Review: Alaina Fox
TER ID: 325368
Upscale Hotel
General Details
Seeing Alaina was going to be in town for a visit I knew I had to seize the opportunity. Contacting her was simple and she was responsive quickly. Verification ended up being a bit of a chore for her since I hadn't seen a provider for a while. I offered up personal identifying info and she was receptive and all was good in the world. We set up a date for a few days later at her hotel and she was even flexible with offering to get a late check out to accommodate my schedule. I was pumped! Her website is fine but her Twitter and Instagram really give you a great snapshot of who you'll be seeing.
If you ever had a crush on the gorgeous, always smiling and happy, incredibly sweet girl next door then she is the one for you. You will leave the complete opposite of disappointed...