Posted: July, 2011 by VORLON

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I first encountered Rudbeckia (R.T. or Becki for short) on another board. I soon realized that she was definitely someone I wanted to see as she not only had a reputation as a first rate escort but had a personality and interests that meshed very well with my own. Not the sort of thing I usually think of when first considering to see someone but then she’s in Indiana so scheduling an appointment wasn’t as easy as it would be with an escort in my Minnesota neck of the woods. So that meant I learned much more about her beyond the typical escort profile before first meeting her. For me, the idea of getting together with a smart and sexy coed who had a lot of interest in common with me was a no-brainer.

Unfortunately, those hundreds of miles between our homes did delay my meeting her for the first time for some months. But as the saying goes, “good things come to those who wait.” She scheduled a tour and included a stop in the Twin Cities on it. I wasted no time sending in my request for an appointment.

She is selective about who she sees and does screen. In fact, if you are not in P411 or don’t have a recommendation from someone she trusts, she’s not going to see you.

In any event, I got onto her schedule. I actually did something I had not done before. My first appointment with someone is usually as short as they allow because I want to get a feel for how it goes before deciding to go any longer. In Becki’s case I took a calculated risk and scheduled a longer session with a break for dinner in the middle, partly because I didn’t know when another chance to see her might come again and partly because I felt after having interacted with her for a few months that there was not much chance of things going badly.

I was not disappointed. My expectations were high and she exceeded them. She has my highest recommendation.

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