Posted: April, 2015 by FW2INDY46808

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Oh so very, VERY lucky is the are those who get more than the initial session with mademoiselle LeBeau! One thing you should know is you'll be dclined future sessions if she doesn't feel there's enough chemistry between you. I, unfortunately, forgot to bring my chemistry set. This is clearly stated that on her website , so I knew the disappointing possibility was there. Despite the fact that I was declined further sessions, I cannot recommend her highly enough. I will warn you that her pics aren't quite representative, and I mean that in a good way, as pics simply don't do her justice! (but do give you a pretty good idea.) If I could have my own personal Groundhog Day...well, I would probably think about one that would be constructive, but it would be very tempting to have it be the day I met Becki...but I would make the deal that if I can't get it right after just a few of them, go ahead and flash-forward to the present.

I had seen Becki on message boards on aNotheR site (back when it was actually a good site and had interaction between clients and providers), and got the impression that she was quite smart and witty, and I particularly liked the "your loss" manner in which she handled criticism. I clearly remember one "gentleman" would.not.let.up about how he disliked the strip of hair the grows from below her naval to her crotch. Not only did she handle it very tactfully, but all the other guys on the message board came to her defense. And really, if that's a deal breaker for you, it's a pretty lame reason to break the deal (and yep, YOUR loss). I look at it as something unique, and really, I only noticed it for a split-second, and all it did for me was further confirm that she's the same one as in the pictures.

I finally met Becki after the some newbie-friendly screening, and a frustrating 146 mile drive. (I'm beginning to doubt the actual existence of providers in my neck of the woods. Also, being a newbie suuuucckksss!). So, you know that cliché of the nerdy librarian with glasses and her hair up in a bun, who gets really hot when the glasses come off and the hair comes down? Becki is the living, breathing, walking, talking embodiment of that. (Well, she looks pretty damn fine with glasses and her hair up in a bun too!)

About 20 seconds after meeting her, came one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. A hot redhead getting into my car put an end to my streak of nearly a million incident-free miles. (Argh! My first redhead too. I had waited SO long for this!:( I somehow managed to regain (most of) my composure, and we headed off to lunch. Over lunch we found a little bit of common ground, and I began to ease a little more, though composure still wasn't fully regained. I think I was just born bashful and reserved. I have gotten better, but I still need to work on it. The starling discovery of how surprisingly tough my car is certainly didn't help me this day in that department.

After kind of a weird Chinese dinner (I've never had to eat orange chicken with a spoon before!) we proceeded to one of the best birthday celebrations ever...*sigh* would have been even better if I knew then what I know now...but doesn't that go without saying for most of life's endeavors?

VIPs and non VIPs alike, I would just like to say, if you are one of the fortunate few for whom Becki accepts further sessions, count your blessings, but don't rub it in, and treat her well or bad karma will getcha!

VIPs, I guess I know what you're waiting for. Carry on then...

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