Orange County

Interesting discussion
GatormanTX 290 reads

I love the site.I’m just wish more ladies from the ads I see were on there. I feel comfortable on p411. Interesting that it takes 30 okays for provider to feel comfortable, if at all. I just do not participate that often. I am selective, as many providers are, and I just don’t have that many. I think 5 in the past couple years, maybe.  

I cannot imagine some of what the ladies deal with given reviews I read, but I would have thought p411 was more of a comfort to the com-anions.

A question for the ladies who are on P411....

An IT professional in my late 50's, I have always preferred the company of mature ladies (over 40 is good, over 50 is better).  I have been a P411 member for over 5 years, with about 30 references (aka OK's) on that site.  For the last several years, I have been traveling for various reasons, and P411 has been very useful for finding ladies to see while I am on the road (I have many references on other sites, but P411 is my go-to when traveling).  In fact thanks to P411, I have had some of my best experiences in my almost 30 years in the Hobby thanks to the connections I have made on that site.  I have even gone as far as calling P411 "invaluable" to others who like to play when in other cites.  That is, until recently ...

In the past 6 months, I have traveled to 3 different cites and as I reach out to ladies in those areas on P411, I am getting the impression that my references on that site may not be enough to the ladies I try to contact.  I have had the entire spectrum; from ladies who are happy to see me, to ladies who don't respond to any of my requests, to those who schedule then cancel, to those who out and out refuse to see me.  

I am always respectful and professional when contacting any lady (always have been) , and realize there are legitimate reasons why a lady may not wish to see me, but this is happening so much now that it is making me wonder if there is something else at work here.

So my questions for the ladies are:  
How much weight do you give references on P411 when considering seeing someone who has reached out to you on that site?
Do you have other sites/resources that you feel have more weight than the information you see on P411 about someone?
Given my description of what I am seeing, is there something else going on that maybe I am not aware of?

I would love to know what you think.  If you do not want your opinions to be made public, please PM me.

P411 is my favorite! I Love all of the information it provides in profiles and references. If you have 30 OKs that makes it very easy for me to contact those ladies for references.

I'm right with you on this

Posted By: alexissweet69
Re: P411
P411 is my favorite! I Love all of the information it provides in profiles and references. If you have 30 OKs that makes it very easy for me to contact those ladies for references.

As to your concern Sir or Madam,  

I find it odd with 30 "okays"  that people are discounting your inquiries.  
Have you inquired of your prospective dates, as to why they're ignoring
you, or the "real" reasons for their cancelling a booked date?

Perhaps there's for whatever reason,  a comment about you somewhere
on a "Blacklist" site?    

That would be the only single reason I personally would not see you, if you
have such a vast network of Screening Approvals.  
However,  you would not be able to ascertain this knowledge on your own.    
Only Providers have access to said "Blacklist Sites".

In my 6 years of experience, it's like pulling teeth just to get a new prospective
Client to send one reference that's viable, let alone, the vast Screening positives  
which you have!

I,  in fact,  do not see ANYONE  without  at  least  3  Verifiable  Reputable Provider  

I may receive 100 inquires, and may only get one Client that passes the screening.
Everyone else is either reluctant to give unobtrusive information to book, or they  
simply haven't references at all.  

Those Providers whom see Clients without references are taking a huge safety risk!

Sure I need the remunerations, and in fact I've been sinking quickly financially due  
to the last year of major Covid business interuptions....  however, I'd rather not be  
dead if an axe murder decides to visit me in the form of an "un-referenced Client"!

I do not understand why it's so difficult for some people to realize that  there's  a  
"Real"  protocol for  scheduling  in the "REPUTABLE" arena of P4P.

I'm always of course, nice about it to them, but I'm like  "please do your research  
prior to contact"....I have a Website, there's also search engines to use if you're  
new to this arena and unaware what "P4P" even is!

The reason as to why I never initially registered on there to be  listed as a Provider,  
Companion, Licensed Massage Therapist,  and Escort Model,  was  they required a  
photo ID;  specifically my Driver's License,  with  ALL of my REAL information to verify  
only my age.    

Additionally, any other site which requires real info and a photo  ID of my Driver's  
License, I do not appear on.    
It's a total invasion of privacy, and I'm very opposed to sites which feel the need  
to have one's  Driver's License "on file".   (I believe there are larger "forces"  involved
here,  when our very personal information is being stored)

This scared me away as it was during the "Ashl**  Mad****"
Client information leak to the Public.

I couldn't fathom  having my family discover my secret life!

It is a mystery to me how all of the other Providers and  Hobbyists  are  
able to somehow  get around this on the site and have been able to "Verify"  
and register.

I've tried recently to Register to see if they've changed their Verification Policy,
and now they're supposedly "no longer accepting new Provider Applicants"
was the message I received.

Any help from the masses would greatly be appreciated.

I normally get excited when I get someone from p411. I have never had a bad experience from p411. its been great for me

For me if a gent has 30 okays from ladies who are still active on P411 I have no issue.
What I have been experiencing myself is gents who have many okays but they are from a long time ago and the ladies are no longer active on P411. In this case I do ask for more additional info while the number of okays look like alot of they are not valid to me it is like they do not exist.
idk how recent your okays are or if the ladies are still active perhaps that can/is an issue?
Just my .02

I love that site, and one of the main reasons is because I know when I guy from there contacts me it is a good client.  I usually kwill give priority booking to those callers.

As for the responses you have been getting, I would say that you are having a run of bad luck,  it happens.  And that there are a lot more ladies on that site there there used to be.  They recently opened up to new providers joining and thus maybe the quality of ladies on there is getting watered down.

just my .02 cents.


When there were transitions of less quality sites going offline, preferred & another one increased their provider members. Still awesome quality ladies on the 411 but an increase in the less than professional gals as well. So that’s one thought…

Feel free to reach out to me directly and I’m happy to see if I can confirm a couple other possible reasons for you. You definitely seem like a gentleman from what I can tell, so I can dig in a bit if it helps you.  

*I love & adore my clients who are doing things right and have found they’re getting overlooked by other ladies or getting a bad rep for things unrelated to them. If/when there are grade A clients out there, I feel it’s just as awesome to sing their praises as it is to blacklist the ones to watch out for. So if you’re a guy who follows the golden rule, you shouldn’t be getting the shaft- but rather “giving your shaft” instead 😜 I can see if I can narrow down the issue.  

(not a shameless promotion or looking to be hired to troubleshoot, it is likely a quick & easy answer I can find out for you)

I love to, do my own homework & chemistry checks. I have never trusted 3rd party sites, or references from providers I do not know personally. Everyone is different.

30 or 100 okays I'm still going to screen you and ask about 3-4 ladies about you
and then run more screening on you on my side.
I do the same for any one that's not on P411 ..

I love the site.I’m just wish more ladies from the ads I see were on there. I feel comfortable on p411. Interesting that it takes 30 okays for provider to feel comfortable, if at all. I just do not participate that often. I am selective, as many providers are, and I just don’t have that many. I think 5 in the past couple years, maybe.  

I cannot imagine some of what the ladies deal with given reviews I read, but I would have thought p411 was more of a comfort to the com-anions.

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