Review: Jenny

TER ID: 246310

Posted: February, 2018 by DAN19711

VIP only


VIP only


VIP only


VIP only

Session Location

Her Hotel

General Details

I wanted to alert the community to this provider that is using the name and listed phone number for Jenny TERID 246310. I don't think this is the same person I met but you can look at the two websites and compare the pictures for yourself. The woman I might looks like the woman in the photos for the ad website that I listed in my review albeit and older version. In any case I would not repeat. The location was very down scale and the room was dirty and a mess. The Jenny I might was withdrawn and very business like. She wanted to get finished with the task and have me on my way. The complete opposite from GFE. No kissing, everything covered and completely unresponsive.

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