Review: Melody
TER ID: 272175
Downtown Broadway
General Details
Been to JONY many times, and service is pretty predictable there. Or so I thought. This was an off night for management and me. I called to make an appointment with my regular, and they confirmed it, I got there in 30 minutes and they buzzed me up, and as I got inside, they did the LE check, and sent me to a room. In came a woman who informed me that my regular was not there, had to go home sick, or so they said, and this was followed by a small parade of girls for me to chose from. I wanted to head out the door, but I had psyched myself up for a tryst so I chose Melody from only a handful of girls. It was not a great group to chose from. Melody is a thin, plain looking girl who was pleasant enough. I have to say I was very put off by management making an appointment and letting me come up to see someone who was not there. They have never done anything like that before with me and I would not expect that of them. This may have affected my attitude toward the session with Melody.