
I will be honest with providers...
beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 499 reads

Anyone who has known me knows that I fully cooperate with references. I don't care who the lady is or if I like or respect her or not.  References are all about safety and I'm going to give honest references to any legit provider that asks.

A few of you have used me for a reference since I've been back.  I don't mind at all however, I'm going to be honest with my fellow providers and let them know how old my reference is.

I'm in a unique position here as I can not give any recent references for anyone in Wisconsin quite yet.  I haven't seen any of you guys since I've come back!  That will change!

Personally, I like my references to be as recent as possible.  I don't accept any that are 3 months or older.  I also let ladies know when the reference I'm giving them is old.  At this point any reference I give will be a minimum of  3 years old.  I don't mind giving references however, I will let the provider who is inquiring know it's a very old reference.  

Many ladies have seen gentlemen on my reference alone because they trust me.  I have a responsibility to stay honest, people's safety and possibly their livelihoods are dependent on it.  If a provider saw a gentlemen on my reference and he ended up hurting her in any way, I don't believe I could live with myself.  Honesty without judgement is how I've always handled references.  For the time being, I'm not a good reference...that will change as the wheel of time turns.  

Stay safe!


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