
popeyemadison 92 Reviews 108 reads

I report on my bad experiences. I think it's fair to say that makes me a moron. The irony is this thread, started by you, was all about you sharing a bad experience. LOL.

I feel the need to let ladies who are based here and travel here about a TER member handle: jr1029
Booked an appt the night before. I screened him he inquired about cashapp I told him No.
He booked a 3pm appt day of appt an hr prior to meeting he had to push time back to 330.
Then he pushed time back to 340pm. Arrived at my location I told him I would be ready in 1min.

He became impatient and after making me wait40min tells me this is not going to work for him and would pay $50 .
I explained I have a cancellation fee and this is a ncns 100% of my fee is due.
He said ok and now has turned his phone off. I will be blacklisting him  please pm me for his info.

This is a perfect example of why I don't provide screening information. A jilted provider is sharing someone's screening info after the date fell apart. We only know her side of the story. Even if it's entirely his fault, he didn't actually do anything to her. And even offered to pay $50 for the no show. But she wanted to extort the entire fee. I'll be adding her to my own blacklist. LOL.

That is your choice not to screen. So when you get robbed or scammed that is your choice so no need to come back and whine later. Saw your reviews you seem to have an issue with over half of the ladies you see. Perhaps if you actually looked here and reputable places and did some research you would not have been scammed and encounter bad experience after bad experience. But hey some guys like drama and bs you are not a client I would ever see. So we are both in agreement there.

A guy who books an appt and changes time 3x on appt date shows up to my incall  is now a safety risk if he decides he needs to cancel and has never even made it to my room. It is not extort a fee it is called a cancellation policy. But someone who wasted a provider's time especially while she is on tour and cancels at her incall he did nothing wrong?

We only know your side of the story. And what we know from your side of the story is that you are sharing his screening info. According to your own site, "all info is handled discreetly." Maybe you want to update your site to reflect your actual policy.

Let's see if I got this right...

Some client of yours decides, for whatever reason, that he didn't want to see you. He offers $50 to make up for it, which seems generous to me. But you refuse and instead attempt to extort the full fee. He obviously declines. And so you take this vindictive approach where you post a note on a public forum, stating your intention to share his screening information, clearly in violation of your own stated policy. And then I declare, because of that, that I wouldn't see you. So then you announce you're going to block me? That's hilarious. And thanks.

I'm going to assume she has a cancellation policy clearly posted on her site. Which, he most likely agreed upon when booking (I have this, with cancellation policy CLEARLY spelled out). If one cancels last min/ncns, & does not pay the stated fee, yes, they WILL be blacklisted (which is ALSO clearly spelled out my site & many others follow this too).  
Because now you are now a known time waster. When she could've booked someone else during that time. $50? That does not make up for lost income. Don't want to be blacklisted? Don't be an asshole. Don't want to have to worry about paying cancellation fee if you decide to bail last min? Don't book providers that have this requirement. ESPECIALLY touring providers who only come to cities based on PRE-BOOKINGS.

She can and should blacklist whoever she wants for whatever reason. That's obviously entirely up to her.

My observations are relatively narrow and limited:

1. We only know her side of the story. Was there some legitimate reason he decided not to see her? We can't really depend on her to tell us that part.
2. What we do know from her is that she is prepared to share his screening information in spite of her stated policy. I can imagine legitimate reasons for doing that (like if he actually did something violent). But even if we take her side of the story for granted, all he did was waste her time. And now she's going to share his screening information as a result.

That's also entirely up to her. And it's why I don't feel comfortable screening.

Canceling on a provider same day, & not paying agreed upon cancellation policy IS a legitimate reason to BL. He cost her $, when she could've booked someone else who was actually serious. She's out money that cannot be recouped. Especially on tour....that's even more lousy when we book tours based on pre-bookings. And she's been around a LONG time, extremely well known & legitimate provider....she gains nothing from this, except letting others know to avoid him. Guys who pull these types of stunts, are usually serial repeaters unfortunately.

This guy is a moron. Have you looked at his reviews? Told me all I needed to know about this person. Cheap and cannot do any research and bitter.  So of course $50 offered sounded good to him. He is not spending $ to travel he is sitting right on his ass in Madison WI. I do not go back and forth on boards or online with someone who would never get a response from me in an email.

I report on my bad experiences. I think it's fair to say that makes me a moron. The irony is this thread, started by you, was all about you sharing a bad experience. LOL.

So he has to abide by her cancelation policy, but she doesn't have to abide by her own stated policy that she doesn't share screening info. Got it. LOL.

Jaydalee, you didn't "out" anyone. You simply used his TER handle to warn others. No personal in formation was made public so I don't know why Popeye has his shorts in a bundle.

I know I did not out him. His shorts in a bundle probably someone who reached out with no screening and I asked for screening so he did not see me. That is usually the case.. lol

I just read some of his reviews. The BJ in the taco bell parking lot was.....interesting.

You're hilariously full of yourself. I never reached out to you. I found your vindictive screed worth highlighting. That's all.

She said: "I will be blacklisting him  please pm me for his info." What did you interpret "please pm me for his info" to mean? I assumed it meant she'd share the screening info with whoever asked. Otherwise, what was the point of what she said. She already shared his handle. LOL.

I am over here just wondering how a TER username is screening info?

I'm not sure what you mean. She shared his username and then, at the end of her post, offered, "please pm me for his info." Since she'd already shared his TER username (which is more or less useless), she was clearly offering to share whatever he had shared with her in order to screen (his real name, photo, driver's license, phone number, linked in, whatever). That's what stood out to me.

Do you remember when people wrote rubber checks and businesses would post the checks so everyone could see? Kind of the same thing. She gave the guy way more time than I would have. Not such a big deal at my in call, but if someone pulled this shit when I am touring and I am paying for a hotel, travel, food and a pet sitter I would be pretty miffed.

Posting rubber checks at the grocery store is not quite the same as a sex worker threatening to share your screening info because you bailed on a planned date. Is what he did bad? Sounds like it. But again, we only know her side of the story.

But to you, what she threatened to do is perfectly fine. Because it's all right there in her policy?

"I have a very explicit cancelation policy, therefore you must follow it. And if you don't, I will share all your screening info."

I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't spell that part out. LOL.

OK, well what is the solution? What should providers do to warn other providers about bad actor "clients"?  You keep indicating that you do not think she handled this correctly, but what do you think she should have done instead?

So this guy is now a "bad actor"? For canceling at the last minute. I get how that sucks. (And again, we only know her side of the story.) But Jesus, move on to the next guy. Surely there are dozens chomping at the bit to see you. Oh, but wait, you have to run them through your screening process. LOL.

Why would he cancel at the last minute with such an esteemed provider? Maybe he got a taste of her vindictive energy and decided there were better ways to spend his time.

For her to invest all this energy into broadcasting a guy's screening info for simply canceling at the last minute makes the curious (and entertained) reader wonder whether we're being told the whole story. As I said, the simple answer to what should she do is move on to the next client. And stop creating this ridiculous drama.

Maybe invest in having your arrangements handled by someone competent who can schedule one of the dozens of other guys trying to see you. And if you don't have that kind of interest, consider there might be a reason for that.

Why don't you just ask this guy what happened (his side of the story) and get back to us?

My interest in this conversation is fairly narrow: I am not comfortable with screening. The original poster's sanctimonious screed was a perfect example of why. According to her own account, he canceled at the last minute. And although he offered reasonable compensation, she insisted he pay the full amount. Even though he wasn't actually going to get anything for it. Maybe he lost interest? Who knows. So she decided that justified her sharing his screening info.

She can obviously do whatever she wants. My point is: Gentlemen, be ware. Are you sure you want to trust your screening info to this kind of arbitrary and vindictive abuse?

Wow, this board has been dead for a longtime.  Now a subject which has woken up the community.  Nice to see some up to date content.

I agree
Now this board is getting interesting

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