Review: Alisa Bon Vivant
TER ID: 364191
Orange County
General Details
I rarely repeat visiting ladies in the hobby as there are so many beautiful accommodating ladies to experience and enjoy. In the 10 years that I have been active, I have seen only a few ladies more than once and a few of those have become my favorites, some UTR. After my initial tryst with Alisa (see my first review in 2021) I met with her on innumerable occasions and she has become one of my ATFS. I especially enjoy her intellect, conversations, genuine warmth and sweet caring playful attitude. She is beautiful with killer curves and pretty face (reminds me of a young Elizabeth Banks). I love blondes and she is a very hot sexy blonde. On top of that she pampers me like no other. True Russian-Ukrainian sweet GFE. When I first started in the hobby , I was told by an experienced provider that we are participants in a grand illusion. The boundaries of illusion and reality are blurred with Alisa, so the GFE is as real as it gets. As long as I’m in the hobby and she is around, I will continue to enjoy her company.
Of all the many beautiful ladies that I have met in 10 years of hobbying, Alisa fits me best and is my ATF (along with UTR Mila, brunette). She is and will always be my sweet sexy blonde kitten.
This will probably my last review on TER. When I've found the best match (for me) it’s time to retire on a high note!