Review: Jessa / Katarine
TER ID: 148518
Outcall at my hotel
General Details
Came across Jessa's info via search tool... Read reviews... Realized, would be foolish not to reach out to her. Emailed with a prompt response from her and thus began a pleasant exchange of intro, info and a reasonable screening process. Scheduled a time to meet her as I was traveling to LA on biz.... The evening if the visit she shared her tele and we texted,etc. She made it to my hotel and I actually met her at the elevator of my floor... We had texted as she arrived... And got wires crossed as to where I should meet her... .. No big deal... When she arrived and the elevator opened... We laughed like kids as to the wires crossed and I was taken a back as to how beautiful she is..., seriously. We laughed our way to my room. VIPs... Read on... Non VIPs.... Stop what you're doing... And schedule Jessa. She is that good....