Washington DC

Oh well, never mind. Looks like it'll be July instead. -eom
GirlinDC 4 Reviews 5591 reads
1 / 32

I spoke to Eden Brielle very briefly in chat (almost never see her there) and apparently she'll be back in DC in the next couple weeks.  I asked but she wasn't sure yet about how long a visit or her tour rates.  

I figured there's some fans of hers out there that might appreciate the heads up.  

-- Modified on 6/9/2005 1:39:39 AM

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3199 reads
2 / 32

...she wasn't into hideous old men.

GirlinDC 4 Reviews 2828 reads
3 / 32
Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2777 reads
4 / 32

...that I'm the Son of Satan? The truth is, I'm his great grand nephew.

-- Modified on 6/8/2005 5:55:52 PM

ksig25 17 Reviews 1839 reads
6 / 32

since she has considerably increased her rates and didn't grandfather anyone in at the old rates.  I realize its her gig, her rates, etc. but I was disappointed when I learned that she isn't maintaining current clients' rates.  She is great though, and if you don't mind the cost, she's definitely worth it.  


VAScout 3958 reads
7 / 32

Please keep us advised if you learn more about dates, etc.
Does anyone know how to contact Tiffany of the former Syd's roster??  I think we should take up a collection to bring her back to DC!!

JT1896 297 Reviews 6520 reads
8 / 32

It was great while it lasted, wasn't it?  Nothing lasts forever.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2455 reads
9 / 32

Wait and see what her rates are for D.C??

JT1896 297 Reviews 2772 reads
10 / 32

Do you know something we don't?  The last trip was $450.  That was considered a discount from her normal $500.  

Why would you think it'd be anything less?

sidewinder9 61 Reviews 2563 reads
11 / 32
GirlinDC 4 Reviews 5305 reads
12 / 32

Email her.  It's not like she doesn't have reviews & contact info on TER.  All I can tell you is she said she was thinking about going in June to DC and hadn't decided on tour rates.  Then when I emailed her about something (no, not an appointment), she mentioned she was too busy to go to DC this month.

So, sorry for all the fuss about nothing.  I really don't want to see a thread go on and on about rate bashing yet again, when I was simply trying to give a heads up on a possible tour.  

Now I know better for the future:  Let the lady announce it herself.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2145 reads
13 / 32

I really don't care but she is not here and you don't know what her rates are going to be. E-mail her and see. Maybe if she has seen you before you will get a "bigger"discount.

JT1896 297 Reviews 5581 reads
14 / 32

For the record, I don't care either. I really don't.  I've already stated my position.  You're the one who came on here telling us not to jump to conclusions.

Based upon reasonable logic, why would any of us conclude anything different?

When she first hit the scene for Syd, she was at $350, she eventually left and went independent.  Her rate then went to $500.  She came back to Washington as an indy and offered a lower rate for $450, even for those who saw her the first time with SYD at $350.

This is not a flame.  More power to her!  I think she should charge whatever guys will pay because she's fantastic!  I am simply stating facts, and unless she decides to change things, $450 would be the rate I'd expect her to charge.  

I wouldn't be surprised or upset if she went to $500.

So, unless you know something we don't and are not sharing, telling the rest of us not to jump to conclusions accomplishes what?

JT1896 297 Reviews 2960 reads
15 / 32

Belle is a wonderful person and everyone loves her.  Stating that you won't see her at her new rate isn't a negative statement about the provider, but a statement of choice.

I don't consider this rate bashing or flaming the provider.  It's not personal, just economics.

She will get whatever she wants because she's worth it, IMHO.

DCprovider 2659 reads
16 / 32
LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2982 reads
17 / 32

Sound like you care.. I don't have any information that her rates will change and once again I don't care. Beautiful lady and she can charge what she wants.. Why jump to conclusion and guess what her rates will be or might be. why are you so hostile about this post..I only made a statement..

JT1896 297 Reviews 3844 reads
18 / 32

If you don't have any information to share, or nothing to contribute to the thread, then why are you posting?

Or, why do you find it necessary to tell others "not to jump to conclusions?"

Like I said before, what do your posts in this thread accomplish?  You don't have any new info, you're not even offering an opinion, you're just posting to tell us what to do.  As if you know better but you really don't.

Why was your "statement" necessary?  You still haven't answered that question.  And asking you these questions isn't being hostile.

Why are you being evasive?

JT1896 297 Reviews 3337 reads
19 / 32
LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2826 reads
20 / 32

You are the only person on this thread getting there panties in a bunch about my statement. Innocent statement.. you don't know what the lady tour rates will be so quit whining about them. So what she charges $$$$1/2 or $$$$$, if you can't afford it leave it alone.  I have always given you the utmost respect, always enjoyed your insight into the ladies but this pettiness on my statement is silly. What criteria is there to post on a thread? If you have a problem with me say it.

DCprovider 2944 reads
21 / 32
JT1896 297 Reviews 2798 reads
22 / 32

Respect? I could care less what you think of me. Why should I? You don't know me and I don't know (or want to know) you.  Let's keep it that way.

You're one of those people who doesn't want to hear anyone else make any statement about rates. Those of us who posted were actually discussing something, unlike you.  

You obviously decided for the rest of us that rates cannot be discussed. Why? If you don't like the discussion about rates, then why don't YOU leave it alone.

Practice what you preach, don't be a hypocrite.

I don't read here to make or look for friends or to care about what you say or think about me.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 3373 reads
23 / 32

You need some decaf man..First I could give a rat ass about making friends with you.. You have shown your true colors and it's realy no need to continue to discuss this with you.. I don't know what you are trying to do but I want play along in this silly game.

If you can't afford it don't whine about rates..Now put that in your pipe and smoke it..

-- Modified on 6/12/2005 11:10:43 AM

slipry 115 Reviews 2262 reads
24 / 32
JT1896 297 Reviews 3634 reads
25 / 32

Whoever said I wanted to be your friend?  Where did you read that? Maybe you're problem is a lack of reading comprehension.  Go back and re-read the post.

I'll say it YET again, since you still don't get it...
If YOU can't stand a discussion about rates, then don't participate in the thread.  We don't need you input, especially when you resort to name calling. Saying that I'm whining doesn't change the fact that YOU don't want anyone here to discuss it.  Why can't we discuss a provider's rates?  Why?  

Speaking of Baloney, you are just as annoying as Joe Baloney and Dogtrained.  I wouldn't be surprised if you were both of them.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2663 reads
26 / 32

About you.. Now it's about rates.. First it was about my post, make up your mind JT.. Since you have a problem with me instead of my post say it... No need to go nuclear like you did.. You are whining about the lady rates before she annouces she is coming..Not name calling but you are whining..Take a  step back and relax..LOL

BTW; I am both.. I bet you are never in a thread with JB/DT..I am done with this thread JT, go whine some where else.

slipry 115 Reviews 2546 reads
27 / 32

Maybe I you felt it was an attack on you that BD posted his opinion and comment that the rates are subjective and usually not known until written in stone by the provider or agency.

I do know you have more experience having seen her maybe when she was at 350 and then again when she was a returning indy and paid the 450.

But I don't understand why it has gotten this far. No one should post disparaging comment or remarks about other TER members unless doing so is in jest or meant as humor or a joke - and I'm not limiting this to you.

I think it diminishes our respected board and the members who read and support the DC area. Please, agree to disagree and move on.

sidewinder9 61 Reviews 2027 reads
28 / 32

We just a bit bummed that she's out of our league, so to speak. Great girl, but just can't do it.

JT1896 297 Reviews 3269 reads
29 / 32

I'll stop "whining" as you say, if you stop being a post wh0re(sorry moderator).  Deal?

Do you think you can keep from posting useless mind-numbing posts?

Do you think for one day, you can NOT reply to EVERY other thread on this board?  Are you game? Think you can do it? I know I can.

Since you STILL don't get it, it's about you and your posts!  You post because "you can" I post only when I have something to contribute.

I too am done with you, go be a post Wh0re someplace else!

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 1921 reads
30 / 32

I can continue to annoy you JB, sorry meant JT. Back to being a post wh0re..lol

JT1896 297 Reviews 2443 reads
31 / 32
LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 2787 reads
32 / 32
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