Washington DC

EDITED Hoping She Heals From This!! eom
myxme1 203 Reviews 2443 reads
1 / 25

Great, some crappy clients ruined a trip for a lady that I think could have been an ATF. I was excited to hear that Perfect Ten was sending back Ginger so quickly (been about 3 weeks). I was busy this week, so could only see her late on the last day of her tour late (probably last appointment, but still not that late in the day).  

When they said I could go on up, I hear her crying behind the door talking to someone on the phone. I hear her say that she doesn't want to see anyone anymore and they she is done with this business. She said everyone has been so mean to her this whole trip, repeating she is done, and just wants to go to sleep. I called PTE and asked if I should just leave and they said that they would call her. They called back and said they will have to cancel.

Last time I saw her, I treated her like a lady and she said would like it if I visited again (and I said I definitely would). I even brought her a gift this time and felt like leaving at her door and knocking to tell that the gift was for her and not everyone is an A-hole, but I did want to distrub her neighbors just in case she started to yell go away.

It's so sad and makes me angry that we probably lost an excellent provider because of A-Holes. Why do people treat other people so badly? People think money justifies that kind of behavior?

naughtinikki See my TER Reviews 816 reads
2 / 25

Posted By: myxme1
Great, some crappy clients ruined a trip for a lady that I think could have been an ATF. I was excited to hear that Perfect Ten was sending back Ginger so quickly (been about 3 weeks). I was busy this week, so could only see her late on the last day of her tour late (probably last appointment, but still not that late in the day).  
 When they said I could go on up, I hear her crying behind the door talking to someone on the phone. I hear her say that she doesn't want to see anyone anymore and they she is done with this business. She said everyone has been so mean to her this whole trip, repeating she is done, and just wants to go to sleep. I called PTE and asked if I should just leave and they said that they would call her. They called back and said they will have to cancel.  
 Last time I saw her, I treated her like a lady and she said would like it if I visited again (and I said I definitely would). I even brought her a gift this time and felt like leaving at her door and knocking to tell that the gift was for her and not everyone is an A-hole, but I did want to distrub her neighbors just in case she started to yell go away.  
 It's so sad and makes me angry that we probably lost an excellent provider because of A-Holes. Why do people treat other people so badly? People think money justifies that kind of behavior?

AmberAffection See my TER Reviews 736 reads
3 / 25
tomcat0360 105 Reviews 952 reads
4 / 25

I took a chance because she had no reviews at the time but was so glad I did. She was very sweet and really tried hard to please me. She is doing this to get herself through college. Whenever I see a college girl in this hobby, I always have mixed feelings. On one hand, I am glad I can contribute something to help her. On the other hand, I just wish she could finish her college asap, find a nice job and leave this business. I hope to see her again, but she has to do whatever is best for her.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 989 reads
5 / 25

this young woman did not experience this abuse because of "DC clients" -

she had this experience because of a lack of screening on the part of the agency -

if all you have to do is be screened via having a work phone number or some such you are putting the girls in danger of this - in any market area -

all they care about is assuring themselves to a reasonable degree that someone is not LE  -  that is nowhere near enough to ensure the safety of their providers -

if they also screened to make sure that the potential "suitor" is has a track record of being descent to providers that would help - but I'm sure they don't care -

I know some agencies that do care - and their ladies do not have this sort of experience....

Tabu See my TER Reviews 738 reads
6 / 25

was abused by clients she saw in DC, they were, de facto, "DC clients."  However, if she saw clients who abused her, it was very likely also the fault of the agency's lax screening and probable greed.

This is precisely why I never accepted any of the many offers I've had to work for an agency. If I make a mistake someday in my screening, so be it, I have no one to blame but myself. But to give up control and be sent to service John Doe in an anonymous hotel room? Not gonna happen.

I wish she could have had my experience... I've met wonderful men in DC, which is why I keep coming back.

noagenosage 763 reads
7 / 25

Sometimes LE can be helpful.  Some years ago a friend in the business was threatened at gunpoint by her boss, who ran a small agency.  I begged her to report him, but she was afraid.  Then, with her permission I contacted a US prosecuting attorney and described the situation without giving personal details, and she said she could guarantee immunity from prosecution if she would agree to testify.  My friend said, "thanks, but I'm afraid for my family and not even LE can give me protection from retaliation 24/7.  Bottom line:  sometimes LE can be helpful -- they are usually more interested in traffickers and narcotics than individual providers.  Just a thought...

Nora Jean See my TER Reviews 755 reads
8 / 25

This morning as I got on TER to post a thank you to DC for giving me the best time of my life while visiting I read the OP's post.  

I will tell you from from hand experience that many of these agencies do not care. I worked for two agencies before becoming independent and met some really nice guys, but met some bad ones. We ladies have met a bad client or two, but the clients I had bad experiences with were due to lack of screening on by the agency. I was not happy nor comfortable most times because I was afraid of getting busting due to the agencies lack of screening. Hopping from one agency to the next, in hope that the next would screen better, I would run into the same issues.  

Just recently a few weeks ago I became independent with some guidance from my assistant. I can truly say my attitude is much better (not being afraid or feeling uncomfortable) and now can thoroughly enjoy what I do. One of my clients said they see my review have gotten higher within the past few weeks and wanted to know why.  

This is why! Now that I am an independent I chose the conditions I work under and not have an agency do it for me.  

By all means I am not implying that all agencies are bad. I am a mature provider, so a lot of agencies did not want to work with me.  

I suggest this provider try working independently. If she is unhappy with the business still thereafter, then this just may not be the business for her.  

If she was upset prior to you going upstairs the agency should have made the choice to cancel the appointment, not having you call to ask.  

Just my 2 cents.

earthshined 755 reads
9 / 25

if that is possible. from the op it there is no evidence she was assaulted.Maybe, she just realized she doesnt want to do it anymore.  

Since she is with an agency I wonder if she could just walk out ofthe room if a client stars acting like an ass or gets verbally abusive? No reason to put up with it cowards.
Posted By: myxme1
Great, some crappy clients ruined a trip for a lady that I think could have been an ATF. I was excited to hear that Perfect Ten was sending back Ginger so quickly (been about 3 weeks). I was busy this week, so could only see her late on the last day of her tour late (probably last appointment, but still not that late in the day).  
 When they said I could go on up, I hear her crying behind the door talking to someone on the phone. I hear her say that she doesn't want to see anyone anymore and they she is done with this business. She said everyone has been so mean to her this whole trip, repeating she is done, and just wants to go to sleep. I called PTE and asked if I should just leave and they said that they would call her. They called back and said they will have to cancel.  
 Last time I saw her, I treated her like a lady and she said would like it if I visited again (and I said I definitely would). I even brought her a gift this time and felt like leaving at her door and knocking to tell that the gift was for her and not everyone is an A-hole, but I did want to distrub her neighbors just in case she started to yell go away.  
 It's so sad and makes me angry that we probably lost an excellent provider because of A-Holes. Why do people treat other people so badly? People think money justifies that kind of behavior?

JohnyComeAlready 648 reads
10 / 25

You shouldn't even blame the clients(does not excuse bad behavior) when the agency can't guarantee that their girls only see "nice" clients.

Amazingly, you made this post about "your" loss of an ATF/Provider. Reign it in their cowboy.  

Posted By: myxme1
Great, some crappy clients ruined a trip for a lady that I think could have been an ATF. I was excited to hear that Perfect Ten was sending back Ginger so quickly (been about 3 weeks). I was busy this week, so could only see her late on the last day of her tour late (probably last appointment, but still not that late in the day).  
 When they said I could go on up, I hear her crying behind the door talking to someone on the phone. I hear her say that she doesn't want to see anyone anymore and they she is done with this business. She said everyone has been so mean to her this whole trip, repeating she is done, and just wants to go to sleep. I called PTE and asked if I should just leave and they said that they would call her. They called back and said they will have to cancel.  
 Last time I saw her, I treated her like a lady and she said would like it if I visited again (and I said I definitely would). I even brought her a gift this time and felt like leaving at her door and knocking to tell that the gift was for her and not everyone is an A-hole, but I did want to distrub her neighbors just in case she started to yell go away.  
 It's so sad and makes me angry that we probably lost an excellent provider because of A-Holes. Why do people treat other people so badly? People think money justifies that kind of behavior?

ttcttc 138 Reviews 807 reads
11 / 25

i am continually amazed to hear stories from providers about what complete idiots, jerks, a-holes some guys are.  The issue isn;t that one needs to be a "mangina."  it's just about respect and treating people like human beings.  From my perspective, the provider is about to do intimate and wonderful things to me and for me, why would I want to be rude or nasty to her?  

I feel like we all have a really good thing going, if people would just be decent to each other.  It is a shame that a few bad clients can influence so much

ICantQuit 701 reads
12 / 25

If you're referring to the lady and situation by the OP then my heart goes out to her.

ICantQuit 678 reads
13 / 25

Yeah, I need context.  What does that mean?  Was she beat, In what way was she abused?

Without that context it could simply be a case of this "college" co-ed made a poor choice of how to make money to pay for "college."  After say dude #3 (with nothing happening but some sex) it probably dawned on her that she was not cut out to be a prostitute and she became overwhelmed with emotion.  

In addition, I've worked with PTE on several occasions and they screen appropriately, IMHO.  However, there is no way screening can screen out ALLLL jerks, idiots and A-holes.

tomcat0360 105 Reviews 850 reads
14 / 25

It could be verbal abuse or trying to force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Just because you pay for her time, doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want. It is about respect for another human meaning, especially in a business relationship when you supposedly have the monetary power. I cringe whenever I see a customer being mean/rude to his/her waiter/waitress. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if these people behave the same way towards their paid escorts if they indulge in this hobby.

The OP probably shouldn't specifically say DC clients because this could happen anywhere, but that is not his main point. He was just angry that people think they can behave badly because they pay and the woman is just a prostitute anyway

myxme1 203 Reviews 724 reads
15 / 25

It happens with Independents too. Just check messages from a few years ago.

I remember a bunch of posts here from Independents providers and they were say how rude DC men were and there also a lot of last minute cancellations that a lot of woman stop coming to DC and it got a bad reputation. There was lull in the DC market for a while do to that (I think it was pre-recession). That why I wrote that title because I don't want that to happen again.

myxme1 203 Reviews 688 reads
16 / 25

In my other post, I said that DC area got a bad reputation a few years ago from several Independents from rude clients and tons of last minute cancellations. There was lull for a time where ladies would not come (might have been pre-recession) to the DC area.

Yeah, I'm upset about losing a sweet lady that could bring joy into my life and everyone in the scene's lives. I didn't even have a chance to see if she could be an ATF, but she could have been. But more importantly, nobody should be treat poorly for providing something so intimate (or in life in general).

myxme1 203 Reviews 679 reads
17 / 25

Yeah, it can happen anywhere and I agree 100% with what you said (I gave a like).  

But like I said in other posts above, DC had a bad reputation from even the Independents a few years ago. I'm hope that trend is not coming back.

!!!!! 714 reads
18 / 25

Cancellations, maybe. But rudeness? There are rude people everywhere but DC is generally known to have good clients, compared to other cities.

myxme1 203 Reviews 650 reads
19 / 25

No idea what happen. Only relayed what I heard through the door. Crying and sounded really upset.

Yeah, I think PTE is a good agency (been using them for years) and like I said it happens with Independents. There are A-holes everywhere. I just hope that DC is not trending downs again like a few years ago.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 681 reads
20 / 25

Everything hinges on the definition of "Client"  bad apples are not desirable clients in any market

I think that in any market in the US a provider could encounter dangerous people, physically aggressive people, someone who may totally disrespect her and potentially harm her -

many of those people do not fit a reasonable definition of "client" -  they are in fact just as if not substantially more undesirable than encountering LE

People who pass reasonable screening are in my mind "clients" -  they become clients because they are qualified to be through the screening process -

so while it is obvious that this element exists in DC (and I would argue exists everywhere)  calling them "DC Clients" is an insult to those of us who really qualify as "clients"....

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 697 reads
21 / 25

anyone who is foolish enough to believe that screening exists only to reasonably assure that the "client" is not LE is missing more than half of the picture -    there is frequently news of providers being abused and killed all over the country.....      

screening is about assuring the provider's safety -  

and there is no substitute for getting multiple and recent references from other consistently reviewed and established providers -

even many of the better agencies include this in their screening...

JohnyComeAlready 693 reads
22 / 25

Different lady, different guy. What happened between the OP, his scheduled date, and her clients for the day. Had nothing to do with the lady, you had an encounter with.

Posted By: RodTidweLL
I was referring to a different lady, but I don't know how she can no the guys name and work info and not press charges. Im pissed just thinking about it, that coward would never do it to a guy, a girl half his size he thinks hes randy couture.
Now you are talking about a guy whom you've never met. Why?

SerenaVincente See my TER Reviews 738 reads
23 / 25

had what it sound to me bad experiences for the most part. I must say, I am very lucky then as I meet mostly nice guy just after some fun. I have even made some good friends. I hope she will reconsider and try again but this time with an agency who screens better in terms of having a fine clientele.
good luck to her

JohnyComeAlready 515 reads
24 / 25

Second, your response to this thread was irrelevant to the OP's post. The OP never said his "potential" ATF was beaten or even injured by any of her clients.  

You are "fluffing" the OP with accusations of violence against women.


Rod, when are you calling the agency to see what happened?

thelaurenhaze See my TER Reviews 276 reads
25 / 25
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