Washington DC

Dude, are you saying those are accurate pics? Whoah. -e-
bennyonesix 16 Reviews 481 reads


As simple as that really. I am looking for a girl who used to work as a k-girl but is now independent. Thanks.

I think I know where you're going here Benny. There is what appears to be an independent K-type of girl. I can't vouch for her though. I leave the research up to you and please let me know if she is on the up and up.


Go on backpage...Type 60 in the search box. Stick 2 da ones u see with multiple daily posts. There u have it

Leaving aside the question of whether they are still k-girls just because they are now independent, the best way to find them is to use the "Search Escorts" function on this website.  Search for "Asian" and "Independent."  You might get a couple in that search who are not Korean, but so what.

BTW, be very wary of all Asians posting on BP.  Just not a safe way to pursue this hobby

Excuse my ignorance, but I thought K-girl stood for "Korean Girl"?  

With that being said, if a K-girl goes independent, does that mean she is no longer Korean? lol

...ya know, Get that Indy k-girl reference so they let him into the agency as they would probably be more trusting of such a reference.

-- Modified on 11/27/2014 10:09:11 AM

Posted By: Life410
...ya know, Get that Indy k-girl reference so they let him into the agency as they would probably be more trusting of such a reference.  

-- Modified on 11/27/2014 10:09:11 AM

Sure--at least he's trying and getting creative. Those agencies are paranoid and airtight.

Just what you're looking for?

!!!!!494 reads

I hate the term "k-girls". It is at least disrespectful. It is not as bad if it only means Korean women who work for an agency. (It doesn't matter if they call themselves that.) If it refers to all Korean women, then it would be derogatory

These Korean business owners are very cautious and I highly doubt they will hire anyone outside of their community to work for them.  Also another thing is all these agency owners share lot of intel amongst themselves.. Very tight knit community they are..  

I personally have no experience with K-agencies but have talked to a bunch of guys who are regular patrons of the same, and they have never said anything to the effect that the girl was not Korean..

There are few J providers who tour in the K-girl circuit, but they are either half Korean or ethnic Koreans born in Japan.  Same for C providers.  T-girl agencies in our area have identical model as K-girl agencies, but you don't see anyone calling them K-girls.  IMO K-girl refers to Korean providers who provide services in K-agency manner.

JJ is an example of indy K-girl who have recently toured through our area

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