Politics and Religion

ed2000 I said a while ago on this broad if you act like a fool then I will give it right back. EOM
pot/kettle 645 reads
2 / 25

could manage to correctly spell the name of the former two-term President.

Another notch on your SPOTY application . . . .

bigguy30 567 reads
3 / 25

So this just shows again the GOP scum are liars and con artist.

The facts are not important and they want to change the subject.

Also clown if you had such a problem with missing the letter A for asshole.

Then the article was over your head anyway. LOL

86H13LTP 835 reads
4 / 25

else . Since you retards put that POS in office he's done nothing but show total disregard for our laws and Constitution . This grey area of P4P is child's play compared to what he does so everybody should follow the lead of our glorious POTUS and step up to real crime .  knocking over banks and  robbing armored cars could be a start . Maybe Walk across the street and shoot that loudmouth fat neighbor who's been pissing you off for 20 years . Fuck the butcher shop  from now on when you want beef just go rustle a steer from some hardworking rancher . Obama says it okay do whatever we want .  

Total anarchy brought to you by the most worthless fuck to ever sit in the Whitehouse . Fuck it , It's just a law .

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 689 reads
5 / 25

Please bigguy go away.

pot/kettle 593 reads
6 / 25

you are the leading candidate for SPOTY.  It has nothing to do with your political partisanship or your beliefs.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 476 reads
7 / 25

1. Impeach

2. Sue him

Repubscumbags know very well, he is doing neither so all the howling at the moon by Leader Repubscums to keep Dumb Repubscum like you in the fold.  

It is simple, stop barking at the moon and take action. You have majority in the congress and the senate. No need for hyperbolic, is there?

bigguy30 551 reads
8 / 25

Posted By: ROMMEL
Please bigguy go away.

86H13LTP 581 reads
9 / 25

out the door .  

Annoy I bet the first thought you had when reading stepping up crime is going back to your old ways of purse snatching from old ladies . You sicko !

bigguy30 560 reads
10 / 25

Posted By: pot/kettle
you are the leading candidate for SPOTY.  It has nothing to do with your political partisanship or your beliefs.  

ed2000 31 Reviews 599 reads
11 / 25

In your attempt to show that President Obama is the same or similar to President Regan (sic) you have, quite inadvertently to be sure, highlighted how he is actually quite different. Several of your examples point out how Reagan would often either seek out or accept COMPROMISE with his political opponents. A political attribute that I suspect Obama does not even know how to spell.

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 7:54:07 PM

bigguy30 611 reads
12 / 25

Posted By: ed2000
In your attempt to show that President Obama is the same or similar to President Regan (sic) you have, quite inadvertently to be sure, highlighted how he is actually quite different. Several of your examples point out how Reagan would often either seek out or accept COMPROMISE with his political opponents. A political attribute that I suspect Obama does not even know how to spell.  

-- Modified on 11/21/2014 7:54:07 PM
-- Modified on 11/21/2014 7:29:00 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 556 reads
13 / 25

Boehner learned this during the original budget negotiations when Obama moved the goal post in the 11th hour after an agreement had been reached. Obama has shown time and again how he simply cannot be trusted to keep his word. This is the main reason why there has been no deal yet om immigration reform. The Republicans want a secure boarder up front but they know that even if Obama agreed to it, he would never fully enforce any enhanced boarder security. Obama's present claims of border security, deportations, etc. are all smoke and mirrors.

BTW, I'm not a member of the GOP.

bigguy30 620 reads
14 / 25

Posted By: ed2000
Boehner learned this during the original budget negotiations when Obama moved the goal post in the 11th hour after an agreement had been reached. Obama has shown time and again how he simply cannot be trusted to keep his word. This is the main reason why there has been no deal yet om immigration reform. The Republicans want a secure boarder up front but they know that even if Obama agreed to it, he would never fully enforce any enhanced boarder security. Obama's present claims of border security, deportations, etc. are all smoke and mirrors.  
 BTW, I'm not a member of the GOP.

ed2000 31 Reviews 596 reads
15 / 25

And even then, you got the quote wrong. Rush said he wanted Obama's policies to fail. I'm sure you can come up with other quotes from actual GOP leaders either directly desiring or alluding to the same desire, but that would be misguided on your part. Not agreeing with a President's policies and wishing they do not get implemented is quite a different thing from not negotiating in good faith and breaking ones word. I might do everything in my power to prevent you from succeeding but in the end if we come to an agreement to move forward I will keep my word. Obama does not know how or does not wish to do that (be honest).

bigguy30 558 reads
16 / 25

The GOP leadership is afraid of the tea party and cannot make any deals because of them.

This is why the deals with the President broke down.

Since the tea party did not want any deals made with Obama or anybody that does not agree with them!

Then make up lies about the President not wanting to work with them.

They need to look in the mirror at themselves!

So I disagree and feel you are wrong.
Posted By: ed2000
And even then, you got the quote wrong. Rush said he wanted Obama's policies to fail. I'm sure you can come up with other quotes from actual GOP leaders either directly desiring or alluding to the same desire, but that would be misguided on your part. Not agreeing with a President's policies and wishing they do not get implemented is quite a different thing from not negotiating in good faith and breaking ones word. I might do everything in my power to prevent you from succeeding but in the end if we come to an agreement to move forward I will keep my word. Obama does not know how or does not wish to do that (be honest).
-- Modified on 11/21/2014 10:19:31 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 626 reads
17 / 25

There's no doubt Boehner has to deal with two factions in the House and getting them to come together is a chore, but Obama seems to think his primary goal is to split the Republicans rather than put deals on the table that would allow them to come together. Why is it so much better for the country to have a party organization such as the one run by Reid in the Senate where they all do exactly as he demands?

Good leaders LEAD. They find ways to get all the factions to buy in, one way or another, not leak information that splits his opposition so nobody wins, as was done in the budget "crisis" during Obama's first term. That Tea Party sympathizer, Bob Woodward wrote then as well that Obama was less than honest in his negotiating tactics. Funny how the best deals seemed to coalesce when Obama's not involved in the negotiation. The linked article is just one of many examples how Obama seems to want to kill the deal.

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 3:19:27 AM

bigguy30 745 reads
18 / 25

You said good leaders lead and I agree with you.

When people don't respect your leadership or the position you are in then that is a problem too!


The facts you gave from Bob Woodward are in question too.

Some in the media claims he is anti President Obama.

I don't know if this is true or not either.

Just by looking at his opinions and stories.

He seems to be very one sided at times.


My own personal feeling is deep down the President and house leader do like each other.

I don't think the President trust the GOP as a whole.

Since they are run by five groups Rush Limbaugh, Fox Fake News, Koch brothers, tea party and finally the GOP so called leaders in Washington DC.

The problem is the outsiders and playing this bullshit game of listening to the crazy people.

Also a lot of white people are afraid this country is changing and don't like the new changes!

These first four groups make sure those people stay afraid and play on their fears.

Then the last part of the group takes it walking papers in Washington DC.
Posted By: ed2000
There's no doubt Boehner has to deal with two factions in the House and getting them to come together is a chore, but Obama seems to think his primary goal is to split the Republicans rather than put deals on the table that would allow them to come together. Why is it so much better for the country to have a party organization such as the one run by Reid in the Senate where they all do exactly as he demands?  
 Good leaders LEAD. They find ways to get all the factions to buy in, one way or another, not leak information that splits his opposition so nobody wins, as was done in the budget "crisis" during Obama's first term. That Tea Party sympathizer, Bob Woodward wrote then as well that Obama was less than honest in his negotiating tactics. Funny how the best deals seemed to coalesce when Obama's not involved in the negotiation. The linked article is just one of many examples how Obama seems to want to kill the deal.  

-- Modified on 11/22/2014 3:19:27 AM

ed2000 31 Reviews 603 reads
21 / 25

That's just my opinion. And it's OK to dismiss me 'cause I'm just a terrified racist white guy.

bigguy30 686 reads
22 / 25

Posted By: ed2000
That's just my opinion. And it's OK to dismiss me 'cause I'm just a terrified racist white guy.

ed2000 31 Reviews 573 reads
23 / 25

I quit reading them quite some time ago.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 12:17:35 PM

bigguy30 638 reads
24 / 25

Posted By: ed2000
I quit reading them quite some time ago.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 12:17:35 PM
-- Modified on 11/24/2014 12:23:11 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 517 reads
25 / 25

That your retort was adept?  Or that I quit reading your posts?

Since you have no idea regarding the latter I must assume you are referencing the former. Surely you do not have a goal  to see that none of your posts are classified as proficient or adroit.

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