Washington DC

Re:Thinking of opening MP In area ?
tanman30 59 Reviews 7678 reads

Now.. Now... Now..
Thats not true Ponz :)
We are taking everything into consideration. What people are saying on this board does mean alot.
You get 10 to 20 heavy consumers of this hobby saying the same thing .. (It does pull alot of weight)and has to be taken into serious consideration and appropriatly weighed in any descion making process.

Ponz you are correct there was no support or positve feedback from this thread.. ( That does not mean that we are not paying attention )

What we are getting out of this thread is that maybe (Howard County might not be the perfect place) in the opinions of fellow Hobbiests. Thank you for that input

Think you are allso correct that we will probably not see alot of support in an endeavor of this nature ( high risk) no matter were location is..


Thinking of opening MP in Howard county? Has anybody on this board tried and been uncessucfull? or does anybody have any helpful info? all info greatly appreciated.

LMAOROTF..  tm, ditto EVERYTHING "the jeep" just said!  Can you spell P-L-E-A-S-U-R-E P-A-L-A-C-E, A-N-G-E-L'S, and C-E-N-T-U-R-Y P-L-A-Z-A?  Those are just THREE in a long list that the HC Mounties have busted and shut down.  As a result, I don't know of ANY MP's left in HC, except maybe a couple ethnic joints which I wouldn't want to be caught DEAD in...  Sheesh, even two of the GFE agencies have had to "keep on the move": one within HC, and the other from HC to PGC.  Don't even THINK about going there; even as a hobbyist (except maybe to see Somer Rayne or Trinity Starr, but that's about IT).

   Oh yeah jeep, so you're an HC boy, huh?  Well, I'm a neighbor next door in BCo.

-- Modified on 10/19/2004 9:15:15 PM

Tanman - As much as I would love for a quality mp to open in Howard County, I have to agree with jeop and ponz. I am a HC resident and have seen several good, and some not so good, places be put out of business.

Jeop - did you ever frequent Finesse?, which was close to the mall. They had several great ladies. I have seen a few of the ladies at BC mp's, but not my favorites.

Thank you for those responses:

There are 7 mp s in howard county now of witch (sp)sorry 2 are american and 5 are asian. The two that are american do rotate spots every 4 months . the Asians stay put.

regulations now state all mp staff must be cerified in massage..(in Howard county) not exactly familiar with other countys regulations... and "Tug and Rub" only is allowed on consensis of consumer in shower after "real massage". " no FS NO BJ"
So it goes "real massage" swedish or deep tissue first.. table shower second with release during cleansing..

Completely understand were everybody is coming from in howard county..Thank you for that advice.

Counties that have even stricter regulations than howard across the state have these kind of MP that are still open..  they have only been there for 6 months so we will see what happens in the future with them.

I will keep everyone posted on our progress. If you would like more info please Pm Me

Don't listen to those Goombahs Tanman, do it and get me a 6 ft swedish babe, with big guns and who makes me call her "mama"!  Just kidding bro, I'm an ellicott city res who has seen our LE go to great lengths to get their convictions including partaking in the activities themselves!!  Be Wary.

Lily's of route 1 in Laurel is in Howard County I think, How do they stay open?

I have absolutely NO idea, bethesea.  Bet tanman would SURE like to know, though....

Fuggettaboutit. Not worth the hassles it will bring you.

Now if you want to start an incall agency, that's of interest to us here.

Bet lots of gents would offer to help you "interview" candidates for employment.

Seriously, there are opportunities in the metro area if you want to open a genuine agency. The biggest problem in agency work you will face is keeping good staff who are responsible and will work on a continued basis.

Plenty out there to work a day here and there when the rent is due, but few with a dedication to the job.

Good luck in your endeavors.

Tux Vince

Maybe tm will listen to YOU, Vince.  Sure doesn't sound like he has been paying attention to the other six (or so) of us.  Don't think I've seen a single word of support.  Don't think I'm going to, either...

Now.. Now... Now..
Thats not true Ponz :)
We are taking everything into consideration. What people are saying on this board does mean alot.
You get 10 to 20 heavy consumers of this hobby saying the same thing .. (It does pull alot of weight)and has to be taken into serious consideration and appropriatly weighed in any descion making process.

Ponz you are correct there was no support or positve feedback from this thread.. ( That does not mean that we are not paying attention )

What we are getting out of this thread is that maybe (Howard County might not be the perfect place) in the opinions of fellow Hobbiests. Thank you for that input

Think you are allso correct that we will probably not see alot of support in an endeavor of this nature ( high risk) no matter were location is..


Hope we were able to help, tm.  It's too bad your idea is up against so much.  As several of the guys said, they'd luv to patronize ya', if you could only stay open long enough...  You did say one thing, though.  You could probably pick almost anyplace that would be better than HC (okay maybe MC would be running neck and neck).  But, they're all bastards.  PGC MIGHT be the best choice in Maryland, but I'll bet we'll get some posts about THERE as well.  I do know PGC has shut'em'down as well.

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