trevor 23 reads
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holding a hearing isn’t the same as taking a vote in the Senate. McConnell has vowed to confirm Trump’s nominee.  I’d like to see a survey on that.

GaGambler 32 reads
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If just 50 of them agree, then it won't really matter what you think.  

Of the 53 Republicans, Murkowski is a No, Romney almost certainly a No, Collins a "maybe" I think her vote all depends on how close her own race is looking. If she is resigned to losing her seat anyhow, a distinct possibility, her final act as Senator might to be to confirm Ruthy's successor.  

I agree it's hardly a slam dunk that the Senate will confirm RBG's successor, but it's hardly out of the question either. In the famous words of Barrack Obama, "Elections have consequences" and the GOP does control the Senate. Personally I hope he chokes on those words.

Steve_Trevor 19 reads
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and it’s not what the Marquette survey asked about.

Yes, actions have consequences. If McConnell goes through with his promise to make himself the Biggest Hypocrite of All Time, here’s some of the potential consequences:

* Incensed Dems, Independents and many Republicans vote Biden into office along with Dem majorities in the Senate and House.  McConnell is one of the Republicans ousted from Congress.  
* The Senate removes the filibuster.
* Congress adds D.C. as a state, with two Dem senators.  
* Congress adds Puerto Rico as a state, with two Dem senators.  
* Biden adds 4 seats to the Supreme Court.  The Senate confirms all four of Biden’s nominees.  

There’s others, but you get the idea.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 22 reads
29 / 44

there will be a silent revolution in this country and the Republicans will choke on their vomit to their miserable demise.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 25 reads
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Romney would end up denying McConnel's legacy.  That's a bit different than sticking a shiv in Trump.  McConnel would remember.  I think Mitt will think about that a bit.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 25 reads
31 / 44

It's hardly silent.  Demcrat rioters have already killed 30+ people and caused $2 billion in damages -- the worst riots in US history.  Democrats intend to pack the SCOTUS if they win the Senate.  Democrats are violent and will tear down anything that gets in their way.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 20 reads
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“Silent” was just a side point of my note. Silent or otherwise pendulum will swing ....

followme 21 reads
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accusing RBG of being a racist for not wanting the BLACK guy to pick her replacement?

2020 = 6-3 Supreme Court

Steve_Trevor 22 reads
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lester_prairie 12 Reviews 20 reads
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“Every day that passes without a ninth justice undermines the Supreme Court’s ability to function, and leaves millions of Americans waiting for justice or clarity as major legal questions are unresolved.” -- New York Times

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 28 reads
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GOP has 53 Senators.  Dems have 47.  If six GOP abstain (but not vote no) then that is 47:47.  Pence breaks the tie, 48:47.  SCOTUS confirmed.

GaGambler 19 reads
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GOP needs 50 votes to confirm, 51 actually, but Pence as President of the Senate would cast the 51st vote. In your scenario an abstention is the same as a No vote. The margin is RAZOR thin. The GOP can lose 3 votes, they can't lose 4 without getting a Dem or one of the two VERY blue independents to jump ship which is about as likely as Biden conceding on the afternoon of Nov 3.

gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 29 reads
38 / 44

You are so uninformed Lester!
The majority of the senate means 50+1 vote.
Rest you can figure out. Can you?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 18 reads
39 / 44

6. The full Senate debates the nomination.

7. The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote).  In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

8. When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 16 reads
40 / 44

So they will need 51 votes to break the filibuster, but only 46 (plus Pence) to approve the nomination.

marikod 1 Reviews 23 reads
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The Constitution requires a “quorum to do business” in the Senate and provides that a “majority” constitutes a quorum.  So unless there are vacancies  or no Democrat raises “absence of quorum” to the vote, 51 votes would be required to confirm a SCOTUS nominee.

You are misreading the context of your Georgetown  article.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 19 reads
42 / 44

I'm actually trying to track this down, but everything I see says that a simple majority is 50%+1 of those present as long as a quorum is present.   A quorum is 51 Senators.  If all the Democrats walked out and refused to vote, but 51 GOP Senators were present, they would have a quorum.  Then a simple majority would consist of 26 votes!    Look again at the Georgetown Law list -- they explicitly say a simple majority of those present and voting.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 25 reads
43 / 44

I found an actual Senate simple majority vote (just looking at votes randomly) where it passed with less than 51.
It was 48 to 40, 12 not voting.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
44 / 44

change her vote if she can persuade Trump to come to Maine and do a rally for her.  October will be the month where he goes after all of the toss-up Senate races.  

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