Politics and Religion

The State is but the executive to the Capitalists...
no_email 3 Reviews 794 reads

Are you saying we should not point out the obvious? The reasoning behind this post was to show the hypocrisy of the left. Remember the 99% spring oranization. Their philosophy was the 1% are evil, and villanious. When their actual objective was to raise funds for the Democratic party. Just so  the 1% can reap the benefits.


I wonder how many saps, now have criminal records for their efforts, to maintain the status quo


They would call it crony captalism, which is a true statement...so why don't they cry when Obama does this? They just ignore it, and talk about gun control instead.

followme866 reads

That the libs, dems, lefties, and laffy and his lover boys do not cry about this is because they are dishonest, and have no creditability and no integrity.

For God and Countr

Fitting little phrase that closely rhymes with 'reason'(which you don't have)and perfectly describes you,swallowthee er,I mean follow&pee.You got destroyed several threads ago by me and I'll give you credit,you do want to come back for more.

For Rod and Cunt-ree

followme995 reads

Little boy rustbucket of shit the only thing you destroyed is your own creditability and integrity.

As I mentioned several times, you do provide some entertainment , when you take the bait have a little tantrum and pretend you won.

Laughing at you little boy ….laughing at you  

You’re welcome
For God and Country

BTW ;  you need a diaper change to

What bait have I taken,other than you are WAY TOO DAMN EASY of a target and there is no 'pretend' unless winning too easily is considered 'pretend'.Laughing is always the best medicine they say but laughing in pain from the beat down I gave you is the worst form of cancer to your esteem.

You're welcome
For the love of God leave the Country

BTW You need the diaper change,dude.The rash on your ass is effecting your brain down there.

...droning on and on with the same old hook, line and sinker bullshit.  He thinks if he says it often enough, people will believe it.  Poor sap - he doesn't have a creative brain cell in his head.

Compare SwallowPee's posts with Rusty's.  Rusty's are original and funny; SwallowPee's are trite and banal.

It's like Bugs Bunny matching wits with Pete Puma--Bugs:How many lumps do you want? Pete:Ooooh about threeee or fourrr---and naturally Bugs let's him have it. lol

...was that Republicans we quick to defend the guy when he did the indefensible. No fuck up was his fault. The buck didn't stop with him. Blind allegiance to dear leader was the only thing that mattered.

As soon as Obama was elected, the GOP threw the same criticism towards Obama. It rang hollow then. It was nothing more than projection.

Today, not so much. Obama had the perfect opportunity to pull out of Afghanistan when we killed bin Laden. Did we? Nope. Obama could have done more to close Gitmo. Did he bother? No. Obama could have ended the Patriot Act. Did he? No. Obama promised to have the most open administration in US history. Instead he's cracked down on whistle blowers harder than Bush ever did.

Today the Democrats piss and moan about the GOP taking away people's voting rights and reproductive rights, and at the same time they don't even blink at the irony when they try to take away people's rights of self-defense.

Am I suppose to choose between one prick who wants to spy on me and another prick who wants to take away my right of self-defense?

How about we try something different. How about we stop fucking with people's rights.  

I don't like assholes worshipping at a church or mosque. Guess what? It's still their fucking right to believe in whatever horseshit they wanna believe.

You may not like women getting an abortion. Well guess what? It's still their fucking right to have one.

You may not like me owning a gun to defend myself. Guess what? It's still my right to own one.

Either we believe that everyone has these rights, or we don't. Either we start repealing some amendments from the Constitution, or you leave people the fuck alone.

-- Modified on 4/3/2013 9:05:41 PM

ex1040 reads

Posted By: bigvern
 They would call it crony capitalism, which is a true statement...so why don't they cry when Obama does this? They just ignore it, and talk about gun control instead.
Yes they would scream
it, but its on their side(party)
so they turn the other way....

But this is normal in presidential
politics, people have always
become ambassadors by donating
a lot of money, or fundraising
a lot for the POTUS.

Jon Huntsman former Governor
of Utah became Ambassador to
China...I don't know that he did
anything spectacular...But he did
quit the job early and tried a  
unsuccessful for run for Prez.



have been buying ambassadorships.

-- Modified on 4/4/2013 7:43:18 AM

Are you saying we should not point out the obvious? The reasoning behind this post was to show the hypocrisy of the left. Remember the 99% spring oranization. Their philosophy was the 1% are evil, and villanious. When their actual objective was to raise funds for the Democratic party. Just so  the 1% can reap the benefits.


I wonder how many saps, now have criminal records for their efforts, to maintain the status quo

That is how all ambassadors gets picked. Did you think there was some fucking magic formula.  This is how it is done in this country since its birth.

You are griping because it is Obama.

FYI, he picked Caroline Kennedy to be Ambassador to Japan.

Not a news flash of some kind.  

GW had cronies everywhere and everyone of them were unqualified, think FEMA and Brownie.

I was pointing out the fact Heyman, is an investment partner at Goldman Sachs...

so are you a supporter of Goldman Sachs now?


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