
I know
badger48 110 Reviews 51 reads

a lot what is said on the boards.
I also know what bookers have said/texted to me.
Granted, it was a while back, and I had just started using those Bookers.


I also don't take board, or any talk/texts from someone and attribute it to someone else.
When I post it's something I have done, said or heard directly.  
If not, then I clarify it so there is, hopefully, no misunderstanding.

So the other day I schedule with one of the girls I like. She's in a complex I've never been to before. It's a late night appointment. Everything is fine. Until...  

About four hours before, PO lets me know that the gate is broken and tells me to come earlier so I can follow someone into the garage. Props to the PO for letting me know right away and not last minute.  

Now, I normally hate doing these makeshift entrances, ie hopping fences, waiting for some to use entrance so I can walk behind them.

If the po tells me this when I arrive, I typically say no thanks. As someone who is dressed "urbanly" looks young tall has facial hair and a hat that covers most of my face, I am very wary about any actions that could be considered as trespassing by the complex security. And late night I stick out like a sore thumb.

But what the hell, mistake number one by me - thinking with my dick. I think, hey I like this girl a lot and I do have some extra prep time before so ok, fine. How hard can it be. I scope out the location on Google maps, looks manageable

Well. I arrive and it's kinda of a shit show. The garage is right on the corner and just off the street. I can't really double park there on that side and wait for someone. So I flip a bitch, and stand about a third of a block off with hazards on, ready to make a dedicated left into the garage whenever someone comes by. This is late night so not a lot of cars are coming in.

Time passes by and I'm getting a bit worried because of lack of cars. Suddenly one comes in quickly, going fast and pulls into the garage.

I immediately jet and get into the left lane and try to get behind the car.Anyone who watched the street I think it was obvious what I was doing.

The car is very quick through the gate and yet I think it sees me pulling up fast behind it and it stalls almost deliberately. As a result when I get to the gate I see the gate closing rapidly.

Have to make a split second decision. I see the "one car at a time, we are not responsible for the damages" sign, see the rapidly closing hole and say fuck it. I guess I was determined to penetrate that night.  

I floor the gas pedal and with engine roaring, barely... by the tiniest hair... I avoid a hit from the gate and make it through.  

Holy hell batman. What an experience. As I park, look at the shitty cell signal and take a puff from my vape pen to calm my nerves I think to myself. Never again. Never fucking again. I go see escorts to have fun and calm my nerves, not the other way around.  

Have others experienced makeshift entrances late night? How nerve wrecking were they?

Short answer:  no.  

I’m an early appointment guy. 10:00 AM. I hate the situations when code doesn’t work and it’s suggested I follow someone in.  Hate it.  It has happened to me a few times and I was not given the heads up before arriving.  Hate it.  

I admire your guts running the gate.  

Gate and code malfunction reflects poorly on the K-org. I feel bad for the Kgirl because they have no control over the situation.  

Once a Booker directed me not to the wrong location, but instructed me to knock on door.  When a guy opened the door, I’m not too sure who was more shocked. Me, seeing some old gray fat guy. Or the guy seeing another guy all smiles in anticipation of seeing a hot Kgirl.  

Booker apologized multiple times. I laughed it off but it taught me to have a plan B ready if plan A fails.

He's the Man because of this post, where he was inches away from a major FUCK UP?
Or are you patting him on the back for other more deserving posts?

I'm just wondering, badger, what would you do in my situation?

I mean, aside from politely telling the booker that I don't want to engage with trying to find a way to piggyback into a building?

The garage door didn't have an opening for a pedestrian to walk through. You either walk behind the car - which imo looks even worse as you'll just be loitering near garage and then basically have to run down into a garage behind a car - or drive behind the car.

asking R550, "why he thought you were the man"!
I wasn't getting down on you.


But to answer you, I would never take that advice from a Booker or anybody else with instructions to sneak in/piggyback behind someone in a car.
At least, the way I see it, walking in behind a car you won't rear end or smash into the gate/arm and open up that can 'o' worms!
If they won't send down the Kgirl or let me get in any way on my own, I would chalk it up to a wasted trip, give them the dough, if they ask for it, so I don't have to hear them sniveling about it!


I guess basically I don't want any drama or hassles, that can spill over for future visits.

Just FYI - some fellow mongers who refused to go in and wanted to reschedule - were subsequently Bld. Not saying it happens all the time, but definitely has happened before.

Bld for refusing to act strange/suspicious when PO failed to provide an alternative safe entry.

Maybe it's also about how you work with them. I've never been the one to suggest the reschedule -- the booker has always been the one to finally conclude they are unable to provide access into the complex so have not lived up to their agreement. You don't have to say "I'm not going to act..." or "I'm not going to do X.". You can just say, using your example, "No one is going in for me to follow." Or "I've tried to follow someone but it's not possilbe -- if I am really close they block me from not coding in and if I leave a space so they are gone the gate is closing too fast. What is an alternative?"

Not saying that no one saying they want a rescheduled appointment never gets poor service. Just saying how I deal with the situation and that it's just never been that big a deal -- annoying during the time but yes but other than having a good story to tell it's just never built up into some type of problem and confrontational situation between me and a booker.

So if there IS someone you can follow in but you simply don't want to because it would get your blood pressure up and youd look suspicious and might get reported to the complex security.... your suggestion is.... lying? Maybe I did not understand you correctly but it certainly reads like this to me.  

 Why does a monger have to lie instead of telling the truth, all to keep up some good relationship? This makes zero sense to me.  

If this is a two way relationship, a po should be able to understand reluctance of someone who is standing out like a sore thumb, at night, to follow someone in. No?  Certainly you seem to understand the reluctance. Why can't a PO?  

If a monger has to make up a lie to avoid a po's wrath in a situation that is no fault of the monger, what does that say about your relationship and what does it say about the po?

-- Modified on 4/29/2024 7:16:14 PM

No. As usual you DON'T get me right and just use your bias filters to make shit up to argue against. TFATTT.

Hold on, what exactly did I make up?

You made an advise, I interpreted it the way I have, and even said I might have misinterpreted it. What exactly did I make up?  

Here's your advise of framing things in a certain way:

"You don't have to say "I'm not going to act..." or "I'm not going to do X.". You can just say, using your example, "No one is going in for me to follow." Or "I've tried to follow someone but it's not possilbe -- if I am really close they block me from not coding in and if I leave a space so they are gone the gate is closing too fast. What is an alternative?"

I don't get why anyone has to frame this situation in a way that isn't true. There IS someone to go in but I don't want to risk my safety. So yes I'm gonna say "I'm not going to do x" instead of some "you see the circumstances are.." bs. And I'll make sure to let them know it's their fault. Because it is. Pointing out failure of one side when they fail shouldn't be grounds for any retaliatory actions.  

It's their fault for providing nonsafe entry and only their fault as far as our two way biz goes.  

So why do I have spend even a second of my time to construct and frame my point in order to be less confrontational and also say untrue statements ? I didn't pay to sit here with po and think of alternative routes. That's not my job. That's their job. I get paid to solve problems at work. This isn't my work. I pay THEM to solve these problems.  

It's very simple. Only ONE side is responsible for safe entry in this biz. And when there is no safe entry, only one side is responsible for it. And that side is whoever is at the incall. In this case, not the client.  

And to me it's IMPERATIVE that side that is responsible for safe entry acknowledges and assumes their responsibility and accountability for failing to provide a safe entry.  

There is no "oh let's brainstorm this shit together".  

I know for sure if the roles were reversed and if it was the escort who was out for an outcall and I'd tell her to walk or drive behind someone, I'd get cussed out and walked on ASAP.
And who'd blame her? This is my problem I couldn't get her in in a safe manner. Not hers.  


So yes, I don't understand why you advise to frame "Im not going to" - which is a true statement - as "I can't" - which is an untrue statement.  

I COULD say ok - I'll follow someone but if I get stopped by security I'm going to spill the beans. But guess what? No PO likes that and it sounds like a threаt.

-- Modified on 5/1/2024 7:11:53 PM

-- Modified on 5/1/2024 7:18:17 PM

You say one thing - I criticize your argument and then you will claim I'm myopic/biased and making up shit. Oh and "too argumentative to talk to" - seems to be a favorite of yours.  

This happens suspiciously every time when you're put you in a position where you would have to criticize po. Something you haven't been able to do publicly yet.  

One more time, in this thread most if not all people have agreed that asking to follow someone in is not a good thing and does not appear safe.  

Why in the world can't we initiate rescheduling then and have to wait for the other side to reschedule? Why do we have to fucking explain WHY we think following someone in is not safe or secure and raises suspicion?  

Why? The truth is on the client side. Why do we have to do anything besides say that by definition following someone in is not a safe procedure, hence I want to reschedule?  

Why do we have to wait for the po to conclude themselves that they breached the contract if the very ask of following someone is such a breach? Is the po stupid or power hungry? Of course, you're never going to answer this question.  

I'm going to make a thread in Gen pop asking providers what would they do in similar situation in the case of an outcall.  

I wonder if providers will wait for clients to conclude that the outcall entry is unsafe and then clients will reschedule. We will find out. And I - as usual - will be very interested in double standards.

I don't see how you get to telling a lie at all. That's you and your filters.

Yes, I work with the booker to find a mutually acceptable solution to access and if we cannot come up with a solution let them conceed that point and suggest the reschedule. I don't try to be obstinant or demanding about the solutions but am honest about the the situation and any problems I have with any specific solition.

If you want to make a big deal about "can't" as in clearly some one physically able to preform some action as a lie fine. I'll just note that many people say things like "I cannot bring myself to do X" or "I can't do that" when they really could do it but have some personal hesitation, fear or phobias about it. Like making speaches in front of a group or even asking a question in class for students. Or asking for a raise for employees.  I guess we're all liars for you and you never ever say something that is not 100% gramatically, factually and physically true.

-- Modified on 5/10/2024 11:51:01 PM

Look man.  

Your whole point revolved around comparing how people who have been bld, and how you would handle the situation differently.

You stipulated that you maybe shouldn't ask to reschedule yourself. To which I objected. Why? It's their fault. I shouldn't have to explain or justify anything.  

I made a whole separate topic as to what would happen if roles were reversed. And pretty much everyone there said the guest wouldn't have to explain anything to the host.

And the host should accept accountability. This is a key theme throughout this discussion. Accountability. For some reason POs think they shouldn't have any.  

Yes, I consider twisting words around to sofen the impact as a lie. Not only it is a lie, it is a carefully crafted and premeditated lie designed with a clear purpose. It masks the real meaning. Maybe it's something that one would use when it gets to politics at work or whatever. I wouldn't know. I don't like obfuscating things. I'm gonna tell the ugly truth, and you gonna take it. That's how it goes with me in all facets of life. If you can't take it, too bad.  

Why do you think I'm so against euphemisms in reviews?  Because they often attempt to soften criticisms and obfuscate criticisms. And such softening directly saves sellers and hurts buyers. In a review that is supposed to be critical.

You attempted to say one should phrase shit carefully in a different way to not get bld for something he has a right to do because it's not the guests fault.

Yes, trying to frame things to sound like it's a circumstantial problem and not the hosts problem which he/she ahold acknowledge, is the same thing as lying to me. If you didn't mean that, which I had my doubts about, then I said I might have misinterpret things. You accused me of making up stuff.  
Come on.  

No matter how ugly the truth is, a po should be able to accept it and take accountability. If it's his or her fault.

And what your post did - or at least appeared to me - is attempting to diffuse a situation and act like it's no one's fault and some common problem designed to be solved co-op.

I don't get why I or anyone else has to play these games. It's very simple:  

I dont have a safe or secure way to enter. It is your fault. I'm not going to do your unsecured way of entry. I don't like it. Let's reschedule for the time I do not have to trail someone in.

That shouldnt get me bld. All of this is true and reasonable.

Do you agree?

Parked?, or double parked?, with the hazards on!

You barely got your car in under the gate, that's an inch away from a BIG fuckin' mess!
At least you didn't draw attention to yourself^^!

So, why not park on the street and walk in behind someone at a door, or a vehicle at the garage entrance?
Oh wait, why not have the girl come and open the door? Too easy?

To answer your question, I'm sure most of the guys have had fucked up doors, keypads and elevators.
On another thread I talked about reconning exits and stairways, before the session, when it's possible, and on the way out.
You can add parking in the area to that too.  
But the go to should always be, have the girl let you in!  

I am really surprised you did that, unbelievable Rocket!

Maybe you guys in LA get to choose your way of entry but here  we are at POs mercy. They tell us what to do. One time because of a broken elevator I was sent to walk twice around the building (as in, outside around the block) at 1am until po figured it out and someone opened a keypad door from within. Probably the girl.  

Whats interesting - a girl never have directly opened the door/gate for me ever. I've had a girl walk me out after but not the other way around.  

Some orgs you have to dip into a garage to go through an unlocked door. This also looks sketch as hell during nighttime. But not as bad as walking behind someone at night. Imo that's the worst during the night.... unless it's a popular complex and there's people constantly near the front entrance, food delivery, rideshare clients etc. Then you can kind of time it but I rally dislike the whole concept. It makes people suspicious.  

To answer your question. I was indeed double parked with hazards on.

-- Modified on 4/16/2024 1:00:51 AM

for me is, "What were you thinking?"   If you hit the guy's car, and as you say, you don't look like the typical resident that lives there, what are you going to say your reason for being there in the first place is if the guy decides he wants a police report about the accident?  I gotta go with badger on this one.  Way too much risk in being reckless in any way at a Kgirl incall, especially when the evidence would suggest that you were trying to force your way into the garage because you don't have a transponder.  I can't think of a single thing you could say that would not qualify to be used against you as an "admission against interest."  Even if you say nothing and ask for your attorney, you'll be taking a ride downtown with the officer.  And all because you couldn't control yourself once you were close enough to smell the pussy.  Lol

I was never close to hitting the guys car.

I was close to the gate (sideways one) hitting MY car

And yes, like I've said, never again am I doing the whole "follow someone in" bullshit

follow the Bookers instructions.
They have had me go from bldg 2, the incall, to bldg 1 to get in the complex.
Last few weeks the elevator was out and had to use stairwells.
But I know my way around from exit exploring!

All this is kind of funny, because Bookers always say to be cool and look inconspicuous, but IMO, it all falls apart when the keypads don't work, locked doors that are supposed to be unlocked, broken elevators and messed up codes come into play!  

So, there are enough to things to go wrong, without adding something that could bring the cops, on site manager or some pushy neighbor sticking his nose into the situation!

Bookers do not always say be cool and look inconspicuous. It's customers on discussion boards that say it.  The most I've ever seen of a booker "saying" (I haven't talked to one in years, only text) anything remotely related to safety is if they go to the trouble of posting such information on their website (seems to me the majority do not), or they text "Don't Knock the Door" when they send you the code. It's a few guys on this and other boards that often harp about not hanging around the front door, not looking at your phone (because of course only a hobbyist would be looking at their phone), don't accept a bottle of water (nobody drinks water except hobbyists, especially from one of those mini bottles that companies make specifically for their K-girl distributors). The facts are that bookers supply the water bottles, tell guys to piggyback when someone else opens the door, or walk/drive through garage gate when opened by others. Not to mention who knows how many girls set up in any particular building with multiple guys arriving like clockwork at 10:00 or 11:00, or 12:15 and so on throughout the day. Rocket may go overboard on his rants about bookers, but guys that don't have enough self-control to ignore his posts (and I don't mean by putting him on ignore) also go overboard in defending bookers when they argue with Rocket.

I'm saying bookers aren't the ones telling guys to be cool, it's users on the board.  I didn't say you were arguing with Rocket, i said guys. Not suggesting you're not a guy, but not suggesting you're arguing with him now.

a lot what is said on the boards.
I also know what bookers have said/texted to me.
Granted, it was a while back, and I had just started using those Bookers.


I also don't take board, or any talk/texts from someone and attribute it to someone else.
When I post it's something I have done, said or heard directly.  
If not, then I clarify it so there is, hopefully, no misunderstanding.

New York City isn't LA!  VERY different. A lot of the KMPs were (still are?) in commercial buildings so the buzzers, doors and elevators were usually working and reliable. On the ground (street) level are retail shops with big windows and wide doors (E.g., "Bob's Buttons" in the garment district - every button any garment / fashion company could ever need). Between the shops are single, nondescript unmarked doors with an intercom / buzzer to gain entrance into an elevator lobby.  
On one late evening occasion -- I wasn't there to shop for buttons at 9PM! -- there were some young guys hanging around in front of the intercom / door I wanted to use. I walk up and down the block a few times, waiting for them to finish their smokes and move away, but that doesn't happen. I call the phone girl and say, "I'm here, but there are some guys hanging around the front door and I don't want any hassle." "Don't worry! They work for us! They are security! They won't give you any problem." And it was smooth, friendly sailing from there.

Posted By: badger48
Re: You're kidding me!
 ... At least you didn't draw attention to yourself^^!  
... So, why not park on the street and walk in behind someone at a door, or a vehicle at the garage entrance?  
 Oh wait, why not have the girl come and open the door? Too easy?  

I had a front door malfunction and was instructed to enter through the garage once. I parked the car and loitered near the garage entrance before hustling in behind a car. I tried to wait for the car to get into the place before moving in just before the gate cut me off. The driver probably would have seen me if he was looking in the mirror, but I tried to look like I was a regular returning from a walk. I’m not much of an actor though. Things worked fine and I was on time!

...and (thankfully) I have never been put into a position like that. TBH if given that kind of instruction, even with time to spare, I would have driven away and never used that booker again. I balk at visiting escorts in hotels that need a key card, lol. Visiting kgirls in and of itself is risk enough for me, without adding an additional thrill ride aspect to it 😁

I was reading the San Diego board elsewhere and it seems like a common issue among orgs there. People sharing tips on lockpicking and fence hopping and following behind people and stuff.  

Although rgh seems to know where I'm coming from and seems like it happened to him a few times too.

it happens all the time, I mentioned a few things that have gone wrong.

The few buildings that I know of that have customer parking, the gates are controlled by the girls or maybe even the Booker, or you are given a gate code.
Getting the code has worked very smooth. You text you have arrived, not parked, I am up the street (no hazards^^), they send the code and space number, and you drive up, put in the code and enter.  
Almost like you live there.


So, when it's good, it's real good!
But when it's fucked up it's real fucked up!!

How does being TALL and, in a hoodie, and urban dressed make you more suspicious or intimidating?
Add young to that too, I'm sure there are plenty of older felons on the prowl.
I've known plenty of dangerous characters under 5'9"!

I don't think they are actually picking locks with picks.
Maybe just slipping a latch when there is space between the door and frame.
I read some of the chatter about San Diego, it's amazing what they're being told to do to enter a building.

Makes me happy to be an L.A. Monger!

When I was a young guy, I climb a tree to get to an apartment window on the second floor to bang a girl who didn’t  want to get out of bed to let me the main door. I could have fallen, died, gotten arrested…but I got inside her apartment and fucked her silly.  

So, Badger, Rocket could have really fucked up but he got lucky. He must be young. A young guy!!!

he got lucky!
But I believe he is in his 30's.

Yeah, it's little things like this that make it hard to use some agencies, unless I know a girl is only available there.

I know the layout of some places so I actually park and follow a car in on foot, since there is elevator access after the gate. If asked, I'll say I helped a friend move out yesterday but dropped my wallet. So my friend isn't there to let me in, and I just want to "look around" and maybe their "roommate" will let me in to check there. Since I'm dressed low key nobody would question me.

Most of the time it's easy. But, it's an unnecessary stress.

I have heard of Uber, and I am a frequent user of Uber and Lyft and some other rideshares.

I even remember using RideAustin in Austin when they had Uber and Lyft banned for a brief period of time. Around 7 years ago or so.  

But what does any of this have to do with my topic?
Do you think an Uber driver would follow someone through like I have? Lol.  

The issue wasn't being on car versus being on foot. The issue was a dangerous and suspicious entry via garage, which cannot be accessed by foot or car without following a car in.

Do I really have to explain it? If you don't have a car, you don't enter through the garage. You use the main entrance to the building. There is no way to potentially damage your car if you don't bring your car.

There was no other entry option offered by the PO than through the garage. Is that so hard for you to understand?  
You never had a po tell you the only way is through the garage?  

What good would Uber do? Watch me get out at front entrance and then loiter late night waiting for someone to get in?  

Not to mention many gates and pads apparently get closed and taken down past a certain time in certain complexes.

That's why I asked you whether you ever gone whoring at night

The issue wasn't so much me hitting my car, but me being irritated by the fact there was no safe and secure entry. I drive an old bucket to fuckhouses, it ain't even two way insured. If I got hit by the gate, I wouldn't even attempt to get it repaired or fixed. Still, I wouldnt want to be in such a situation. And obviously it would affect my session.

-- Modified on 5/6/2024 5:33:04 PM

Dude, are you really this dense, or do you just love kicking a dead horse well past its demise? That's a rhetorical question since we all know the answer.

No, I've never had a booker tell me that the garage is the ONLY way to enter. That's absurd. The pedestrian entrance is the least suspicious way to enter a building. Even if you have to follow someone else through the door. Unless you look like a weirdo or a vagrant, most of the time, residents will let you in if you don't have the door code. In 15 years of k-girl mongering, and countless broken call boxes, this method has never failed. Just walk in the door like you belong there.

Now let's consider your absurd scenario. Even if there was NO other way to enter except for the garage, you would STILL be better off walking through the garage gate, instead of trying to drive through, nearly damaging your car, and potentially causing a public disturbance. Anyway you look at it, Uber is a far better alternative if you are visiting a neighborhood where it's difficult or impossible to find parking.

Now go ahead and come up with some other ridiculous reason why your way makes more sense...

See, this is the issue. I have been told this multiple times by the PO. And the last time was fairly recent too. And this lass time I was parked nearby.  

You also fail at reading. The issue wasn't me not being able to find parking. Uber wouldn't have helped in ANY way. The issue was the entry which was only possible through the garage.

There is no "my way". But sure, when po literally tells me the garage is the only way of entry, Merlin87 seems to know better. Lol.

The only way that could be true is if the apartment building had NO pedestrian entrance. Which, as I said, is absurd. Every apartment building has a door at street level where people can walk in. THAT's the entrance you should use. Any smart monger would do the same.

I've had many bookers offer to let me park in their assigned space inside the parking garage. I don't use it. You know why? I don't want my car potentially trapped inside that place if something bad goes down. If the booker says, use the garage. I say, no thanks, and I use the main entrance instead. Works just fine every time. And it would have worked just fine for you, my dazed & confused friend.

That the most accessible entrance is generally the one most visible to building security as well so is often avoided by the agency/provider. I do agree that generally there are alternative  entrances, side doors that have key pads for entering door codes or calling the appartment to be buzzed in.

Unless the location is really one that will never have people just walking in (struggling to think of a situation where that might be the case) telling someone they can only access the location via the garage seems silly. It would also be a business that I'm not likely to want to do any business with as well. They should be looking for a better location if they want me as a regular customer (or perhaps a customer at all).

Jensen, I can send you a screenshot of my convo with the booker if you promise to not distribute it. I trust you.

I don't know what they fuck I should do to get people to believe me. All I've said was the truth as it is.

I'll accept that the booker is only offering access via the garage. Just noting that it's unusual that there are not other, specifically side, entrances that could be used. I get that some might want to avoid the main entrance. But as I siad, if they don't have some better alternative than saying "part and wait on the street in your car and follow someone else into the garage" I'm looking somewhere else unless they have some truly amazing girls there.

I literally asked the booker if I could avoid using the garage. The answer was literally that the garage is the only way in.

What, you want me to upload our text convo? I asked literally if there's another entrance I could use. The answer was no. If II wanted easier entry I was told, I'd still use the garage only I should schedule earlier in the day when there are less cars to follow in

That to me is  extremely unsatisfactory. If you claim that youre open during night hours, you need to provide me with a way to get in. The result? I swore that from now on I'd always ask the booker if garage is the only way in, and if it is I will not schedule the appointment.  

I always love how you say dumb shit assuming. And always parade around with the whole "in my fifteen years". You told me a whole lot bunch of dumb shit.  

To use Uber - who the FUCK uses Uber to drive to whore houses?  

To disregard what booker says and go rogue and try to find an entrance yourself. Who the fuck does that? Why do I want to try to find an entrance myself when I'm fucking high off ganja? Fuck outta here.

And even if I did all this I'd still have to be a shady dude who is blazed trying to come inside (ha) behind some dude during night time, in an entrance that has card only exclusivity. And some entrance I haven't seen anyone use to get inside.  

I asked you before - how many night time appointments have you had in these 15 years? Were you made walk around the block twice at 1am?  

You're still salty I called you out for not publicly criticizing girls you had bad experience with, I see. Hence the dumb snarky comments.

for asking this, but I have too.
I read this a few times, quite a few!
"If II wanted easier entry I was told, I'd still use the garage only I should schedule earlier in the day when there are less cars to follow in"
So, if I got it wrong, just ignore me and don't beat me up!
How can an entry be easier if there are less cars around?
Won't that mean you will be hanging around longer, more exposer, starting the session later and still might get hit by the closing gate? And open up that can 'o' worms!

Sounds like it would be easier to rent a pad there^^!

No, that's my goof up lol. I meant more cars to follow in.

If that's too hard to understand, I'm not sure what to say.

How many times have you walked in behind someone past midnight. Do tell.  

Plenty of elevators, gates stop working during that time. Security guards are often circling the building and garage parking.  

I've even offered to show texts (to a third party not you) where po tells me in plain English that the garage is the only way to enter because the ped gate is closed.

I've had countless nighttime appointments. Never had a problem entering the buildings.

Just because the booker tells you to do something stupid, doesn't mean you have to do it.

Next time, use the pedestrian entrance. Problem solved. You're welcome.

This is a quick way to get blacklisted here in the bay area.

But you suggest standing like a hobo at the ped gate which is closed, with security guard sniffing around and no one in sight in the middle of the night.  

Sorry, I don't have big enough balls for that. To think someone would do that but refuse to write negative reviews is pretty hard for me to grasp.

So no, I will not defy the po when I ask the po if there any other way in and the po says no.

So you insist that we all write negative reviews about these sweet young ladies, yet you are not willing to defy a booker once in a while? That's rich. Get a backbone, dude.

It sounds like you have an odd relationship with those BA bookers. First, you say they cancel on you a lot. Then they try to get your car damaged by stupidly asking you to enter through a gated garage with no access code. (And you stupidly obey.)

Based on your high volume of whining here on this discussion board, I'm starting to think maybe you attract this type of treatment. Maybe the bookers are F-ing with you on purpose. That's really the only possible answer - LOL!

Writing a negative review about a product or service you felt was not good, doesn't require anything besides being honest and transparent.

Defying the POs instructions on how to enter, 1) endagers a clients status 2)assumes I know something about the building aside from what I can tell in Google 3) in this case, entails interactions with the door, security guard and people who might be coming in/out late night.  

I don't see why I have to figure out how to enter the building on my own.  

The cancelations and broken pads and codes, etc isn't exclusive to the bay area. Plenty of people in socal also experience them.  

The last time this happened, I flat out canceled the appointment. As I've said, never again am I following someone in. In person or in the car. Either I get in like a normal.human being who either calls the apartment or has a code to enter, or I walk.

Shawshank Redemption?  You crawl in through the sewer pipe, but don't expect DFK or BBBJ when you get there.  

These days, I only go to one location and entry/parking issues are a big reason why.  It would take someone very special to get me to go to one of the other places.  I have been to most of the other locations in town at some point and it just isn't worth the added time and potential stress anymore.  

I got lucky at my first time to a new place last year where there was no code to enter, even tho PO gave me a code, but luckily a resident was driving up and opened the gate and didnt seem to mind or notice me following behind. I wasn't waiting for anyone tho, i just circled the block and luckily I got behind a guy heading in. Really wanted to see that girl again but not w/that gate issue, no thanks.

Today the guy ahead of me was having issues. So near top of the hour I was behind him at the gate, he entered code a few times and it wouldnt open so he scoots up a bit. I thought he was going to make the turn and leave, but he just waited for me to enter code. It was an old man so he doesnt look like criminal to me hah. We got through gate and he goes towards my building I went other way just being paranoid i guess. We both went in a full circle, dont think he noticed me, and then saw him park near my building. Don't think he saw or notice me as i watched him trying to enter a code again this time for the building. First time here weird code to get your car into the area, then again to get in the building. His code not working again and he ran towards a young lady walking towards building who would open the door for him. Maybe that was his daughter and he's not a monger who knows. When i finished my session his car was gone already if that means anything.


This horse (issue) is dead and buried already

Make your entry into garage, through a tunnel or parachute into Kgirls room.  

I can give a shit.  

Personally, I go into apartment complex through the door which is meant to receive visitors. I’ve never had an issue.  I walk right to apartment and wait for magic door to open.  
Then I enjoy myself.  

I don’t give a shit if anyone sees me.  I’m not doing anything wrong.  I’m just a visitor.  What happens BCD is consensual.  

In the 15 plus years I’ve been Kgirling I’ve had zero issues.  I can’t say the same for strip clubs or massage parlors. I avoid those places.  


I like your story.  Essentially, there’s a k-girl waiting for you in a room not far away and for reasons beyond your control you are trying to follow PO’s instructions and get beyond the pearly gates.  This shit happens.  And it’s after you’ve set up date with PO, driven to the date location, and you’re thinking I just gotta follow instructions to get to hot woman for some fun.  The little man is usually in charge in these situations.  

Based on your experience, I suspect you’ll think twice about risking damage to your car to gain entry.  But whatever.  In this post, you are Batman!  Awesome dude!  Good job.  

I just posted review of Jamie in SJ and I had access issues.  It was harmless in comparison, but I knew I had to get into that bldg.  We do what we got to do.  


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