Politics and Religion

The reason
no_email 3 Reviews 3697 reads
1 / 57


They would call it crony captalism, which is a true statement...so why don't they cry when Obama does this? They just ignore it, and talk about gun control instead.

followme 866 reads
2 / 57

That the libs, dems, lefties, and laffy and his lover boys do not cry about this is because they are dishonest, and have no creditability and no integrity.

For God and Countr

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1042 reads
3 / 57

...was that Republicans we quick to defend the guy when he did the indefensible. No fuck up was his fault. The buck didn't stop with him. Blind allegiance to dear leader was the only thing that mattered.

As soon as Obama was elected, the GOP threw the same criticism towards Obama. It rang hollow then. It was nothing more than projection.

Today, not so much. Obama had the perfect opportunity to pull out of Afghanistan when we killed bin Laden. Did we? Nope. Obama could have done more to close Gitmo. Did he bother? No. Obama could have ended the Patriot Act. Did he? No. Obama promised to have the most open administration in US history. Instead he's cracked down on whistle blowers harder than Bush ever did.

Today the Democrats piss and moan about the GOP taking away people's voting rights and reproductive rights, and at the same time they don't even blink at the irony when they try to take away people's rights of self-defense.

Am I suppose to choose between one prick who wants to spy on me and another prick who wants to take away my right of self-defense?

How about we try something different. How about we stop fucking with people's rights.  

I don't like assholes worshipping at a church or mosque. Guess what? It's still their fucking right to believe in whatever horseshit they wanna believe.

You may not like women getting an abortion. Well guess what? It's still their fucking right to have one.

You may not like me owning a gun to defend myself. Guess what? It's still my right to own one.

Either we believe that everyone has these rights, or we don't. Either we start repealing some amendments from the Constitution, or you leave people the fuck alone.

-- Modified on 4/3/2013 9:05:41 PM

no_email 3 Reviews 875 reads
4 / 57

...and yes you suck at that too...Nuff said

Concerned about the fiscal cliff negotiations screwing with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, etcetera...
I am, the following list is why? It's the one percent!

[ Bruce Heyman, Managing Director, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ]

They have raised millions to push Bowles Simpson down our collective throats. Who elected these people to represent us? Who appointed these people to represent us?
Do they have a motive? Didn't we just spend 16 Trillion dollars bailing these chieftains out?
That's $16 Trillion
Want to take their advice about our investments in Social Security and Medicare?
Nuff sai

no_email 3 Reviews 871 reads
5 / 57
rusty6721 6 Reviews 939 reads
6 / 57

You're like FollowMe from the opposite side politically.Disappointing.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 987 reads
7 / 57

Fitting little phrase that closely rhymes with 'reason'(which you don't have)and perfectly describes you,swallowthee er,I mean follow&pee.You got destroyed several threads ago by me and I'll give you credit,you do want to come back for more.

For Rod and Cunt-ree

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 833 reads
8 / 57
613spades 5 Reviews 897 reads
9 / 57

If he could take our guns he would I believe. Oh yeah he might leave us a double barrel shotgun I guess....  

Posted By: Laffy
You sound exactly like the Retard Righties with their stupid phony outrage.  I guess you have to suck off SwallowPee every now and then since he gives you a reach-around on the whole "back-stabber" cryfest.

-- Modified on 4/3/2013 10:22:52 PM

RichardHeadIII 1197 reads
10 / 57

You are a bitches bitch!

Does your mom's basement you live in have a view?

followme 995 reads
11 / 57

Little boy rustbucket of shit the only thing you destroyed is your own creditability and integrity.

As I mentioned several times, you do provide some entertainment , when you take the bait have a little tantrum and pretend you won.

Laughing at you little boy ….laughing at you  

You’re welcome
For God and Country

BTW ;  you need a diaper change to

ex 9 Reviews 1040 reads
12 / 57

Posted By: bigvern
 They would call it crony capitalism, which is a true statement...so why don't they cry when Obama does this? They just ignore it, and talk about gun control instead.
Yes they would scream
it, but its on their side(party)
so they turn the other way....

But this is normal in presidential
politics, people have always
become ambassadors by donating
a lot of money, or fundraising
a lot for the POTUS.

Jon Huntsman former Governor
of Utah became Ambassador to
China...I don't know that he did
anything spectacular...But he did
quit the job early and tried a  
unsuccessful for run for Prez.



willywonka4u 22 Reviews 917 reads
13 / 57

Let's be honest here, Laffy. North Dakota just enacted a law that prohibits abortons after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mississippi is trying to use excessive regulation to block the state's only abortion provider.

Do you see these as just intentionally burdensome regulations? Or as legitimate regulations? If it was legal to totally ban abortion, don't you think that's what these two states would do?

On the flip side of the coin, do you really think that Senator Feinstein wouldn't introduce a bill that would totally ban guns if there wasn't a 2nd amendment getting in her way?

Democrats in Washington state have proposed a law that would allow the police to inspect gun owners homes at any time and without a warrant, in direct violation of the 4th amendment.

Democrats in Missouri have proposed house bill 545, which would require nearly every single gun owner in the state to hand over their weapons to the state in 90 days or be considered a Class C felon.

Democrats in Maryland have proposed fingerprinting people who buy guns, as if they're criminals.

Many people on the anti-gun left, have openly admitted that the ultimate goal is the total elimination of guns.


The "no one is taking your guns" lie does not work when your side have already showed their hand.

RUSchittingMe 984 reads
14 / 57
mattradd 40 Reviews 1020 reads
15 / 57

have been buying ambassadorships.

-- Modified on 4/4/2013 7:43:18 AM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 837 reads
16 / 57

Do you admit, or do you deny, that the abortion regulations being proposed in several red states, such as North Dakota and Mississippi is designed to totally eliminate the right to have an abortion?

Do you admit, or do you deny, that the gun control legislation that's being proposed in the various states are designed to take away the right to own a gun from as many people as possible?

What gun control law would you be OPPOSED to? A law that requires a license to buy a gun, and said licenses would cost $5,000? A law that prohibits gun owners from adopting children? A law that limits magazine capacity to 2 rounds?

What gun control laws would you say is going too far? Anyfuckingthing?

GaGambler 864 reads
17 / 57

and I am stuck with Big Vern and FollowMe.

Who's the winner here?

Of course "your" side also has TrannyBoy, AnonymousFun, and DickHead the third, but I'll try not to rub that in too much. lmao

Yes I know it's not really "your" side, but if I have to be lumped in with all the righties, turnabout is fair play.

no_email 3 Reviews 795 reads
18 / 57

Are you saying we should not point out the obvious? The reasoning behind this post was to show the hypocrisy of the left. Remember the 99% spring oranization. Their philosophy was the 1% are evil, and villanious. When their actual objective was to raise funds for the Democratic party. Just so  the 1% can reap the benefits.


I wonder how many saps, now have criminal records for their efforts, to maintain the status quo

no_email 3 Reviews 1034 reads
19 / 57

This shit hole is so far to the left, having a mind of your own is enough to be labeled a Righty.

St. Croix 816 reads
20 / 57

You would be at a total loss for who to pick first, or last for that matter, in a pick-up b-ball or flag football from this group of social and physical misfits.

I'm afraid they would all look like the characters in "The Big Bang Theory", but without their intelligence.

I guess that makes BigPapasan the Howard Wolowitz of the group, but a 300lb Howard Wolowitz. Actually I think he's Howard's mom. I only say that because its been a whole week since I've been called a racist or anti-semite.

Go ahead GaG, I'll let you pick first. You can't can you (lmao)?

GaGambler 1005 reads
21 / 57

Let's see, Mari is a gimp. WW has already admitted that while he is a pretty big guy, he hates sports. Daffy is too lily white to be good for anything but a sparring partner on days you don't really want to work up a sweat. (proof of his whiteness was his stupid ass question about why they can use the word nigger and he can't. If you have to ask, you clearly don't belong)

Big Vern probably can't read a playbook, Big Backstabber would probably steal it, FollowMe is older than dirt. Yes, we have the makings of a real all star team here, don't we? lmao

and are you sure that it's really been an entire week since you were called a racist? If they haven't said it out loud, I'm sure they've been thinking it. Hey, how about Zorff? He's black, so he must be an athlete, right? See you aren't the only one here who's a racist. roflmfao Now let's see how I can piss off the jews while I am at it, and do we even have any beaners on the board? I am going to have to go out and recruit some latinos before people start thinking that we aren't an equal opportunity leper colony.

GaGambler 924 reads
22 / 57

I am anti religion, support a woman's right to choose, support gay marriage, hate the Patriot Act, the list goes on and on, but I am still labeled a righty. So take your medicine, around these parts, you are definitely considered a righty.

If it makes you feel any  better, Willy is to the left of Castro on most issues, and Hugo Fucking Chavez is his hero, but his support of the 2nd Amendment has the rest of the lefties wanting to tar and feather him.

St. Croix 983 reads
23 / 57

Shit, in urban slang mari could just have a physical impairment problem, stupid, or even a sex slave. If sex slave, I really don't want to meet him anywhere or anyplace. Seriously, leave him at home (lol).

Re the Backstabber, he wouldn't attempt to read the playbook, but just eat it....with Russian dressing.

Do you know what you get when you put a Mexican and a black in the same room? A fucking fight. And Mexicans use the word mayate a lot.

P.S. I did take Oregon and the points. Worked out fine. I also took Michigan over Kansas. That was one helluva fun game to watch. Over the weekend I took the Spurs -1.5 over the Heat. The line then went to -9.5 as James, Wade and Chalmers were put on the inactive list. And the mother fucking Spurs still lost.

-- Modified on 4/4/2013 12:55:21 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 879 reads
24 / 57

...would you freely admit that the people who push regulations on abortions are just people who are trying to do as much as they legally can to ban abortions entirely?

Would you also freely admit that gun control legislation is being enacted by people who are trying to do as much as they legally can to ban guns entirely?

GaGambler 904 reads
25 / 57

I had both UM and UL hooked up with the overs and won both parlays, plus I did a OSU halftime bet Sat night also parlayed with the over and they covered as well.

The Braves have been great so far, I took them -1 1/2 + 180 with the Over 7 Monday night, and last night I got them on the alternate run line -2 1/2 at Plus Two fucking Seventy, again with the over and watched them cruise to a 9-2 victory.

It looks like it's going to be a long season for Yankees fans, I am not a Yankee hater, but I am looking forward to making a lot of money this year betting against them.

As for Mari, I will let him speak for himself. He is, not to the best of my knowledge a sex slave though, even though he continues to call himself an "unemployed male porn star"

I've got to confess, If I had been paying attention, I would have taken the Spurs too, and I would have lost my money the same as you. lol I like both favorites this weekend with Louisville winning it all, but I wouldn't mind seeing a rematch between Syracuse and Louisville, I got fat on that game, UL was down 35-22 and came storming back, that's when I got on the UL bandwagon, and I am staying there until they lose.

Do you know what you get when Daffy lands on the pavement after falling from the top of the Stratosphere Tower?

Well, if he bounces, you get a dollar. lol

GaGambler 746 reads
26 / 57

I've been saying the exact same thing for decades to no avail. Don't expect the likes of Daffy to admit to anything, no matter how obvious it is.

It is the very reason that the NRA opposes every supposedly "common sense" gun restriction and the pro choice crowd opposes every supposedly "common sense" abortion restriction. Contrary to what they claim, Yes they really do want to take your guns, and Yes they really do want to outlaw all abortions. Only the blind and/or the partisan could possibly argue otherwise.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 1007 reads
27 / 57

What bait have I taken,other than you are WAY TOO DAMN EASY of a target and there is no 'pretend' unless winning too easily is considered 'pretend'.Laughing is always the best medicine they say but laughing in pain from the beat down I gave you is the worst form of cancer to your esteem.

You're welcome
For the love of God leave the Country

BTW You need the diaper change,dude.The rash on your ass is effecting your brain down there.

no_email 3 Reviews 805 reads
28 / 57

Ii's just funny to hear when some one says it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Laffy supported Bush, during his reign.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 937 reads
29 / 57

Oh god,picking among us losers of a whore board for potential teams---imagine debate teams,that would be a riot :D ---let's keep it from going over the cliff of reason here shall we? lol

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 999 reads
30 / 57

...droning on and on with the same old hook, line and sinker bullshit.  He thinks if he says it often enough, people will believe it.  Poor sap - he doesn't have a creative brain cell in his head.

Compare SwallowPee's posts with Rusty's.  Rusty's are original and funny; SwallowPee's are trite and banal.

no_email 3 Reviews 841 reads
31 / 57

Obama and Bush's policies are virtually the same.

I still perfer Obama to Bush and Romney.

Did not read the kook "aricle" I posted?

The article asks who chose these people to represent us? President Obama that's who.

By the way who recieved more votes during their re-election program Obama or Bush?

The current admin, did not want Bush at the convention. They didn't want people comparing Obama to Bush.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 934 reads
32 / 57

You touched on a theme here of overreach that's going on in both parties and as bad as the GOP is,the DEMS aren't exactly overwhelming anyone in favorability ratings either.Even Bloomberg from NYC,an independent,is trying to act like everyone's parent by saying:"there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom" and it isn't his crusade on guns either.He even goes so far w/this as to ban SODA!!It's all around and the feeling is everyone has this 'disease' which is why most of us,including this msg board aren't too happy with what we have as choices to vote for.

It could be worse though,look at what people in Iran,Egypt and Pakistan have to vote for. lol

rusty6721 6 Reviews 923 reads
33 / 57

He wanted to BAN soda in certain establishments and a NY judge struck him down for it saying in legalese"it was arbitrary and capricious".Okay,larger than 16 oz if you want to nitpick but it was designed to phase pop out completely with mickey mouse,ticky tack regs that were intentional much like every beaureaucrat in America piled on cigarettes with restrictions to phase them out of existence.

Timbow 839 reads
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GaGambler 920 reads
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this board went over that cliff a long, long time ago, even before the current crop of idiots took over. "Reason" is something that only exists here for fleeting moments, and then the trolls trample it under their cloven hooves.

I've noticed you try to keep it reasonable, but I am sure you have realized it's a lost cause.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 911 reads
36 / 57

It's okay.I got a few days left on my membership before I ride off into the sunset so I figure I'll have fun and try while having a few laughs along the way. :D

613spades 5 Reviews 1039 reads
37 / 57

Posted By: Laffy
they'd put the Bible in every classroom, outlaw blasphemy, outlaw porn, and make the Taliban look like fucking amateurs.

GaGambler 917 reads
38 / 57

Unless you simply don't like this place anymore, a perfectly understandable position.

There is no need to have VIP to continue to post here. I let my VIP months ago after my disagreements with present management, but I still pop in every once in a while just to see how totally fucked up this place can get.

In the meantime, have your fun and know that this board will be the worse with your departure. Too bad it's always the rational people that leave, while trolls like Daffy, Jeff et al seem to remain here forever.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 887 reads
39 / 57

That is how all ambassadors gets picked. Did you think there was some fucking magic formula.  This is how it is done in this country since its birth.

You are griping because it is Obama.

FYI, he picked Caroline Kennedy to be Ambassador to Japan.

Not a news flash of some kind.  

GW had cronies everywhere and everyone of them were unqualified, think FEMA and Brownie.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 829 reads
40 / 57

Pardon me,Gaffe-y but it's a BAN! As in,brace yourself,anything that's soda,pop,soft drink,cola,tonic,coke,carbonated water w/caramel coloring and any soft drink including the word 'Diet' in front of it.I think that might cover it for you if it's not entirely over your head.

Yes he did


When I say 'completely' let me spell it out for you---it's happening,dude.I can't help you if you're one of those who totally depends on something to fall on your head to make you realize it's 'proof'.

no_email 3 Reviews 906 reads
41 / 57

I was pointing out the fact Heyman, is an investment partner at Goldman Sachs...

so are you a supporter of Goldman Sachs now?


613spades 5 Reviews 857 reads
42 / 57

Who... the truth is I dont care that much about the topic of bible thumpers, they are idiots for sure but think they get pounded pretty well whenever they comment so I just dont feel the need. Its just too far out there for me to have rational arguements for or against I guess.    
    Mitt wasnt a canidate that was going to get elected. Mccain wasnt either.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 854 reads
43 / 57

Well,I'm on vacation this week from JCP then it's back to the grind Monday which will coincide with my membership expiration so sticking around isn't my intention.It's entertaining in the short term but in larger doses it gets old.Even though I been on here almost a full month,I took long breaks in between.My reason for joining this website 'was for the girls' lol and anything else was a bonus.

Memories still abound w/my first posted thread about a porn star named Dee in the 'Porn Stars' section last month and how I got ripped to shreds by people which I'm still amused by.So it didn't surprise me too much with the flame throwing going on in here and hell if you can't beat it,join it.

I think there will be other people coming in and out of here that'll add something so a beat won't be missed on this msgboard.Anyway,thanks for the shoutout,GaGambler.I might be back here again.

613spades 5 Reviews 1040 reads
44 / 57

When did they get close to actually taking a freedom away? Did I miss something? Other than losing many 4th and 5th amendment rights through the guise of safety for the greater good, and passed, signed or extended by our current president...
     There hasnt been one thumper law passed lately that I can think of other than abortion ban in ND. Not a legal expert and I dont pay attention to every law passed in every state. Fuck the federal government passes something like 10,000 pages of new legislation every year and most congressmen cant even tell you what it all was or meant. I'm not about to try keeping up.  
      Mitt was fucked by his own personal/business practices. Not to mention the comment about the 47%. Both parties need to learn to compromise and meet in the middle more often and our country might be able to move forward instead of being deadlocked.

613spades 5 Reviews 809 reads
45 / 57

NY state might try it, its as bad as smoking and costs society billions of dollars every yr. If 20 oz soda is evil cant see how they can keep cigs and booze. Both pray on the poor right?

St. Croix 879 reads
46 / 57

If so, you may want to polish up your resume.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 942 reads
47 / 57

Unfortunately it is and the resume is ready when needed.It's so bad it's in serious competition with Sears in the race to the bottom of oblivion.

St. Croix 879 reads
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take coupons away from women shoppers. What are women, 90% of JCP shoppers? They are primarily on the lower end of the economic scale, meaning they ain't shopping at Nordstrom.

Ron Johnson has one more swing at it based on how much cash is available. But hey, Best Buy was left for dead, and they are coming back a bit.

I've been down Legacy Road many times, if you know what I mean

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1031 reads
49 / 57

Laffy, would you freely admit that every single politician who wants to enact LAWS that create more regulations for abortion, are just trying to ban abortion as much as they're legally allowed?

Would you also freely admit that every single policitican who enacts gun control legislation has the ultimate goal of banning guns entirely?

rusty6721 6 Reviews 885 reads
50 / 57

It's too late now,it can't be fixed.From here on out,it's damage control.The only reason CEO RonJohn is still around at this point is because hedge fund manager Bill Ackman(sizable JCP stockholder)is still backing him,if barely even though the investors at his fund are bleeding money from JCP stock.They been laying off people here and there instead of en masse because they don't want the stock,already in the teens after being in the 40s before Johnson arrived,to go further south.They have a few things going for them like this Canadian brand 'Joe Fresh' that's new at JCP and selling well,but it's not nearly enough.James Cash Penney,the proud founder of the namesake store,is tossing and turning in his grave as we speak.As for customers,they were trying to get new young customers at the expense of the older ones but instead not only did they NOT get them,they also lost their loyal,older customers in the process with the confusing pricing overhaul and flawed promotional approach.They're also working fewer people with longer hours and pay freezes while getting rid of people that been there for not just yrs but decades and replacing them with young kids who have a degree and ambition but little else to offer.

rusty6721 6 Reviews 950 reads
51 / 57

It's like Bugs Bunny matching wits with Pete Puma--Bugs:How many lumps do you want? Pete:Ooooh about threeee or fourrr---and naturally Bugs let's him have it. lol

RichardHeadIII 971 reads
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613spades 5 Reviews 824 reads
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When was gay marriage ever legal?  
    Sex toys I'm guessing are local ordanances. I cant do much for local laws to help you out.  
    Mosques- name one city with a written ordinance against it. I cant find one in the states. Europe is quickly turning against allowing them and even removing them. Currently religious freedom is protected and defended by the constitution and the supreme court. It might take time but all of the laws I've seen recently banning or limiting religion have been overturned. Name one case where they havent up held this? I can find lots of case law to prove it.  
     Here is a map of violence against Mosques. Obviously if there are instances of violence against mosques there are mosques in these states. Local issues are harder to find but available from the FBI if you search their site.  
      Current list of Mosques in the USA.
      Read this as well. Mosques have increased 74% since 2000 and their leaders feel While protests against new mosques in New York, Tennessee and California made headlines, the overall number of mosques quietly rose from 1,209 in 2000 to 2,106 in 2010.

And most of their leaders say American society is not hostile to Islam, according to a comprehensive census of U.S. mosques and survey of imams, mosque presidents and board members released Wednesday.

"This is a very healthy community," said lead researcher and study author Ihsan Bagby, an associate professor of Islamic studies at the University of Kentucky

rusty6721 6 Reviews 916 reads
54 / 57

Lumping losers on a board,you must be the biggest of them all if you been doing this regularly in the last 15 yrs.


613spades 5 Reviews 868 reads
55 / 57

Some of it is really micro managing and the government doesnt belong there. Maybe they should tell you that you ahve to brush your teeth everyday or take children away from parents for being fat too right?  
     I know about the mosque at ground zero being banned and I dont think that was totally wrong, it might ahve done more harm than good truthfully. There have been instance of catholic churches not being allowed to build in areas too for similar reasons. Even being limited on private college campuses (private property). There has to be a balance in everything and you have to trust someone to find that.  
     Gay marraige will be decided very soon I think. It's before the US supreme court right now isnt it?  
     Three is a difference between taking away a freedom and having to get it back. If a law has been restricting some thing for more than 50yrs your fighting to get the freedom back not having it taken away today.

613spades 5 Reviews 1074 reads
56 / 57

Where did snakes come from? They are illegal in most areas I think.
   Did you read the court decision against the mosque?

613spades 5 Reviews 1187 reads
57 / 57

Posted By: Laffy
One of them recently died.....just like his daddy did.  
 That's legal but smoking pot to "get closer to God" is banned.  
 Go figure.  
 And I don't give a shit about the "court decision."  
 Judges and juries are not perfect.  
 You can't say RELIGIOUS FREEDOM for only the shit you like while beating your chest how much you LOVE OUR CONSTITUTION.

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