Review: Summer and Nicole of Southern CA

TER ID: 50056

Posted: January, 2005 by YOURSTRULY

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costa mesa

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Dear Diary, The tubes from the life support system make it difficult to write, but I'll try. I paid a visit to Summer and Nicole this afternoon, I had the audacity to book them for two hours, who was I kidding, these girls are hot, way hot, and I should have known this would happen, now, there's nothing left of me, it was all burned up in the fires of I moved from excitement to sheer bliss, I felt myself weaken, when sheer bliss turned to unbounded joy, delirum set in, when unbounded joy moved into nirvana...............................sorry, I just flatlined and the doctors had to jump start my heart.......they told me the first words I said when I came to were, I'm goin back......for three hours

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