Washington DC

Fake reviewsteeth_smile
liladchostess See my TER Reviews 685 reads

Okay, I think this is becoming too much on TER, and providers getting tired already because why would a client you don’t meet, write a review on your profile?  

I have no idea who this person is, we didn't have any confirmed appointment either and he was able to write a review on my profile.  

Any sensible person will know that is a made-up story.  

Why would someone just wake up and start writing negative reviews on providers' profiles without meeting them? This is so bad. If I get to know his email or phone number, I can provide a copy of our conversation IF we've talked before.

Sorry this happened to you. Guys have been known to write fake reviews for the free VIP days, but most of the fakes I've seen are good to great.  

Have you reached out to TER admin? Or has your agency?

... I like to think most members will look at the review history of outliers (both overly positive or negative) to see if they're believable. In his case, 7 reviews in 12 years, all negative. I don't know how it's even possible to have ALL bad experiences unless he just doesn't write reviews for the good times.

Personally, I'd disregard his review if you or your agency/booker had a track record. Unfortunately, there isn't much to evaluate. Best thing you can do is encourage reviews from clients, provide great service, & bury the negative review in good ones. I'd suggest the same for the 2 other listed providers w/ your booker (they have none but it would help you if they did). Good providers get found eventually and word will spread fast.

A 6 in looks is hardly a good assessment. The 8 is good. How I might describe the review might well depend a bit on context. But why pick on the comment and claim the guy is lying? After all, the OP was about a review of a session that is claimed to never have occurred. A fake review is fake regardless of how it is classified as good or bad, and if fake the scores are also fake and meaningless.  The respons of ignore it and not worry about a reviewer that seems to be a hard grader, work hard on giving good service and get more reviews and no one will care about the older review. That is good advice.

Should I start saying you're lying when you claim the accounts are recent when it seems one has been around at least 12 years?

I'm not sure what you don't get, Jensen. A six is an above average score according to TER scoring guidelines.  

And an eight is second highest grade you can give for service provided by there's no greek or threesome.

If there's some unwritten rule according to which a six or an eight are bad scores, you can have your choice of a crevice to stick that unwritten rule in.  

A six and eight is a damn solid review and if you read his 6/8 review it is clear that it is a good review.  


"Should I start saying you're lying when you claim the accounts are recent when it seems one has been around at least 12 years?"

No, because if you actually really read my comment is that I talk about two OTHER accounts which each are very recent accounts. I even spelled out what the accounts were and their id's. Lol. Now tell me which account is 12 years old?  Now tell me what did I lie about. You shouldn't say that I'm lying just because you failed to read my post. I'm saying the two "good reviews" the op has are fake, and the one she's complaining about is actually trustable.  

You should know at this point I know how ter works. I know how ids are generated,  I can estimate very accurately when any account was created. Also even if someone uses an alias they're still using the same underlying user ID.

You should know at this point I know how ter works. I know how ids are generated,  I can estimate very accurately when any account was created. Also even if someone uses an alias they're still using the same underlying user ID.

So you're saying there are not 12 years of history for 7 reviews?

I'm not discussing the whole  side thread that was raised about the provider and review. I'm as skeptical as everyone but that was not what the OP was about and not what the guy monger you're attacking was talking about.  

Perhaps for you 6 is an okay review. I would never see a provider that I would rate a 6 if I knew that in advance. So a review with a 6 score is not definitionally a good review. You might be fine with it. Many here would not. You like to tell others not to speack for everyone else. So stop doing that your self.

[Edit -- I don't think one can apply the term "negative" to numbers in the rating system. Perhaps he was talking about the tone and text of the review rather than the pure numbers given. If so your 6 isn't negative refutation doen't work.]

So please address the question I ask rather than making claims abou how you've hacked TER and understand it backend structures. And I don't believe you KNOW how the account IDs work (unless you have hacked the system and looking into that code/process) but do think you believe you've gather some information and might have an educated guess but that is not knowledge. It's a guess. So, is the account the made the 7 reviews that Roses was talking about 12 years old or not? Is you're claim he is lying about that or that 12 years is considered recent?

-- Modified on 9/25/2024 4:42:33 PM

" So you're saying there are not 12 years of history for 7 reviews?"

no, I never said this. Why are you attributing something Ive never said to me ?

"Perhaps for you 6 is an okay review. I would never see a provider that I would rate a 6 if I knew that in advance. So a review with a 6 score is not definitionally a good review. You might be fine with it. Many here would not. You like to tell others not to speack for everyone else. So stop doing that your self."

a 6/8 review is not negative according to TER scoring guidelines.  I dont speak for anyone else besides myself - hence me mentioning scoring guidelines in my post, something you clearly seemed to miss while reading. a 6/8 review is not negative according to TER scoring system - and TER scoring systems hasnt changed in ages.

a six in looks is considered "nice". 8 in performance is second highest grade, and Im already repeating myself. so no, according to grading of TER scoring system, a 6/8 review is nowhere near a negative review or experience. so thats the lie.


"So please address the question I ask rather than making claims abou how you've hacked TER and understand it backend structures. And I don't believe you KNOW how the account IDs work (unless you have hacked the system and looking into that code/process) but do think you believe you've gather some information and might have an educated guess but that is not knowledge. It's a guess. So, is the account the made the 7 reviews that Roses was talking about 12 years old or not? Is you're claim he is lying about that or that 12 years is considered recent? "

I did address the question. The only place I mentioned "recent" accounts was in "the whole  side thread ". Those accounts I called out by name.  

seems youre utterly confused by what I posted. its ok. let me answer the questions

", is the account the made the 7 reviews that Roses was talking about 12 years old or not? "  

yes, actually Id say more than that. beg2differ (the guy the op was talking about) is an alias so I wont out his actual id (because if you know an alias id you know who the alias belongs to), but lets say its in 50000s. its an old account. his account is older than bigp's account, to give you a perspective.  

The recent accounts I talked about were in that side thread.

"Is you're claim he is lying about that or that 12 years is considered recent? "

no, my claim was rose was lying about all of his experiences being negative where a 6/8 review beg2differ posted was not negative and was in fact, positive.

There were only two reviews when I looked intitiall and, incorrectly, assumed the two you mentioned were the original two. I get it now.

A six is an above average score according to TER scoring guidelines.
I would say the average looks score here at TER probably lies between 7 and 8. The nature of this industry weeds out 5 and below providers (natural selection).  That’s why you see significantly fewer reviews of 5 and below, hence the average provider ranking being much closer to 7 than 5.

I forget that some people take everything literally and lose the narrative. Let's say a 6/8 is not "negative." So, that leaves the other 6 of 7.  Roughly 86% is not 100%, so I'll give you that. I'm 86% honest and 14% liar. I'll take that.  

The point was, literally, that I take certain reviews with a grain of salt. I also don't take the OP very seriously because they're so obviously fake, but I like to see how much effort they'll put into it with a little encouragement. It's like watching a gerbil on a wheel with a block of cheese on the other side. But now I've had to spell it out and you've ruined all my fun. Booo.

My spidey sense is buzzing on this “provider” and it seems like this post is an attempt to preempt a legit review by Beg2differ. The website looks questionable, never heard of the operation, the models look TGTBT, the two other reviews of the provider look fraudulent, and more importantly a Google image search of some of the  pics on the site turns up photos from other websites. To me no reason to give this poster the benefit of the doubt.

Lol you're hilarious  
Well, TER said they sent him a message so I have nothing to say to you

The thing about fake reviews is that they can go both ways. A fake provider can procure fake reviews to appear legitimate. Even easier, “providers” can misappropriate photos of another person off of the internet and try to pass the photos off as themselves. Which is why my gut is telling me the photos of “you” on your website, that are also photos of a Russian adult entertainer, are not legit.

1. The only two other reviews are clearly written by the same person even though its two different accounts.

2. This provider is the only review either of those accounts have.

3. These are new accounts. In case people don't know every user on ter has a user ID, not just providers.  

These two accounts  

BillyDoutt and toddRuSs

(do you guys see the similarities in these names? I do)  

Have id's of 3820847 and 3821493, respectively... meaning these accounts were created recently AND they were created very closely to each other

Finally, these two accounts use very similar language, grammar constructs and literary devices.

That's just off the reviewers...  

Then it gets worse.  

There is no web history of the numbe or the agency. Sure new agencies spring up all the time. And yet numbers not advertised. Pics are reportedly stolen. There isn't a single trustable reviewer with a good review besides the person whom Lila is talking about.  


Tl;Dr - I would never see this provider or agency and would advice anyone to NOT see anyone there until there's confirmation that what they advertise is what they indeed offer.  

-- Modified on 9/24/2024 4:32:26 PM

-- Modified on 9/24/2024 6:20:56 PM

Clearly a fake agency using fake reviews, and trying to preempt a real critical review.
One look at the "agency's" POLICY statement that indicates a 40% deposit is required gives away the game.
They want 200 up front, so you can be scammed.
Yet another reason to NEVER GIVE A DEPOSIT. period.

PCnova23 reads

The good reviews are from people who only had reviewed one provider, which is you. I have my doubts, good luck

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