
Provider Relations 101: Getting ready for your appointment
Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 49682 reads

Well, you've finally got that appointment with the provider you have been wanting to see.  Double check your e-mail and voicemail to make sure that you have not received a call or note from her that she must cancel.  As much as we hate to cancel, emergencies do come up.  I recommend that you specify your preferred method of contact beforehand.  

1.  Do you have your identification?  Each provider has their own I.D. requirements.  But, at a minimum require a driver's license.   "Why?  But, she's already prescreened you" you ask.  Well, she has prescreened someone and wants to make sure that it is you.  If the provider has asked for more than one piece of ID, you should have it available.  These days a business card does not constitute ID.  Especially when its so easy to go online or from your home computer, print business cards with any name and company name.

2.  Have you checked to see what method of payment the provider accepts?  Most providers only accept cash.  Only a few take credit cards.  I don't know of any who take personal checks.  If you are required to bring cash, have you checked to see how much money you have?  You may also wish to take out a little extra in the event the appointment is going so incredibly hot that you may wish to extend.  Again, please keep in mind that the provider may or may not be able to extend.  Also if you ask to extend, please be sure that you have the funds available and in hand to do so.

3.  Unless other instructions are given on her website, most providers prefer cash, in an unsealed envelope plainly in view of the provider.  This envelope should be presented at the beginning of the appointment not at the end.  Do not be offended if she checks it.  Sadly, while you may be honest, not everyone is.  DO NOT attempt to hand the provider cash.  If you do so, she may not accept it and become uneasy and end the appointment.

4.  Have you showered?  If not, and if it is an incall appointment, ask the provider if you may use her shower.  Most of you will laugh at this as you would not ever consider seeing a provider if you weren't squeaky clean.  However, most providers have heard horror stories of men who refuse to shower or clean up saying that they took a shower in the morning (its now 5:00??).  Just as you want the provider to be clean and fresh for you, please be fresh for her.  Remember, her head may be in an area that you've never had to smell.  *wink*

5.  Are you a smoker?  If the provider is not a smoker, you are encouraged to brush your teeth (paying attention to your tongue as well) before arriving.  However, that is not always possible.  Most providers have mouthwash available and won't mind your using it.  I also recommend that you ask for a wash cloth and wash your face so that the odor of tobacco is not overpowering.  Also, if the provider is a non-smoker, she probably will not allow you to smoke during your appointment.

6.  If you were required to confirm your appointment, the evening before or the day of, have you done so?  If you have not, she may not be available as she may have rebooked the appointment.

7.  Running Late.  Everyone can run late.  We cannot control traffic, meetings, etc.  However, if you are running late, you should contact the provider with an estimated ETA for more than one reason; both as a courtesy and to make sure that she will still be able to see you.  For instance, if you are running 35-45 minutes late, she may have another appointment scheduled after yours or may have a personal obligation that she must attend to.  I've personally had individuals show up 30+ minutes late with no call.  On one such occasion, I had already left my incall thinking he was a no-show.

8.  Cancelling.  If you must cancel an appointment, do so as soon as you know that you are unable to make it.  If an emergency calls you out of town where you cannot cancel, it is recommended that, at your earliest opportunity, you contact the provider as she will consider your appointment a "no show."  Every provider has guidelines for cancellations.  She may or may not be willing to reschedule you.

Again, keep in mind that while its alot of fun for both parties, this is the provider's livelihood afterall.  She has financial obligations and possibly a family to support.  When a provider schedules an appointment for you, she is setting aside time specifically for you.  She has probably turned down other requests for your appointment time.  Be courteous and you can expect the same from her.

-- Modified on 3/9/2007 3:34:10 PM

Make sure you let me know when you get to the next lesson, "breaking the ice" on that initial appointment.  Once you taught me that starting with the anal rape fantasy follwed by the beastiality was considered out of the BFE/GFE by many, my relationships with the ladies improved substantially. It also was much more economical and practical not bringing the farm animals, as they are frowned upon in many 5 star hotels.

Thanks for helping us :)  Even if you didnt I'd love you for your tits... but there you have it.

Sybartech.  Glad that you paid attention, especially about the farm animals.  They are frowned upon even at incalls.  Remember the time that you brought them to my place, well I am still trying to get the stains out of my carpet and the goat ate part of my curtains.

Luv you to babe!!! *wink*

So as long as I ask you to come to my place, you're cool with the farm animals???

Sorry about the goat.  His owner told me he was a carpet muncher,and I had no idea he meant it literally.  And I still think some of those stains were from High and Tight.  but we have to let the past go....

Can I at least bring my sheepish grin? It helps me to be a Bhhaaaaaaad boy !!

remember I said MOST did not consider that part of GFE.  I said nothing about BEST, my beloved Bebedoll....

crabs774520 reads

I love my sheep.  Never leave the house without her!

Baaaaa Baaaaaa

Informative, well organized, and easy to follow.  I hope the community appreciates the information you have put together.

When I first started in the hobby, it wasn't easy to find a "primer", or instruction manual(LOL).  A lot of searching finally revealed a site written by a man.  I like Sinful's way of describing what a person should do.  Hopefully the Mods will gather the pertinent posts and highlight then on the Newbies forum.

The Newbie Mod4515 reads

Trust me she is!!!

One of the Newbie Board faithful posted a link to her first lesson.  Once I saw it, I immediately PM's Sin to request that she keep me updated when the new lessons are posted.  She has graciously agreed.

MikeAndIke5267 reads

Reading these "how to be a perfect client" type of posts always draw mixed emotions from me. It's certainly sage advice, but so few providers practice the "perfect provider 101" standards and it makes this all seem a bit hypocritical.

What's good for the goose....

PS - Nothing personal against you Sinful...I don't know you personally.

or at least do their best to try to do so.  If you are continually let down by the ability of the providers you meet to practice "perfect provider 101", then maybe you are meeting with the wrong ladies.

Tit or tat, Sin's guidelines will assist you in getting the most of the experience which I am guessing you want.

I again come to where the guest consisently justifies why he is not properly together or possible as respectful of calling, such by the many don't statement.

How do you think it gets to the point where the ladies do all care ALOT about being the "perfect provider", by more guests actually being the perfect guest.  

We aren't that much different then you, if you treat us like a hole to plug or roughly it does start to change us.  This does happen from time to time.  

More often the guest treats us like a commodity alot of times without meaning to rather then a person through their scheduling, canceling and no showing.  This too shapes our views.

The circular pattern wasn't as prevalent many years ago when respect for both sides was expected rather then a mear after thought.  Unfortunately, though some of us have tried to get the previous days takes help.

The few of us who GET IT, well, we aren't enough to make the whole of the system change.  Much as I would love to stand up and start a movement, any attempt to do so thus far has been met very harshly.  

2 way street ALWAYS when it comes to matters as PERSONAL as this industry.  If you take the personal nature out of it then you do in fact loose the ability to truly have a GFE as it would be rather antiseptic.

Just my honest opinion, Sage

Simply put you get what you give.

Well M&I, you get points for giving your opinion and here's mine. The is a YMMV biz, plain and simple. Sometimes you connect big time wih the ladies and they let you stay past the hour because not only did you P4P, but you likely hit the right spots. Sinful's treatise on being the perfect client represents what most ladies who truly do this for a living want and who could blame them? You are also right too. When you screw your way around the rainbow, you are going to get that true GFE about 50% of the time. I have a few ladies who I see on a regular basis and we've traded more than great stamps over the years. The times I've dabbled her and there, I bat about .500 which is really good when you consider that an hour or two doesn't always make for the chemistry you need to have a totally satifying experience. I saw a "friend" very recently that I had not seen in close to a year (schedules didn't match) and it was just as if we picked up like no time lapse ever occured. Because I have gotten to "know" her, I pushed some familiar buttons and voila!

So, being the perfect client will not guarantee the same in return, but if you find a few good ones, keep them close, because at the prevailing rates, you might as well throw your money out on I-90 if you expect perfection, because with the former, at least you'll know where you tossed it out the window.

If ALL gents would follow Sinthia's guidelines, then  I would suspect that there would be less bitching and moaning about how so-and-so didn't DFK like other reviewers said she did, or how so-and-so number 2 wasn't as affectionate as she was with other reviewers.

A couple of my reviews (they date awhile back, except for one of them) complain that I didn't DFK, or that I didn't for very long. Well, in one of the cases, the guy walked in and just about coughed up a lung on my floor. I wasn't going to put my tongue anywhere near that. If I get sick because a gent comes to his appointment sick, then I'm out for a week or more...that's a lot of lost income. I'd rather lose the income from one cancelled appointment than a week's worth. IMO, I didn't deserve the '6' that was given to me, but what could I do? His mileage varied, but for good reason.

In another review, a gent gave me a '7' and said that I didn't want to kiss for very long, and that he didn't know what my problem was. He'd apparently gone to dinner at the Weber Grill and had the salmon. I asked him what he had for dinner because I couldn't quite figure out what one could eat to make them taste so dreadful, LOL. He was a doctor, too, for crying out loud. Um , HELLO? Brush your teeth. Use mouthwash. Is it that hard?

There are a lot of guys who smell rank down there, too. Um, yeah, WASH YOUR ASS. Hell, if you don't want to use soap, USE BABY WIPES. USE SOMETHING. ANYTHING. YOU WILL GET BETTER SERVICE, TRUST ME.

Also, be respectful towards the ladies. Bring a little gift with you--it doesn't have to be expensive or anything, but it shows that you thought of her and took the time to stop and pick something up that you thought she'd enjoy. It shous that you think of her as more than a hole. (Lora Maze says it best right on her website-something along the lines of "son't treat me like a hole and I won't treat you like an ATM"--LMAO).

If you want a girl friend experience, then for heaven's sake-TREAT THE LADY LIKE SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Think of her as a girlfriend by the hour. Yes, you are paying her, but you aren't paying her to put up with your stinky ass, your disrespect, or your smelly garlicky chicken breath. As with anything, you only get what you give. 'Nuff said.

if what I wrote to M&I is not getting it. I get it. I have never graced a lady's door with a smelly ass. So you are missing the point Amber, re-read the post mine and his, he made a point that had nothing to do with have a smelly ass. His retort was about the inconsistent treatment.

Not sure that the issue was with the post by greatrush!

I evidently replied to the wrong post...sorry, greatrush. I think I was replying to MikeandIkesomethingorother who posted above.

That was the funnist, truist (is there such a word) thing I have ever heard.  For those of you who had someone teach them hygiene it seems basic, but it isn't apparently taught in every home.  Being nice to your provider will bring your mileage a LOTTTT further....Maybe we should have a bad hygiene board for the gents....would you guys like that?

I am in agreement with both M&I and Greatrush. Even if you, the hobbyist, does all of the right things (hygene wise) that Sage mentions, the chemistry may or may not still be there. It could be the difference of sweet and passionate versus mechanical and not trueley into it. There are possibly many other factors too. Plus, yes, I have seen in the past a provider or two that I have almost cringed walking in thier door due to the way they or thier place was kept. Ususally I gave an excuse and walked out. If the incsll is a mess, you can bet that the person's hygene is about the same.
Recently one provider here in Wisconsin became sick halfway through the session but still wanted to continue even though she had "it" leaving out of both ends. I excused myself gracefully. She probably was not feeling well before I showed up but did not comment about it until it was obvious.
Point three: Some providers (not all) schedule appointments back to back to back like an assembly line. When the hobbyist is with the provider he can feel it, see it in her attitude that he may be just the next ATM on the assembly line. IT DOES HAPPEN. Sometimes you don't know until you are with the provider. It's too late then. If the hobbyist is lucky with new providers I would say greatrush is accurate with half of time meeting a provider with good chemistry.

and don't forget Grandma's advice. Make sure you have clean underware on you never know if your going to be in a accident or something.

Great stuff, Sin!  A lot of common sense advise but necessary since common sense is fairly uncommon.  As a smoker I would add a couple of suggestions to your post.

In addition to brushing, mouthwash, etc., one should refrain from smoking just prior to an appointment.  If you smoke just before an appointment and pop a couple of mints your mouth will taste like a minty ashtray.

I refrain from smoking for 1-1/2 hours before an appointment and feel a lot more at ease with a provider who is a non-smoker.

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