Politics and Religion

Re: Heads exploding?
jazzman121847 105 Reviews 42 reads

What?  If English is not your first language feel free to type in your native tongue.

The libs have had it pretty rough lately. First the weekend meltdowns over NBC News hiring Ronna. Well at least they could look forward to Monday, the deadline for Trump to either handover a half billion dollars to New York or have Tish James seize his assets and slap him with liens.

Now that’s all gone to shit for the libs thanks to the appeals court ruling. And the icing on the cake?

Truth Social about to go public, adding about $3B to Trump’s bottom line.

It's not like the judgment was overturned. $175 million is still a significant amount of money to come up with in order to appeal the judgment. Even if the judgment is eventually reduced by the appellate court, your hero and his sons are still civilly convicted business fraudsters and restricting them from doing future business in New York is likely.

You might be taking in all in stride, but the general consensus of libs on social media tends towards outrage regarding the appeals court’s ruling.

As usual you have a sourcing problem.  Is it possible you don't  know better than to rely on social media?

“Social Media” has been around for decades, and one would have to be naive to think you can’t get a pulse of the public’s mood based.

The term social in regard to media suggests that platforms are user-centric and enable communal activity. As such, social media can be viewed as online facilitators or enhancers of human networks—webs of individuals who enhance social connectivity
Apparently Jazzy reads “there’s a lot of liberal anger on social media right now”, and refuses to believe it because it’s not properly sourced.  There is a big swath of anger out there, but to appease our doubting Thomas, I’ll give an example from one individual.
NY appeals court gave Trump a 10-day extension & reduced his bond from $464m to $175m

Our justice system is BROKEN AS F

75K views, 3K reposts.
The poster? Lindy Li. Social media influencer with 350K followers on X, CNN Contributor, repeat White House guest, Biden delegate in the Pennsylvania. Another one of her posts.
Orange privilege reigns supreme

NY appeals court is competing with Judge Aileen Cannon and the 6 Federalist Society hacks on the Supreme Court to see who can kowtow to Trump the most

These Trump enablers are in a dead heat

That’s not an angry meltdown? The thousands of people reposting aren’t upset with the appeals court decision?

Here’s another influencer, Henry Sisson. The DNC used young Henry to reach the youth vote. He’s got 184K followers on X and 800K followers on TikTok. His take on the appeals court decision?

It’s disgraceful that the NY appeals court dropped Donald Trump’s bond amount from $454 million to $175 million. Trump is getting preferential treatment and it’s unacceptable. If this were anyone else, he would have to pay immediately. Insanity.
438K views on X, 1.3K reposts.

Taking just a quick scroll through the comments shows us many liberals (who refer to themselves as “Resisters” on X) who were very upset that Trump’s bond was reduced and equally upset when news of Truth Social going public broke..

Now these aren’t polls and there’s no margin of error to complain about. But it’s naive to think it’s not possible to gauge public sentiments by perusing social media.

I’ve got a feeling Jazzy’s wearing blinders, and if he doesn’t read it in the New York Times, or hear it on PBS, than to him it’s not true.

One more example, this time from MSNBC Contributor and Former RNC Chair Michael Steele.

Yet again, @realDonaldTrump gets special treatment with his own private system of justice. The NY Appeals Court has decided to give Trump more time to pay less money by reducing his bond from $454M to $175 and giving him 10 days to get the money. This makes absolutely no sense
1.9M views, 7K reposts, 1K quote posts, thousands of replies.

One could argue that Steele isn’t a liberal, but that’s not the point of highlighting this particular post. Just a quick look at the quote posts and replies reveals a lot of anger felt by liberals. To suggest that social media can’t be used to gauge the pulse of political thought is just misguided and comes from a place obviously not well versed in social media.

Michael Steele is a Republican.  A principled Republican but a Republican nevertheless. Is his post what you consider as "heads exploding"? It's an opinion. He's offered the same opinion on the air.  Social media in general is a cesspool. One, or even several, reasonable post (s) doesn't make social media any less a sewer in totality.

Oh, Jazzy, we all know Steele is the former Chair of the RNC. But that’s not the point. I even acknowledge that for you and you still miss the point.

One could argue that Steele isn’t a liberal, but that’s not the point of highlighting this particular post. Just a quick look at the quote posts and replies reveals a lot of anger felt by liberals.
If social media is a cesspool, how would you characterize the P&R Forum???

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Heads exploding?  
A big cesspool.  Duh!
Just like the left being discussed, the lefties heads here, are also 🤯

What?  If English is not your first language feel free to type in your native tongue.

very significant to a guy who just had his net assets increased by $5 Billion.   You should get around more.  Lol

They were only convicted by a judge, while the constitution calls for a Jury of your peers.  However, the Liberal NY legislation put this law on books to specifically allow politically motivated judges to make decisions that juries would not be allowed to make after hearing the jury instructions.   (Read the legislative record when the law was being discussed.)  In any other case of fraud throughout this country, a case of fraud MUST have evidence of those that were defrauded.  In this case, the crooked prosecutor said it was the banks, but the banks said "no" under oath, but this uncontroverted evidence didn't matter to the crooked judge.  

(1) Trump could have had a jury trial if his lawyer had asked for one. ... After months of stories that Alina Habba was too stupid to "check the box." It later came out that Trump didn't want a jury trial because he thought that a NY jury would be inclined to convict him but that a judge could be bullied otherwise.
(2) "Read the legislative record ..."? Link?

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Huh???  $175,000,000 is NOT . . . .
very significant to a guy who just had his net assets increased by $5 Billion.   You should get around more.  Lol  
 They were only convicted by a judge, while the constitution calls for a Jury of your peers.  However, the Liberal NY legislation put this law on books to specifically allow politically motivated judges to make decisions that juries would not be allowed to make after hearing the jury instructions.   (Read the legislative record when the law was being discussed.)  In any other case of fraud throughout this country, a case of fraud MUST have evidence of those that were defrauded.  In this case, the crooked prosecutor said it was the banks, but the banks said "no" under oath, but this uncontroverted evidence didn't matter to the crooked judge.  

it is incorrect to say he had a right to a jury trial:

Constitutional provisions guaranteeing a jury trial, such as the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, apply only to cases “at common law,” so-called “legal” cases. The phrase “at common law” is used in contradistinction to cases that are “equitable” in nature. Whether a case is “legal” or “equitable” depends on the relief that plaintiff sought. Here, plaintiff seeks disgorgement and injunctions, each of which are forms of equitable relief. Thus, there was no right to a jury,3 and the case was “tried to the Court;” the Court being the sole factfinder and the sole “judge of credibility.”

per the opinion.

I'm not a lawyer, but I do watch Perry Mason re-runs. I can't argue the generality of the law, in particular, the NYS law.  
The specific case of NYS v Trump was discussed by dozens of lawyers -- former NYS prosecutors, defense lawyers, Fed lawyers, etc.. -- in Op Eds, interviews, youtubes, ALL media great or small. When Trump declared in his news conferences, "I was denied a jury!" it was unanimously pointed out that Trump was lying and the NYS courts have an SOP. The default setting is a bench trial but any defendant can request a jury trial instead. EVERY lawyer (except for one) practicing in NYS courts knows this.  
Every Trump complaint ("I was denied a jury!") was followed by days of lawyers mocking Alina Habba for being too stupid to have simply "checked the box" to have a jury trial. (It isn't just "check the box" but something very simple that I don't remember. Maybe a one sentence submission: "We request a jury trial." Please and thank you not required.)  
Habba said in an interview, "I'd rather be pretty than smart. I can FAKE being smart." Lawyers mocked her, "No, you can't."
After several weeks of mocking, it came out that Trump did NOT want a jury and wanted a bench trial and that Habba did not make a rookie mistake and forget to "check the box." She still might have been stupid NOT to request a jury trial, but it was a deliberate decision not a stupid oversight.

Posted By: marikod
Re: While it is true Trump did not ask for a jury
it is incorrect to say he had a right to a jury trial:  
 Constitutional provisions guaranteeing a jury trial, such as the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, apply only to cases “at common law,” so-called “legal” cases. The phrase “at common law” is used in contradistinction to cases that are “equitable” in nature. Whether a case is “legal” or “equitable” depends on the relief that plaintiff sought. Here, plaintiff seeks disgorgement and injunctions, each of which are forms of equitable relief. Thus, there was no right to a jury,3 and the case was “tried to the Court;” the Court being the sole factfinder and the sole “judge of credibility.”  
 per the opinion.

and the one who was right was the only one who counted-Judge Engoron.

Did you not understand the quote I gave you was not from me but from the judge's opinion? The talking heads were all wrong.

Thanks for replying. I have listened to some commentators talk about "legal" vs "equitable" but I forget which case they were talking about. (I am usually doing other stuff when listening so I get distracted. I prefer to read.)
How is this Snopes article at explaining things:
It gets down to Engoron's statements but it also says that some lawyers thought that Habba should have filed the motion anyway. (ANYTHING to delay a trial is Trump's modus operandi so I think Habba didn't think of it or she would have filed the motion for a jury trial.) There are some views that the "not entitled to a jury" are based on case law, not written law.  
Even though Engoron said, "It would have not helped to make a motion. Nobody forgot to check off a box," Habba could have appealed that.

Posted By: marikod
Re: When then every lawyer (but one) was wrong  
and the one who was right was the only one who counted-Judge Engoron.  
 Did you not understand the quote I gave you was not from me but from the judge's opinion? The talking heads were all wrong.
Thanks for clarifying and setting me straight on this issue.

was not to blame. I think you are right that she should have appealed in the interest of delaying at least. While I do not think there is any chance Trump could win with respect to the injunctive relief , she could have argued that the disgorgement of profits though labeled equitable relief in fact was an attempt by the AG to recover damages for which there was a right to a jury trial. Courts look at the gravamen of the allegations, not the label the parties place on them. She also could have requested an advisory jury assuming NY allows that under state-not sure.

Trump still has his constitutional excessive fine argument which I believe is valid if he preserved it.

Note that excessive is determined by comparing the amount to the gravity of the offense, not the amount of profits realized.
Although the talking heads all say the judge found persistent fraud that is also incorrect. The judge found statutory fraud which is essentially strict liability for false statements at least as to Count One. Very different from common law fraud and there the "everybody does it"  and no damages defense has some traction.
$465 million and counting is a little ridiculous for what Trump did. Not Bernie Madoff fraud.

Engoron did NOT allow a lot of historical biz info in the trial and he detailed how he and the accountants came up with ~$355M + interest. However, many NYers and NorthEasterners know Trump's history and the "big" number was even too low for them.
Trump had MANY biz failures that harmed banks and other lenders and investors. He did manage to negotiate or litigate his way out of hundreds of millions of dollars of loans but was still left with considerable personal debt.  
After the 2008 real estate crash, Trump couldn't pay off $700M of loans on the Chicago tower. He SUED Deutsche Bank claiming that they had caused the recession! Rather than fight Trump in court, DB forgave (LOST) $287M of Trump's debt.  
NYT: Trump had $287 million in debt mostly tied to Chicago project forgiven
Trump Shuttle never made a profit during ~18 months of operation and Trump defaulted on his loans.  The lenders agreed to forgive (LOSE) almost ALL of the $135M in loans, except for an estimated $25M-$35M that Trump had personally guaranteed.  
Those two cases alone account for  ~$400M of bank losses that were "settlements" that do not show up as bankruptcies or in other court cases. Trump had many other biz failures with negotiated "settlements" (LOSSES for the banks).
Those two loans, going back to the 1980s when Trump lied to Forbes in order to get onto their "wealthiest people" list, were probably secured with fraudulent valuations and other false claims. Those and other cases of "fraudulent enrichment" did NOT enter the recent court proceedings. Even though Trump continued to lose and owe money, the amounts were decreased by $400M.  Instead of being a $600M loser, Trump became a $200M loser. In Trump bizzarro world, that made him a WINNER because he beat the banks.

Posted By: marikod
$465 million and counting is a little ridiculous for what Trump did. Not Bernie Madoff fraud.
Commentators are saying the that Appeals Court is likely to lower Engoron's $355M base amount. To many NYers, $355M + interest = $465M and growing is NOT ENOUGH to obtain justice for what Trump has wrought on the region since the 1970s.

it was not relevant to the case. We can't punish Trump for past sins- only for the liability proven at trial. Put aside your dislike of Trump for a moment. Don't you think $465 million and counting is a ridiculously excessive fine given his rather modest offense of inflating assets to sophisticated lenders who all made money on the loans even though not as much as they should?

Again this was not even common law fraud which has to be proven by clear and convincing evidence . The judge applied the preponderance standard which means proof by 51%! $465 million for 51%? Come on. Trump got shafted.

I think I hit the wrong reply button again. ..sign.

I think I hit the wrong reply button again. ..sigh
Yes, you hit the wrong reply button, but it was a good response to Imp. It’s clear Imp is more interested in vengeance rather than true justice. On X, his type are referred to as BlueMAGA.

Yeah ... you were replying to me and the historical frauds and non-prosecuted illegal enrichments post. I didn't post anything about Trump SHAFTING and bankrupting dozens of small businesses who worked with him over the years. He would refuse to pay them at all. He would "negotiate" with them: "30 cents on the dollar or nothing .... or you can take me to court where I will slowly drain you of every asset in years-long delays and frivolous filings." Trump deserves to be counter-shafted ... but, I agree, this isn't a case about "everything" just about some of his many misdeeds.
We AGREE about that distinction (everything vs this case only). The original DA filing included more items, I think. Not back to the 1980s but maybe 2012 or 2014 or whatever. Trump appealed and the appeals court applied a tighter interpretation of the Statute of Limitations and a bunch of loans and frauds were cut from this case. E.g., Ivanka was involved in some of the shenanigans and was also charged but she claimed that her involvement preceded the statute limits. She was removed from the case as a defendant but had to testify under oath. Some people interpret "escaped prosecution on a technicality" with "Ivanka wasn't charged. Ivanka is an angel, as good and honest as Mother Theresa." Some say that "Ivanka escaped prosecution (and likely conviction) on a technicality."
We agree that Engoron correctly tried and ruled based on the allowed evidence and so on. The Trump Shuttle, Chicago tower, Trump University, and other biz disasters were not allowed to be presented as evidence. Maybe the Appeals Court will throw out some piece of evidence that Engoron did allow.  
The initial ruling called for disgorgement of excess profits of $355M + interest based on evidence presented at trial. The proper course of action for the defendant is to file an appeal (already done) and argue for a reduction of the disgorgement or even a complete reversal of the ruling. The initial appeal ONLY lowered the BOND requirement to $175M. When the full appeal is taken up in a few months, many legal analysts have said that that is a sign that the Appeals Court is likely to lower the $355M to something closer to $175M or so.  
I agree with that whole judicial process. I can mutter under my breath -- or post on TER! -- that I would like to see Trump pay for ALL of his lies and frauds over the past 50 years but I sit on a chair, not The Bench.  
I post a lot of Trump's history to make sure that others have a more full picture of it and to understand why Trump is disliked by so many people who obey the law, pay their taxes, do not file false claims, do not file false loan applications, etc..  
Trump's PUBLIC repetition of "I didn't do anything wrong!" about EVERY case (Carroll defamation, Bragg - Stormy Daniels, Engoron, DC Jan 6, FL Documents, etc.) is worn out. Trump is a lifelong liar, charlatan, fraud, scam artist, grifter.

Posted By: marikod
Re: The judge did not allow that in and for good reason
it was not relevant to the case. We can't punish Trump for past sins- only for the liability proven at trial. Put aside your dislike of Trump for a moment. Don't you think $465 million and counting is a ridiculously excessive fine given his rather modest offense of inflating assets to sophisticated lenders who all made money on the loans even though not as much as they should?  
 Again this was not even common law fraud which has to be proven by clear and convincing evidence . The judge applied the preponderance standard which means proof by 51%! $465 million for 51%? Come on. Trump got shafted.  
 I think I hit the wrong reply button again. ..sign.
Right now, I'm sticking with Engoron's $355M + interest = $465M or so. I don't think it was a shafting. If the Appeals Court lowers it, they will explain their re-calculation, and I'll likely stick with that. Kind of "$175M? OK. ... But I still wish that Engoron's $355 was allowed to stand."

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