Washington DC

yarled 2 Reviews 895 reads

Does anyone have experience with Angela who has suddenly appeared on P411 as being based in DC? When you go to her X account, appears to be Angela Morris based in OC California. Neither says anything about touring or provides specific dates for DC. Seems suspicious. PM please if you can shed light on this.

DViejo719 reads

Yes, or a profile number.

Her last post (aka tweet) seems to have been 8 months ago.

My guess would be that she moved to DC during that time and since X doesn't seem to be important to her she forgot to update her profile there, or just doesn't care.  

Why don't you email her and ask for clarification?

Why did you post a link to this very thread?

Mystery solved. She is not based in DC. Visits occasionally

Some ladies rather than puting multiple cities with dates on their profile they just change the home city when they are in that city. I have seen many ladies do that.  

And for privacy considerations, many list a city that is nowhere near their home.

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