Washington DC

No worries.
Guarddog111 238 Reviews 519 reads

I agree, could be a great town, has potential.  This sets it back big time.  Hearing the rhetoric on this board cracks me up.  Let's throw more money at this problem, while these misunderstood teens run around in $300 Air Jordans on their feet.

Such a shining example of youth.  

They're just misunderstood.


-- Modified on 4/28/2015 1:38:04 AM

What I don't get is that some posters are focused on the violence, the looting, and rioting that was done by some, and mostly ALL are saying we didn't want this! Just because the destruction is catastrophic for the city and has been quite dramatic with news coverage and all, doesn't mean that is the focus and that is the point. The point is greater than that, and the focus is there are people within the community that were out trying to stop the few, and even more are up trying to clean up and re-establish their already strong sense of community. So to Guarddog, go to B-more now and get pictures of that. Much more impressive photo journalism story in my opinion then same damn broken windows and trash in the street.

Far more people looting than peacefully protesting.  Just because you say 'few' doesn't make it so.  There were few people peacefully protesting compared to the many looting.

If you say as a black community as a whole, then yes, I agree with you.  Far more shaking their heads than condoning the violence.  Thats a fair statement.


-- Modified on 4/28/2015 3:58:51 PM

Priorities... SMH!!!  

Let's look at this a little closer since I don't think you get it... How the hell can the someone be a peaceful protester and a tax paying citizen at the same damn time when they are at work?!? It has been reported, that the demographic of the group that started or organized most of the disarray were kids!!! High school kids at that. Hormone filled and immature babies that still need to be supported. So you are pointing the finger and shaming the act of a underdeveloped adult and posing the emphasis of all of this to dysfunctions within the black community, why?!? Because you didn't witness peaceful protesters at 3pm while everyone else was at work? It's truly sad and I believe the adults that did join into the fiasco were a part of the entitlement era and opportunists that are already having life struggles that I pray no one here has to go through. What type of justice do you think they are seeking if they HAVE to loot toilet paper from CVS?!? Like really. Sad state of affairs for the community and the catalyst of violence. I am in awe at the lack of compassion for another human life. I mean seriously, you did originally start your thread with a sarcastic remark... Poor taste IMHO...  

Well damn if the O's had to cancel another game. I guess their regard for the safety and well being of ALL people is just another cover to say those damn blacks right? Yeah, just keep truckin man...

You're going the wrong direction.  Look further out, not closer-in.

Also, nice try, I was there from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  You know why you should be concerned about me, and others, missing a game?  Because thats revenue for a dying blue collar city. Shows how short sighted you re indeed.  If the Inner Harbor goes, there goes all the tourist dollars.  Companies book years out, not the same year.  So, you'll see loss of economic revenue and a further downward spiral.  The O's are playing before an empty stadium.  That hasn't happened in the ENITRE history of major baseball.  Think about that before you pooh-pooh this away.

Hormone filled immature babies, interesting.  That's not an excuse for criminal behavior.  There were a lot of adults ransacking the mall, too.  So I dismiss all that you are trying to say at this point.  Irrational.

Why do you insist on pooling the entire black community together.  Why do you defend a part of the black community that has nothing to do with you, other than skin color.  The people rioting are not you, neither financially, socially, or by any socio-economic factor at all.  Why do you and others continue to defend this demographic.  They may look like you, but they are not you.  

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 5:52:10 PM

So to come after me and my person, no I can't identify with anything that is going on in B-more, but as a person, that can and will always be stereotyped and misunderstood in the world for things that are beyond my control, I can on some level understand. And as for "black community" pooling, I do have a family thank you! And as a person that is compassionate for other human beings out here, just trying to make it, I can rationalize and try to put myself in another's shoes. At least I can do that!  

I am only seeing flaws and superficial logic in what you witnessed. It isn't and wasn't the whole story yet your are proclaiming it is because "you were there and you have pictures!". You have skewed the story for your benefit and only believe what you want is to be the truth. That is only your opinion.  

I don't believe in kicking a person or a people while they're down, I believe trying to understand them and in bringing them up. To keep poking at those that can't see they're way out of whatever struggle they are in, you are only perpetuating the problem. To have an attitude that this or other issues don't affect me or the world is asinine. That's what I see.  

I've only visited Baltimore, yes I grew up in MD, but not in that area. I have no personal ties or business in the area. I DO have a sense of hometown pride, and the fact that something like this has happened "in my back yard", it does worry me. Yes, criminal behavior happens on any level, so a riot in a "black neighborhood" or a bank robbery in Alexandria is still an issue. I would approach this as I would any other issue, but more so because I am not sold out from seeing what someone really hurting looks like.

The socio-economic ramifications of this are yet to be determined. I agree, it does not look good, but for folk that can't even verify where they're next meal is coming from, that is the LEAST of their concern. So you can predict the downfall of B-more and rejoice with the economic growth and further gentrification of DC if you'd like. I can still hope and pray for the best for people that are just striving for a voice.

The View, Oprah, MSNBC, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Barack Obama, what do you mean they don't have a voice.  They have the bully pulpit and the have the bull horn, what more do you want?

Chris Rock, "We have the fattest poor people in the world".  Give me a break, next meal, right.

If you are worried about stereotypes, separate yourself from the stereotype. "I am not one of those people".  Once you make that differentiation, then that is the first step to overcoming stereotypes.  Embracing the thug life, just perpetuates the stereotype.

How do you feel about Kanye West, Tiger Woods, RGIII (local guy), Kobe Bryant, Cuba Gooding Jr., Seal, and the list goes on that don't date or marry black women.  Do you hate on them publicly?  Do you start threads on why they don't date AA women?

Yeah, I thought so.  Protect your own, even when they sell you down the river.

So yeah OK...  

So congrats to you to spewing off every black person/ personality you have never known!  
Barak is not my daddy and Oprah is not my mama, and yes, I do know who my daddy is!  

I luv how much you can keep putting your foot in your mouth and keep saying you are not generalizing/stereotyping and pointing out who you think is. Is your best friend black? Quite entertaining.

You just ran right around them.  You THINK you're black, but you're a Hostess Cup Cake.

I wonder how the owners of those small businesses would feel about that? Seems to me more than a few of them were destroyed, burned to the ground. You insult everyone's intelligence by minimizing that. Preteeeee ladeeeeee..........................

It is just a damn broken window. Luckily the community is not broken. I think the business owners of B-more are more concerned with the people of their community not having the problems they had to draw them to such a dismal state.

Thanks for trying to take my point out of context and insult my post. Classy...

You want to live in a neighborhood with graffiti on the walls and buildings? Heck, its just paint.

but you missed MY point. That neighborhood is in desperate need of economic stimulation. Why wouldn't it come? And why would anyone invest there now? They won't. As I'm watching now they're back at it again. And where's the mayor? Prepping for another Meet the Depressed appearance? She was too busy worring about her political future to agree with the city council last fall when they demanded body cameras. She wanted more 'study.' Study what I'll posit? But its our fault. And everyone there gets off the hook.  

You want context? Turn on your tv. And if you're insulted that your post got "insulted" on a fuckboard, you're too damn thin skinned. Get over yourself. Already.

Again, from board to board, you misquote what I said and put words in my mouth. I get it, on a fuckboard, so don't put words in my mouth, I am truly only worried about getting dick in my mouth, but I digress...  

I said I AGREE, the socio-economic future of B-more is fucked. But again, it has yet to be predicted. The rioting and looting has hit another level and why not, there may be an initiative for economic growth and recovery. Baltimore may come out in a better position than other cities that have had recent cop related deaths and protests. It's not the end, and I am not getting off on speculating.  

And no I am NOT insulted by anything you have said to me about my post, but it is cute that you think you did

If they would just run these assholes who came in to stir shit up after a week of peaceful protests, get a mayor who's worried more about the community than her future, get a fucking chief of police who knows what he's doing, properly train their police, lock up assholes who have about 18 felonies so they don't take up the public's dime, and find a way to entice business to invest (it can be done) and find some damn parents who give a shit, Baltimore CAN be prosperous and saved. I didn't insult you? Well I'm relieved. I was worried there for a bit.

I LOVE our TER community!  It is very diverse and is comprised of (mostly) inteligent people who are (mostly) kind and supportive of each other.  I think we all recognize that our community is unfairly stigmatized and stereotyped and marginalized out of ignorance and personal/political agendas.

Much of what we are seeing portrayed through the media in Baltimore is the result of, and will be exacerbated by, people talking past each other.  Speaking without understanding.  And, of course, the media and political complexes will take advantage of the situation to increase their power and finances, playing all sides for fools, without regard to the personal and societal damage that will result.

I hope that our community's dialogue on this hot topic can be used to learn from each other instead of "talkin loud and sayin nothin" (James Brown was a smart dude).  I hope we can be THE example of a diverse community who can have a productive, intelligent, conversation, even on sensitive topics, while maintaining our courage and character and respect for one another and our community.


Posted By: MyFriendTony$$$
I LOVE our TER community!  It is very diverse and is comprised of (mostly) inteligent people who are (mostly) kind and supportive of each other.  I think we all recognize that our community is unfairly stigmatized and stereotyped and marginalized out of ignorance and personal/political agendas.  
 Much of what we are seeing portrayed through the media in Baltimore is the result of, and will be exacerbated by, people talking past each other.  Speaking without understanding.  And, of course, the media and political complexes will take advantage of the situation to increase their power and finances, playing all sides for fools, without regard to the personal and societal damage that will result.  
 I hope that our community's dialogue on this hot topic can be used to learn from each other instead of "talkin loud and sayin nothin" (James Brown was a smart dude).  I hope we can be THE example of a diverse community who can have a productive, intelligent, conversation, even on sensitive topics, while maintaining our courage and character and respect for one another and our community.  
 PEACE and LOVE!!!
Northern VA & DC will get more business in terms of lodging and holding business meetings. People will consider b-more too risky for an extended period of time.  Plenty of folks on this board are probably eating extra good during this fiasco

I'm very much on the outside looking in in regards to this, so I thought I'd maybe contribute what might be a differing opinion:

Those that are complaining about the rioting are angry over broken windshields and broken windows.

Those that are rioting are angry about a broken spine and a broken police force.

I know whose side I'm on.

The riots are burning out buildings and several cops have had broken bones and been knocked unconscious by bricks.

If you're in favor of the rioters and this type of mob 'justice' then I suggest you go live somewhere like Somalia or another failed state to enjoy the benefits of lack of law enforcement and mob rule.

It makes no sense to justify the actions of the rioters because the excuse for the riot is a serious one.  What if after the Charlie Hepdo massacre Parisians had gone on an anti-moslem riot, or if Americans had after 911?   What if American whites rioted after one of the many cases of whites being violently assaulted or killed by blacks, a category which massively outnumbers that of blacks killed by whites, or by cops?

Posted By: digdirkler
The riots are burning out buildings and several cops have had broken bones and been knocked unconscious by bricks.  
 If you're in favor of the rioters and this type of mob 'justice' then I suggest you go live somewhere like Somalia or another failed state to enjoy the benefits of lack of law enforcement and mob rule.  
 It makes no sense to justify the actions of the rioters because the excuse for the riot is a serious one.  What if after the Charlie Hepdo massacre Parisians had gone on an anti-moslem riot, or if Americans had after 911?   What if American whites rioted after one of the many cases of whites being violently assaulted or killed by blacks, a category which massively outnumbers that of blacks killed by whites, or by cops?
I'm not in favour of rioting. Pay attention.  

Between the two groups of people here, I'm siding with the people of Baltimore, not the police.

Also, are you seriously going to tell me that the number of whites killed by blacks outnumbers the opposite? Go read some history sometime. One of the most misguided statements I've ever seen.

If the police withdrew for 1 week, the "people of Baltimore", and even the select subset who are the rioters and their community, would be begging for them to come back.   False dichotomy.  And since you are so understanding of rioters and their motivations... what about the Baltimore police, half of whom are black, who have to try to keep order and deal with the most violent and foul people and the worst messes on a daily basis... wonder why they might be coarsened or hardened?  

Regarding blacks killing whites vs the reverse...Yes, if you count all of history, including the slave trade, then there were more black victims of whites... although about as many whites were killed in the war to end slavery as blacks who were killed by slavery.    

If we talk about modern statistics, since the 1960's, the number of white murder victims killed by blacks is unquestionably much higher than the number of blacks killed by whites, or by police... the obvious meaning of my original statement.

Posted By: digdirkler
Regarding blacks killing whites vs the reverse...Yes, if you count all of history, including the slave trade, then there were more black victims of whites... although about as many whites were killed in the war to end slavery as blacks who were killed by slavery.    
 If we talk about modern statistics, since the 1960's, the number of white murder victims killed by blacks is unquestionably much higher than the number of blacks killed by whites, or by police... the obvious meaning of my original statement.  
Do you know what racism looks like? Very rarely is it audible slurs, but instead people finding reasons to justify why a black person got killed.  

Does it matter even a little what 'the score' is between whites murdering blacks and blacks murdering whites? Was that even the point of anyone's post, the riots in general or anything? This is about the police force killing yet another person unjustly, regardless of colour. If you can't see that, then this is already a pointless conversation. You've picked your side.

Posted By: digdirkler
If the police withdrew for 1 week, the "people of Baltimore", and even the select subset who are the rioters and their community, would be begging for them to come back.   False dichotomy.  And since you are so understanding of rioters and their motivations... what about the Baltimore police, half of whom are black, who have to try to keep order and deal with the most violent and foul people and the worst messes on a daily basis... wonder why they might be coarsened or hardened?    
 Regarding blacks killing whites vs the reverse...Yes, if you count all of history, including the slave trade, then there were more black victims of whites... although about as many whites were killed in the war to end slavery as blacks who were killed by slavery.    
 If we talk about modern statistics, since the 1960's, the number of white murder victims killed by blacks is unquestionably much higher than the number of blacks killed by whites, or by police... the obvious meaning of my original statement.  
It's a complex issue...stop trying to simplify racial issues. Those black people in cop uniforms are just like the dudes that work at McDonald's aka they need a check! The requirements to be an officer in many of places is just don't have a felony. And let's not forget that cops only find what they are looking for...they purposely overlook segments of the population.  

Trailers parks in Anne Arundel county are just left alone for the most part by cops...if they combed them like blacks in the hood they would turn up all sorts of shit. And let's not forget cops don't comb college campuses were plenty of whites have drugs and sell drugs...they just stop the occasional black person or black student in the area. It's phony policing in this country and I witnessed this shit with my own eyes.


and Black head of patrol, and the department is 43% black, and the city has been an exclusively Democrat (the black party, aka blacks vote Dem 98%) for generations.

Ferguson was supposed to be caused by having white cops and a majority white government.  Of course, Ferguson is a bad example because it turned out Brown was at fault and the officer was innocent and Hands Up Don't Shoot was a huge lie.

There is no doubt that Grey's death is tragic and somebody needs to be held responsible and policies may need to change.   But is this really a RACE thing, or is that just the current Theme Du Jour?   Maybe its a Cops thing?  Or maybe its a Ghetto thing?

joecarter459 reads

Obama and Cummings the core problem is that the "rich" don't pay enough taxes and give more money to the black minority.

It was perfectly predictable that the mob would burn their own neighborhood - but it ain't their fault!

A black liberal President, AG, mayor, police chief . . . . . always with the same results, squalor, unrest and violence.

freakydeaky524 reads

marginalize and criminalize and entire community via lack of quality education and lack of advancement via quality employment opportunities, and then also compound that by beating and/or murdering them at the hands of their "protectors", you should not be surprised at all when they get pissed and start fighting back.  

I'm not condoning their violence... Im just saying, I can understand their anger and frustration.

lack of quality education?... hmm, that must be why Asians do so well, because we send them to the special schools where we keep all the quality education locked up, right?  In point of fact, nobody knows how to make a majority black school give a quality education... unlimited money, new facilities, motivated young teachers, all prove unable to make a smidge of difference.

Lack of quality employment opportunities?  Hmm, yup, that must be why all those Mexicans streaming over the border can't find jobs... oh wait, yes they do.  Maybe if you sit around, with no skills and no work ethic and a sense of entitlement you shouldn't be surprised if you can't find quality employment.. or any employment at all?

Who are the primary beneficiaries of aggressive, broken windows theory, stop and frisk type policing?  Blacks.  They are the primary victims of black crime, and restraining the high levels of criminality in black communities benefits them the most.  

The main reason they are "fighting back' is the false narrative spread by folks like you that said Brown and Trayvon were innocent victims instead of violent thugs who got shot because they were assaulting people with guns.

Posted By: digdirkler
lack of quality education?... hmm, that must be why Asians do so well, because we send them to the special schools where we keep all the quality education locked up, right?  In point of fact, nobody knows how to make a majority black school give a quality education... unlimited money, new facilities, motivated young teachers, all prove unable to make a smidge of difference.  
 Lack of quality employment opportunities?  Hmm, yup, that must be why all those Mexicans streaming over the border can't find jobs... oh wait, yes they do.  Maybe if you sit around, with no skills and no work ethic and a sense of entitlement you shouldn't be surprised if you can't find quality employment.. or any employment at all?  
 Who are the primary beneficiaries of aggressive, broken windows theory, stop and frisk type policing?  Blacks.  They are the primary victims of black crime, and restraining the high levels of criminality in black communities benefits them the most.    
 The main reason they are "fighting back' is the false narrative spread by folks like you that said Brown and Trayvon were innocent victims instead of violent thugs who got shot because they were assaulting people with guns.

Did you miss the high unemployment rate (means actively looking...not bums) amongst blacks since you love stats so much?!?! Plus blacks with criminal records from youth rarely get hired...while other races can make legal mistakes in their youth.  

There are not local jobs in a lot of neighborhoods in b-more & b-more public transportation is not built out like DC so you really need a car to get around to other places in the area. It's a complex issue that requires better public transit, neighborhood  jobs, and opportunities for GEDs so some people can then move onto community college.

Wouldn't want to mess up those nice white Air Jordans walking to work, now would we.  I guess they could r.  Need to ride in style on my 32s.

Healthy young teens, God forbid they ride a bike.

Blah, blah, blah, just more excuses on why it can't be done than answers on how it can be done.

Your'e so full of shit, just spouting off main stream media crap on the poor black community.  Playing the victim card  News for you, its tired, old, and people don't care anymore.  Throw out the racist card again, why don't you - oh wait you already have.

Any tears for the dead Korean store owners all over this country?  No, not a word, of course not.  Its all about YOU.

freakydeaky716 reads

Not going to waste my time "explaining" things to you that you don't have the mental acuity to understand.

First, if you think Brown (legitimately shot after attempting to take an officer's weapon) plus Trayvon (legitimately shot during assault) plus that fat guy in NYC (died after legit brief take down due to massive obesity) plus that guy in Charleston (a true injustice, and the cop indicted for murder) and Grey (true tragedy, facts not yet known)  equal a WAR on blacks, the obvious implication of your silly post, then you clearly are not someone who lets facts or reason stand in the way of your opinions.

Second, you seem to wish the United States didn't exist, and thus that the modern world was deprived of Democracy, Telephones, Telegraphs, Airplanes, Computers, Motion pictures, TV, Electric Light, Polio Vaccines, Refridgeration, and that the two most deadly political systems on earth, National Socialism and Communism had triumphed... and therefore that the world was a much poorer, more deadly, more tyrannical place.... I wonder at your moral priorities.

Posted By: digdirkler
First, if you think Brown (legitimately shot after attempting to take an officer's weapon) plus Trayvon (legitimately shot during assault) plus that fat guy in NYC (died after legit brief take down due to massive obesity) plus that guy in Charleston (a true injustice, and the cop indicted for murder) and Grey (true tragedy, facts not yet known)  equal a WAR on blacks, the obvious implication of your silly post, then you clearly are not someone who lets facts or reason stand in the way of your opinions.  
 Second, you seem to wish the United States didn't exist, and thus that the modern world was deprived of Democracy, Telephones, Telegraphs, Airplanes, Computers, Motion pictures, TV, Electric Light, Polio Vaccines, Refridgeration, and that the two most deadly political systems on earth, National Socialism and Communism had triumphed... and therefore that the world was a much poorer, more deadly, more tyrannical place.... I wonder at your moral priorities.

Don't be dense! Those are only the Televised issues. B-more has paid out a lot of money due to police brutality against blacks...and that is only for admitted/easily proven wrong-doing by the cops.  

Why are you always in threads related to blacks?...and on top of that openly shitting on blacks?!? Did a black man steal your GF growing up?...you seem highly emotional about such subjects.

why?  I'm tired of the lies (Hands Up, Don't Shoot!..er never happened, even Holder admitted that) and excuses

Baltimore has a black Mayor, its two Top Cops are black, and the force is 43% black, a majority of the City Council is black.   If this is some special racial conspiracy by the Man to be keepin' the black man down, its an awful strange one, considering that The Man actually IS black.  

Baltimore is a Democratic town, dependent on black votes.  This isn't an oppressed, disenfranchised group with no voice.  They own the government and have no need to riot.   If they have a bad police force, which possibly they do, they should fix it, nobody is in fact stopping them.  But even the best police forces have trouble keeping order in black ghettoes without the occasional high profile incident of excessive force.

Posted By: digdirkler
why?  I'm tired of the lies (Hands Up, Don't Shoot!..er never happened, even Holder admitted that) and excuses  
 Baltimore has a black Mayor, its two Top Cops are black, and the force is 43% black, a majority of the City Council is black.   If this is some special racial conspiracy by the Man to be keepin' the black man down, its an awful strange one, considering that The Man actually IS black.  
 Baltimore is a Democratic town, dependent on black votes.  This isn't an oppressed, disenfranchised group with no voice.  They own the government and have no need to riot.   If they have a bad police force, which possibly they do, they should fix it, nobody is in fact stopping them.  But even the best police forces have trouble keeping order in black ghettoes without the occasional high profile incident of excessive force.
Was Freddie Gray a mutant with special strength? Why is the man getting laid out by several cops, not given requested medical attention, and put in the paddy wagon in an unsafe manner?!?! You arrest with as little force as possible & let the legal system work....cops are not judge, jury, & executioner!  

Excessive force is common in b-more...it's not a high profile case, it's a way of policing blacks in certain hoods! Plus racial profiling is nation wide. Don't be dense.

Posted By: digdirkler
First, if you think Brown (legitimately shot after attempting to take an officer's weapon) plus Trayvon (legitimately shot during assault) plus that fat guy in NYC (died after legit brief take down due to massive obesity) plus that guy in Charleston (a true injustice, and the cop indicted for murder) and Grey (true tragedy, facts not yet known)  equal a WAR on blacks, the obvious implication of your silly post, then you clearly are not someone who lets facts or reason stand in the way of your opinions.  
 Second, you seem to wish the United States didn't exist, and thus that the modern world was deprived of Democracy, Telephones, Telegraphs, Airplanes, Computers, Motion pictures, TV, Electric Light, Polio Vaccines, Refridgeration, and that the two most deadly political systems on earth, National Socialism and Communism had triumphed... and therefore that the world was a much poorer, more deadly, more tyrannical place.... I wonder at your moral priorities.
Lol think about. The same travesties that "blacks" complain about and people feel like they are doing it to themselves.....

Well we all know the "white" man lied and poisoned " here have a blanket" my brown brothers. Then just watch
A western or do a little reading and you can see that it is the "view" of everything from the people that benefit.    
But the Indians fought and lost. They where promised help and land and now they are on reservations and damn near extinct
So the hood gets gentrified. The kids have poor education. Black adults are fearful of their lives just walking down the street.
Not only from their own but from the people that are supposed to protect. Prisons are filled with blacks guys so no more babies. The youth are in jail. Or dead. I'm saying, if it continues 2115, there may not be any "black folks" like the dodo bird.

There won't be a black population because black men want to fuck and marry white and asian women.  Black women are choosing not to get married or have kids.

If I was a black woman, I'd be more pissed that black men don't like me or want to marry me, just use me and If I get pregnant run away.

joecarter673 reads

cuz none of that is their fault - it is the white devils fault just like in Indian times!

the Indians were slaughtering each other for a long time before whitey arrived.

Truly, I think, when I see a homeless person and I'm on the way to spend $3 or $4, what if I gave the money to that person?  

How many reviews on this site? If the men forked over the money for the city of Baltimore, and the women forked over the money of the men who were too weak to give directly to Baltimore, maybe we could turn this around.

But that would require discipline, principle, and ... putting your money where your mouth is.

Never happen. Easier to bullsh*t.

This is Not some Lindsay Lohan I keep getting arrested and mad at the world.... though she has every opportunity in the world.  

These kids can't vote, no after school stuff, poor education, and only see the dope man making money that came from their environment. Let's not confuse this with the grown folks!!!  Plus they shut down transportation so kids could  not leave school...aka they got boxed into the neighborhood

Black Mayor, Black Police Chief, Black Head of Patrol (second in command), 43% black Police Force, 60% Black City Council.   Democratic town, entirely beholden to the black vote.

If they have a bad police force, they have all the tools they need to fix it.  This is not a disenfranchised group with a hostile "occupying" police force.   Do the hard work of creating good government rather than rioting and burning.

Posted By: digdirkler
Black Mayor, Black Police Chief, Black Head of Patrol (second in command), 43% black Police Force, 60% Black City Council.   Democratic town, entirely beholden to the black vote.  
 If they have a bad police force, they have all the tools they need to fix it.  This is not a disenfranchised group with a hostile "occupying" police force.   Do the hard work of creating good government rather than rioting and burning.  
You do realize a lot are figure heads run things, corruption, lack of black business to circulate money back into the hood because they can't get loans that Asians/Arabs are getting, affects of redlining, Sheila Dixon set the city back, too much pandering to big business downtown which don't put money directly into the black community. It's a complex issue & those were kids rioting! Kids don't express frustration like adults!!!! Did you handle anger perfectly when you were a high school kid?!?!....I'll wait!!!

They, meaning black community leaders, worked hard to get the CVS into the neighborhood...and it was burned down.  Yeah, incentive for money to be put into these neighborhoods.

The kids were not protesting or rioting, they were taking advantage of a situation to steal and break things, plain and simple.

joecarter681 reads

bad education brought to you by libs: teachers unions, lack of discipline in homes, welfare state; no daddy (see welfare state), plenty of money spent though

lack of opportunity, hasn't Barack fixed that yet? isn't the unemployment rate down? (oops, look at the labor utilization numbers), a gozillion % increase in food stamps, disability and welfare.  Nice work on race relations there Barry!

immigrant hispanics and asians seem to be able to find jobs

for chrissakes, enough with the excuses

and enough from hypocrit libs on these boards who could easily give their disposable income  (pussy money) to help those poor souls

it ain't gonna stop until dumbasses stop making excuses for the criminals.

Posted By: joecarter
bad education brought to you by libs: teachers unions, lack of discipline in homes, welfare state; no daddy (see welfare state), plenty of money spent though  
 lack of opportunity, hasn't Barack fixed that yet? isn't the unemployment rate down? (oops, look at the labor utilization numbers), a gozillion % increase in food stamps, disability and welfare.  Nice work on race relations there Barry!  
 immigrant hispanics and asians seem to be able to find jobs  
 for chrissakes, enough with the excuses  
 and enough from hypocrit libs on these boards who could easily give their disposable income  (pussy money) to help those poor souls  
 it ain't gonna stop until dumbasses stop making excuses for the criminals.
You keep arresting the fathers of these children! Stop holding childhood mistakes on blacks so some don't resort to drug dealing.... aka being arrested again or killed over turf.

joecarter635 reads

I am not arresting anyone you fool - the cops are arresting criminals who steal, assault and kill.  Why don't you contribute some of your hypocrit pussy money for their legal defense fund.

again, it is someone elses fault for their criminal behavior.  Perhaps if daddy didn't have 5 kids by 4 women . . .

freakydeaky672 reads

You're just so used to institutionalized racism and blaming other people that as long as it's not your family or friends, you just don't give a fuck. Very Christian of you.  

At least Life410 is acknowledging (as am I) that the kids who grow up in this type of abject poverty are not afforded the opportunities that you or I are and are starting the game with the deck stacked against them.

I would be mad and frustrated about that too.

freakydeaky588 reads

I was raised Christian, yes... although I now reside somewhere on the spectrum between spiritual, agnostic, and atheist. It differs daily depending on when you ask me. :)

joecarter712 reads

but I know that you are a pussy buying hypocrit who could give that spare money to the little victim-criminals

Calling you out because your'e so full of hypocrisy.

-- Modified on 4/28/2015 7:15:38 PM

joecarter659 reads

you must have got your schooling in Baltimore city LOL.  

If you could read, you would note that I never said I was "Christian", and I buy pussy of course - never said I didn't (my money to spend as I please).  

The hypocracy (big word, you might want to it) is when you want others to pay for your views while you spend YOUR money on pussy.  Just give your pussy money to the criminals or their defense fund to put your money where your liberal mouth is.

But feel free to be pissed off, let off some steam.

joecarter691 reads

my bad, sorry - but I am pissed, Baltimore is a great town brought low by lib nonsense like many others.

I agree, could be a great town, has potential.  This sets it back big time.  Hearing the rhetoric on this board cracks me up.  Let's throw more money at this problem, while these misunderstood teens run around in $300 Air Jordans on their feet.

Posted By: Guarddog111
I agree, could be a great town, has potential.  This sets it back big time.  Hearing the rhetoric on this board cracks me up.  Let's throw more money at this problem, while these misunderstood teens run around in $300 Air Jordans on their feet.
So you are reprimanding teens/families in the ghetto for US consumerism that affects a large percentage of the country? C'on you are better than that type of BS!  

Flash back 2007 quite a few high class people were defaulting on the adjustable rate mortgages of their mini mansions in northern Virginia and Montgomery county just like those in the subprime category! ...don't rewrite history of living above means as a ghetto only problem

freakydeaky554 reads

It's ok though... It's hard work being a racist... Keep at it. Luckily, you're a dying breed.

freakydeaky447 reads

flying over your head.  

My "pussy money" is not going to change that overnight so your point about my hypocrisy is irrelevant.

joecarter561 reads

but your pussy money could pay for a bottle or two of Ripple for your constituents ;).  See "investment" below.

libs make up fantasy terms to cover reality.  All are designed to appeal to our most vile human trait - jealousy and to make others feel guilty just for being.  A few examples:

"choice"=anything but a real choice in anything (keep your guns, keep your money, . . .  ;) but normally used to justify infanticide for convenience
"investment"=taking your hard earned money to pay for what they won't
"institutional racism"=general cover and excuse for doing rotten stuff
"racist"=anyone who doesn't agree with the lib approach to stuff that never works and actually makes matters worse
"justice"= let the thug go, he is the real victim not the violated business owner or woman he raped or the child he killed
"social justice"= all of this list
"income inequality"= punish achievers, reward the lazy
"equality"=screw a "breeder" (hetero), or a person of faith
"islamaphobe"= someone who dare to complain about the head-chopping-offers and burners of children
"white privilege"= rationale to screw anyone who was born with white skin regardless of socioeconomic background

all intended to stifle debate with name calling and shaming, it has worn thin to the point of not working anymore.

of course, anyone who doesn't agree with the self-righteous, misguided lib is to be called names and considered dumb - just part of their playbook.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 1:42:56 PM

joecarter453 reads

the more hysterical they (libs) become - then the name calling starts cuz they've run to the end of their really short  logic string

so far, I am a delusional, sad, racist according to my new friend who brilliant rhetoric just "flies over my head!"  ;)

I consider myself schooled!

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:48:31 PM

Posted By: joecarter
but your pussy money could pay for a bottle or two of Ripple for your constituents ;).  See "investment" below.  
 libs make up fantasy terms to cover reality.  All are designed to appeal to our most vile human trait - jealousy and to make others feel guilty just for being.  A few examples:  
 "choice"=anything but a real choice in anything (keep your guns, keep your money, . . .  ;) but normally used to justify infanticide for convenience  
 "investment"=taking your hard earned money to pay for what they won't  
 "institutional racism"=general cover and excuse for doing rotten stuff  
 "racist"=anyone who doesn't agree with the lib approach to stuff that never works and actually makes matters worse  
 "justice"= let the thug go, he is the real victim not the violated business owner or woman he raped or the child he killed  
 "social justice"= all of this list  
 "income inequality"= punish achievers, reward the lazy  
 "equality"=screw a "breeder" (hetero), or a person of faith  
 "islamaphobe"= someone who dare to complain about the head-chopping-offers and burners of children  
 "white privilege"= rationale to screw anyone who was born with white skin regardless of socioeconomic background  
 all intended to stifle debate with name calling and shaming, it has worn thin to the point of not working anymore.  
 of course, anyone who doesn't agree with the self-righteous, misguided lib is to be called names and considered dumb - just part of their playbook.

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 1:42:56 PM

40acres and the damn mule! Pay us what your ancestors owe us!

joecarter644 reads

nothing, nor do you deserve anything..  I harmed you in no way nor did my grandparents harm yours.  Even if they did, that was their issue, not mine or yours

so you are an "institutional victim" or is it "systemic";)  another new lib scam!

what will they think of next to sit on their lazy ass and take what you have earned.


When your ancestors were being persecuted, so were mine in another country.

...the Baltimore mother who went out and got her son off the streets in front of everyone.  What a brave woman!

I'm glad my parents were willing to kick my ass from time-to-time.  Their discipline saved me from a lot of grief.  Her son will thank her one day.

Curious_To_Know717 reads

The black man is never at fault!  LOL.  

How bout this.  Question for the Black Man.  How many white neighborhoods are you afraid to walk into because you're afraid of being robbed, murdered, etc....?

I know there are plenty of black neighborhoods that a white man wouldn't dream of going into.

And the white man is the racist.

Have  you ever thought about the fact that white men are reverse discriminated against because of affirmative action, minority laws, etc.....  How is racism supposed to go away if the laws that govern our society are racist.

I work in contracting and have to achieve minority goals on most every project by using less qualified, less talented, less everything minority contractors that for the most part have their hands out for a freebie, yet that's not supposed to piss me off.

As has been said in this thread already.  The Asian and Hispanic communities aren't complaining.  I suggest the blacks look themselves in the mirror

The police who killed Mr. Gray - no excuses.  Prosecute to the fullest.
Looters and arsonists, etc., no excuses.  Prosecute to the fullest (those you can successfully ID anyway).

Family of Gray deserves this.
And the city of Baltimore, its citizens, and small business owners deserve this.

exhibited in this thread, from all perspectives, makes me quake in my boots. And I assume that you all are the beneficiaries of a "good" education. Woe unto the world.

Posted By: theSmann
exhibited in this thread, from all perspectives, makes me quake in my boots. And I assume that you all are the beneficiaries of a "good" education. Woe unto the world.
My degree doesn't say debater, historian, or psychologist.  

And for the record "good" education is not required for this playground. Dudes just need extra spending money which can be easily obtained for a treat.

I find this talk about “the Black community” disturbing. This “What’s wrong with Black people,” “What’s wrong with the Black community” vibe. There is no “Black Community.” There are Black communities. Small c. Ends in an s. We, Black people, use the phrase “the Black Community” in the same sense some people use the phrase “the global community.” Not in some homogenous, monolithic sense.

This I say to some folks’ subconscious because I know you don’t consciously think this way: minorities don’t live in hives. We’re not the Borg. When one of us has a thought, it’s not instantly transmitted to the Collective. Every racial community has layers, sub-cultures, social strata, side pockets, "half-worlds."  

And individuals.  

The largest single class in “the Black community” is the middle class, but you wouldn’t know that from the evening news or listening to your ignorant buddy Gilroy’s misinformed rants about TANF.

I can’t and I won’t answer for rioters I’ve never met just like I don’t expect White people to answer for the Klan or Honey Boo Boo. Or Duck Dynasty. Or Cliven Bundy.

But if you want to make the central issue their “Blackness,” I’ll fight for them like they were my own kids. Their “Blackness” matters only in the sense that it was one of the reasons they and their community (small c) were deemed undesirable in the first place

It would seem to be those protesting and making excuses for the rioters that are making this a thing about the Black Community and the oppression thereof, by The Police (another homogenous block).    

My point was a mixed race, black controlled police force having excessive force issues in an atypically bad black neighborhood is not necessarily a great example of the White Oppression of Blacks storyline being trotted out.

Posted By: digdirkler
It would seem to be those protesting and making excuses for the rioters that are making this a thing about the Black Community and the oppression thereof, by The Police (another homogenous block).    
 My point was a mixed race, black controlled police force having excessive force issues in an atypically bad black neighborhood is not necessarily a great example of the White Oppression of Blacks storyline being trotted out.
Where are the white complaints in b-more of excessive force? Are whites being randomly stopped and searched in b-more? Consitutional rights are routinely broken when it comes to blacks and it's not just in b-more. It's a systematic oppressions and Stockholm syndrome on some black cops....telling masa blacks are sick & can't do right.  

It's not a neighborhood issue...it's city wide. You are only talking televised cases...not the daily issues of police brutality, stop the joke of being dense. And once again put the same police efforts into young whites and you will find weed, coke, meth etc and hit them with intent to distribute, and don't let parents connections get them off the hook....then hold it over their heads forever so you can only deal drugs, play sports, or get a dead end job. And if the education system was better in the hood maybe they could learn to code an app, not all kids can understand the info in a Google search without instruction.

When poor White people were still clustered in urban areas, they used to riot, too. Actually, middle class White people used to riot with them on occasion. They called these joint appearances “lynchings.” And the noose found White necks as well as Black.

Now most poor White people live in rural areas and they don’t riot much anymore. Come to think of it, poor Black people in rural areas don’t do any rioting, either. Hmmm. Maybe it’s more of an urban thing than a racial thing. That can’t be, can it? Because race trumps everything, doesn’t it?

In the good old days, we used to have White folks come to our communities and riot for us. Rosewood, Tulsa, St. Louis… ah, the good old days.

People riot with whatever power is available to them. If you have nothing, your power is nothingness, namely destruction. Not an excuse, just a truth. A White riot these days is called “a legislative session.” Folks get together and do all kinds of fun things like re-zone districts, gerrymander, change voter ID laws, impose mandatory sentencing. “Three strikes and you’re out!”

Don’t you love it when a White person complains about Black people complaining and then in the same breath, they complain about how hard White people have it, how persecuted they are? (Ok, to be fair, sometimes it is the next breath. Or the one after that.)

one more random thought

Cheers to Life410, theSmann, Jaye, Rod, freakydeaky, tony$$$, and ueiae, otherwise known as Jstgttnstrtd. My apologies to anybody I missed: it’s late, my eyes hurt (tear gas is a bitch), and it’s been a hard week

And I was born in b-more city. I'd go to that part of the city for the MVA as it was the closest and I shopped at mondawmin several times. Half my fam is from b-more and half is from DC. I've lived in b-more county and PG county. I frequented security square mall in the suburbs were another "riot" was planned. I grew up in the black suburbs of b-more county which was Woodlawn, lochearn, Milford mills, randallstown, owings mills/pikesvile to a degree...it's were black city folks moved to once they got a little paper.  

Plus, I attended the private schools as a teen since my area of the burbs had a lackluster school system at the time.  Therefore, I have old friends from that area of the city as some were able to get scholarships to attend the b-more area private schools. And I had friends from the pimlico area out west into pikesvile that were living decent compared to the hood. Also, I had friends from Howard county and Anne Arundel in which attended school with me as well...even though their educational system was on par with private schools at the honors and AP level.  

I may not have lived in the city, but I feel qualified enough to co-sign the efforts of the people in the mondawmin area through my experinces. Hell, I dined-in at kfc's in b-more city that had bullet proof glass at the counter. Hell, I remember kids from that area getting out to the suburbs if they had the transportation access to get an after school job. I have visuals and accounts from last decade and the 90s...therefore the stat man means very little to me because I have seen the system.  

And the crappy b-more subway/light rail system pisses me off because it limits jobs opportunities to car only. You can't easily get to Columbia malls or Arundel mills from the freakin city

!!!!!529 reads

I went to high school in western Balto Co in the early 1970's -- very different demographics then. My track (as in track and field) record had gone to dust. :)

We were supposed to get our driver's licenses from the Mondawmin Mall but instead all my relatives went to Westminster to get them; it was easier there.

A couple years ago I had to get certified copies of my kids' birth certificates, and the Mondawmin Mall was the only place where I could pick them up. The place didn't look too good

And damn near everyone is guilty of one that requires jail time!!! Police only find what they are actively searching! If I was a federal prosecutor I could have everyone in the whole fucking area brought up on charges! Politics is the only thing keeping most of of you all out of jail!!! Average person commits 3 felonies a day, right?  

But it's whateva...I just don't appreciate these high horse stat clowns that are guilty of federal crimes wagging fingers at the hunted. Remember....ignorance of the law is not an excuse, lol.

The kid should not have died however he did. No one even with a criminal rap sheet deserves to be killed or beat by another. Life is too precious. For everyone.  

  As for the riots and the looting and the burning I have watched and Read so much on it.  The CVS that was looted for example and there was a weave/hair extension store that was looted by a bunch of girls. I don't think they were doing that to prove a point or in honor of anyone. They took advantage of what was going on and I find it very selfish.  There is NO need to run into a CVS and steal toilet paper or boxes of soda to prove any point.  Causing destruction to the city they live in and even to their neighbors is disgusting.  

  The whole thing is disgusting and no one is right and no one is wrong.  There is though a right way to do things, to protest and defin a wrong way. And setting cars on fire, and looting form stores isn't and it does NOTHING positive. No help whatsoever.  

  But I care more about the real story. I hope it gets rightfully resolved.


Posted By: Sidney Starr
 The kid should not have died however he did. No one even with a criminal rap sheet deserves to be killed or beat by another. Life is too precious. For everyone.    
   As for the riots and the looting and the burning I have watched and Read so much on it.  The CVS that was looted for example and there was a weave/hair extension store that was looted by a bunch of girls. I don't think they were doing that to prove a point or in honor of anyone. They took advantage of what was going on and I find it very selfish.  There is NO need to run into a CVS and steal toilet paper or boxes of soda to prove any point.  Causing destruction to the city they live in and even to their neighbors is disgusting.  
   The whole thing is disgusting and no one is right and no one is wrong.  There is though a right way to do things, to protest and defin a wrong way. And setting cars on fire, and looting form stores isn't and it does NOTHING positive. No help whatsoever.  
   But I care more about the real story. I hope it gets rightfully resolved.  

A lot of the looters were from out of town. Just like at Ferguson. I don't think the burning and looting was necessarily indicitive of the locals.

First off, this has been one of the few backlashes where it was warranted. Cut and dry, they killed him after he was illegally arrested (Mayor's own words). He truly did nothing wrong when this all happened, it does not matter what his priors were. He wasn't doing anything illegal nor was he wanted at the time. People been protesting when it wasn't the cops fault (on some of the bigger protests, not all but most). They have a job to do and if they use reasonable force or a guy is trying to kill the cop, they do have a right to do something.  

That being said of the past protests, this is a legit issue and I do understand, even beyond Grey, that it is an often enough thing is some cities that AAs get targeted and harassed by the cops. It isn't right. So they get angry whenever the cops do kill someone, in the right or in the wrong, doesn't matter. They have all that anger building up.

It comes a point where protests seem to not get much done, and then you got others who are just looking for agendas when they riot. This is a very real problem for not only the AA community but others as well. I do understand the anger and some think it is right to riot to actually fix the problem. Although I agree it may get more done, it is not ok to riot.  

Rioting only hurts the community and destroys the people who didn't do wrong to you. If you were seriously going to riot, which I in no way condone, then go to the Government, go to the Police. At least aim it at the ones you are angry with.  

Then you got the police who need to stop the rioting but will look bad whether they let them go free reign or if they put a smackdown on them. No matter what they do, it does not solve the problem.

There is plenty of good cops out there, there are also bad cops. B-town has a huge number of lawsuits where they admitted outright that they were 100% in the wrong in harming people. 112 in 4 years. That is RIDICULOUS! That is NOT ok. That is just the ones that they were willing to admit to and didn't fight or throw under the carpet. I have heard that it could be as high as 10 times that (unverified). I am led to believe that that may very well be true.

It does not matter what color is running things, it matters if they care and keep the bad out of their town. Obviously not much is being done to protect the citizens from the bad cops. So yeah I do get them wanting to fight for their rights, but rioting is not ok.  

For a few of you that had some nasty racist remarks about AAs, don't lump all together. Some are well educated and hard working. Some are not. Some are law abiding people, others are evil. Much like you could say about any other race. Saying they could have jobs if they wanted it since it is so easy to be a Mexican and find a job.... that is stupid plain stupid. There are many employers, that even if they pay the same wage to both, they will hire by stereotype. I was raised in the ghetto, I do know the battles they face. The ones that want better and to do better, have to fight to get those opportunities. I have great respect for the ones who will do whatever it takes to be a better person. You may have ones that are criminals and want things for free, but you also have plenty who try for better and work their butts off.  

Race is still a huge thing and it is 2015. I see it on a daily basis in Milwaukee. God forbid one is found in the Suburbs or a nice area. It is pure BS. This is not even just by the cops, but people who want to assume and stereotype. I wouldn't doubt a "Grey" thing blowing up here. It has happened quite a bit (and not to just AAs, but other races too). We have had some huge things go on here and it blew up the media and sometimes there was protests. I guess most haven't found a clear cut case such as Grey to get all angry about.

I don't apologize for being sympathetic for the good ones who deserve far better than what they are dealt. I worked my butt off to have a better life, have a better education, get good jobs, have a nice place in the Suburbs.... but stuff never comes easy by any means. We all should have to work the same to get to the same place. That doesn't always happen.

As far as the bad ones, they get what comes to them. They still don't deserve to die unless they are trying to kill someone else.

linked arms and put themselves in front of the police, willing to take the bricks and bottles with them.  Then, where the curfew came, they got on bullhorns and convinced everyone to go home.  The result, very few arrests and little violence.  No fires.  Good for them.

That really said a lot.  I also like how Baltimore residents are telling "outsiders"to go away.

stuck around  & provided some guidance things might be different ... but then again, who cares? No one else can change it, and they never have ... it's become a self fulfilling prophesy.

be great members of society without... I can show you some toxic white folk if you'd like and you'd never, ever say a bad thing about AA if I showed you how they are.. Don't lump all with some.

Posted By: GitHerDone
stuck around  & provided some guidance things might be different ... but then again, who cares? No one else can change it, and they never have ... it's become a self fulfilling prophesy.  

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
be great members of society without... I can show you some toxic white folk if you'd like and you'd never, ever say a bad thing about AA if I showed you how they are.. Don't lump all with some.  
Posted By: GitHerDone
stuck around  & provided some guidance things might be different ... but then again, who cares? No one else can change it, and they never have ... it's become a self fulfilling prophesy.  
It's willful ignorance.

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