Washington DC

Re: While I know you didnt mean harm
wrps07 626 reads

I know it won't bro. I know an African American guy who use to pay $300 an hour to see some of the highest reviewed provides on this site. He has gotten cheep and see street walkers now. I know another one who pays $100 for an half hour and lets the appointment stretch to 1 hour. He see the providers for a while and then gets some of them to see him for free. He is cheap and a user. He laughs because some of the providers fall for it.

Things do have a way of balancing out. I did see most of these ads are in Northern Virginia with no blacks. I do know that some of these providers will change their minds as they get older.  

There is a fine African American provider who told me point blank she is tired of seeing new black guys because of all the drama. She is thinking about having a no blacks only and will only see the black guys that have no drama she has seen in the past.  

Two other African American providers that I know have stopped advertising on BP.  One is on date-check the other is completely UTR.  They got tired of the drama. The utr one was robbed by a guy she had seen 6 times. She tazed his ass to defend herself lol.

You use to not hear this stuff years ago. Sadly it has become the MO.

Things go the other way. There have been a couple African American providers that I have called from BP that won't see me because I don't see black enough (ghetto talk).

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:22:56 PM

letmejustsay1994 reads

Backpage (BP) should  be referred to as Black's Prohibited.  In the last two days I have contacted approximately six maybe more providers and all of them  refuses to see black men. In every case not one mention "no AA" in their Ads. If your black the first thing you should be asking if she's have an issue with seeing  black men.  This  is getting out of and is  simply ridiculous!!!!!!

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:59:57 AM

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 8:00:41 AM

Women's bodies, their rules..  Your money.. Choose it where you spend it..

And you are right.. One should always tell that they are minority right off the bat. As a fellow minority, I follow that rule myself..

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Women's bodies, their rules..  Your money.. Choose it where you spend it..  
 And you are right.. One should always tell that they are minority right off the bat. As a fellow minority, I follow that rule myself..

One of my hobbyist friends said that half of all blacks have herpes.  Is this true?  Maybe that is why providers won't see blacks?

wrps07788 reads

It does not talk about the men but does talk about the women. I saw one at work the other day pick at her cold sore at work, lol.

I take articles esp those targeting blacks with a GIANT grain of sea salt (it's yummier and healthier than reg salt). Esp considering I'm one of six girls in my fam and between us and all my girlfriends not a one of us has anything of the sort. Polls are often lifted from folks using public health care and I think that may tinge them. If I have insurance and see my private doctor my info is not accessible to polls. PP? Fogettaboutit...

How many times have I heard 2 in 5 Americans… but on the flip side when is the last time someone took your info for a census? 60% of Americans disapprove of the president…well…nobody asked me and last I checked I'm American. Passport wielding but very much American.

To the OP… I'm sorry. That does suck ass. On the flip side when's the last ad you've seen where the woman stated "I'm black". Not black and creole…not black and indian…not black and french but just black? Cue Donny Hathaway...

Posted By: wrps07
It does not talk about the men but does talk about the women. I saw one at work the other day pick at her cold sore at work, lol.

The longer you're in the Hobby the more this will be water on a Ducks back to you.  And all the dumb shit in the threads below regarding Black have more Herpes and shyt.......well it's hype and the "boogie-black-man-syndrome."

Simply take a deep breadth, sigh, and keep it moving.

..... keep hope alive digging around on BP my "brotha" or uh start looking around I dunno um on TER lol.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:31:51 PM

I am not a minority, but I often find BP girls to be short and not overly friendly until I tell them I am a TER member, then they seem to be more friendly.I would never, nor have I ever attempted to use my TER status as a bargaining chip or anything like that. I just let them know up front, becuase it tell them that I am serious hobbiest who know how to conduct myself and not someone who is going to play games with them.

BP is more often then not the "Quick Fix" for guys. The ladies don't book appointments days in advance, and the guys call looking to come over right now. Not everyone, but alot. From talking to a few girls on BP, for every serious call they get, they will get 10 to 20 people playing games. They also have a very high number of no-shows.  

I just wonder if you did not tell them you were from TER, if it would make a differnce.

True, I usually tell them I have read their reviews and that I am a TER member.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 8:40:40 PM

wrps07725 reads

The ones who see black guys typically will share incall with an African American provider. In the past few years a lot of guys have been causing a lot of drama, robbing, pimp wannabees, fake currency, trying to negotiate on prices,  trying to sneak in bbfs, too rough, black vice guys, it goes on an on. I hate to says this but is might be best to stick to your own race. Other areas in the US such us upper midwest the caucasian providers are more willing to see black guys.

There is a black mans boycott. See link.
-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:08:20 PM

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:09:49 PM

That's maybe the most ignorant ish I've read on here in a while, and that's saying something lol- DC is a semi cosmopolitan city- a melting pot, of sorts, and there are plenty of gorgeous women of all races  who are willing and able to take green from a brown hand lol- I'm from this area, and I almost exclusively dated white girls until my 20s- besides that, almost nobody in the DMV is a native, and that is exponentially true for providers, who tour from city to city smh

wrps07801 reads

You have to understand that some who post on BP grew up with racist up bringing.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:48:58 PM

It is true. I've been seeing a nice provider in VA and one night I visited she showed to me a fake Ben. Whoever that guy was had a great time with her for free. Some guys have been doing this and it is one of the reasons providers react this way.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 8:59:59 PM

wrps07534 reads

Could be the fact that your screening is very rigorous. Most bp providers only screen if the guys does not sound weird.  I have seen them accept calls from everyone.  I asked point blank how do they know the guy is not bad or le, they give me a blank look.

Are you saying white men are not pimps, rapers, robbers etc? As a matter of fact, it has been discussed here on more than one occasion that the majority of providers murdered are murdered by white men.  Yet, they do not stop seeing white men.I bet you are a liberal to who sees nothing wrong with what you posted. This is racism 101. Sure, its her choice who she sees. However, how she developed her choice is key. This hobby is a reflection of the society we live in. To be honest,  most women with this as a policy, I would not see anyways.

GaGambler771 reads

and this fuckhead is definitely one of them.

This is what I was trying to get across to Turdwell. It's the intent behind the words that counts, I know a lot of white libs who will act shocked just hearing the word nigger in their presence, but live their entire lives as racists, never really interacting with "those people" except for maybe the Mexican that cuts there grass or the black woman done at the hair salon. Those are the real racists, and I bet you our "friend" above is one of them.

That said, would you clue in Rod for me, and let him know it's ok to be offended when someone says something actually offensive. and maybe teach him a thing or two about the difference between locker room humor and outright racism.

GaGambler796 reads

Of course you can see right through the "closet racists" too, you just have to recognize the signs.

I like the guys who "know all about black people, because I know this black guy at work and he told me how black people like to be spoken to" lmao

There was a troll on the P&R board who used this very argument to "prove" I was a racist and he wasn't.

So you think blacks prefer KKK guys to the bigoted "liberal".  Whatever you say.  Last time I checked, liberals weren't the ones lynching people.   No one claims that there aren't liberals who are bigots, but it is pretty damn obvious which side is filled with racists and racist sympathizers.  

-- Modified on 7/11/2014 4:43:46 PM

GaGambler662 reads

No, you're not a racist at all, are you?

Thank you for proving my point. I've been around racists all my life, your type is really the worst kind as you are too cowardly to show your true colors except when it's "safe".

I bet you are the type who looks around him to see who is in the room before telling a racist joke, aren't you?  I can deal with an honest racist, at least we both know where the other is coming from, and this holds true for racist black guys as well. It's you cowardly closest racists that I have complete contempt for, and if the hood fits, wear it.

Then make a thread about what you seek. Include that you are AA, what you seek (Blonde/Brunette/Slender/DDDs/Spinner/BBW/ Age), budget and area in the post and let the ladies contact you if they are interested.  

TER can work both ways but I do suggest that if you want honest advice, get rid of the alias.

Lauren Haze: Sex appeal with a banging body. Why aren't you calling Ms. Haze?

It's sex providers are selling. Not a pizza, not a pair if shoes and not a car. If that were the case them that would be totally screwed up and worth getting pissed about. But providers still have te right to choose who they will or will not share their bodies with!  

  Everyone has preferences. There are clients that will not see women of color because they simply are not attracted to them. Some men and women prefer who they get naked with be of a certain age or weight even. Is that sonething to get angry over? No.

 I see that it can be frustrating for you but there are plenty of women on here who will service you. Happily. And if a woman stAtes in her ad no AA men, be glad se is being honest and not wasting your time.

letmejustsay714 reads

but to exclude a man based soley on the color of his skin is simply racist.  You have the right to  see whom- ever you want.   Let's be clear there is a difference between attraction  and preference.  

Beside, the women (white, black, latina, etc) that I've spoke to said that  it nothing to do with attraction.   In most cases  it  was based on fear due to some personal bad experience's with a black guy.  

But then I don't expect you to understand.

Most girls who do this, do it because they have no clue how to screen guys, not out of racism or sexual preferences. Based on their inability to screen, which can lead to other problems, you are probably better off not seeing them.

Posted By: letmejustsay
Backpage (BP) should  be referred to as Black's Prohibited.  In the last two days I have contacted approximately six maybe more providers and all of them  refuses to see black men. In every case not one mention "no AA" in their Ads. If your black the first thing you should be asking if she's have an issue with seeing  black men.  This  is getting out of and is  simply ridiculous!!!!!!  
 -- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:59:57 AM

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 8:00:41 AM

It's like Jim Crowe all over again.

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