Review: Zola

TER ID: 296856

Posted: June, 2016 by VENDETTA1337

VIP only


VIP only


VIP only


VIP only

Session Location

No where. we never met

General Details

This provider is a RIPOFF. She asked me to deposit 175$ first, which I did. After a few hours, she claims that she needed the rest (425$) to pay her school tuition. I was stupid enough to give it to her due to her high reviews. She will start texting and act like she is nice and genuine, but be careful, she is a very good liar, and everyone should stay away. By the way, the pictures IS NOT HER okay, it is from a czech republic pornstar named Clara Goldnerova. If you really want to see, go to the city-source website right click and search google for image. We literally scheduled for 2 months, excuse after excuse. After the first week, she went on vacation for two weeks. But after that, she continues with more creative excuses.. And yes, I know I was stupid to keep trying after the third time. But after the 5th time , I was curious what she wants from me because she already received the money.

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