Washington DC

Re: Rimming
Kevin.Hall 3 Reviews 101 reads

Definitely need to check them out.

Franco1113713 reads

Hi all did Josephine (k-girl from Tyson’s) retire?  She’s been on an extended vacation.  

So I would think an extended vacation was the explanation.

Not sure, but I always wanted to see her.  I read her rimming is great.

I heard that too. Struggling to find someone with great rimming

TheRedOne789115 reads

Heard Elizabeth Moore offers rimming. Several L girls do as well, at many agencies.

Definitely need to check them out.

Anyone heard any updates with her? I haven't seen her go this MIA for this long before.

She does this every so often.  Usually, it's a trip to Korea where she has friends and family.  

She will return.   Definitely a classy sweetheart

Not to mention shoe shopping!

I can confirm from a couple meetings with her a few years back, rimming, and everything else about her, was amazing!!

Thank you, Mr. S - always dropping the education on the low-info people!

Pour out a Pellegrino for the fallen brothers, lol.

Still think she may be coming back soon?

odyssey2811 reads

highly doubt it.  her website is down, and another provider told me that she heard from someone who knows her that she left and got married

She been done a married and working women!

Green card marriage several years ago....her first Korean trip post COVID was on a permanent residence card fresh off the press.

Whatever she decided it wasn't a (first) betrothal.

But perhaps a first divorce.

One thing I'm pretty confident is the case, what ever she decided she is probably doing very well. She was quite intellience and thoughtful.

With her gone, any suggestions on providers who rim ?

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