Washington DC

Attn. Ladies!! Did they steal your pics too????confused_smile
Lacey Diamond 7590 reads

Hello everyone!
I am a provider in the DC/VA area.
A client of mine contacted me to inform me that someone else is using my pics on there ad!
Well sure enough I went to the link, that he enclosed. And there I was!!! I must say at first I was suprised considering the 1st pic on the ad is of a very Busty (Brown skinned) African American girl. Then I was Really pissed!!!!
So I call "CHOCOLATE CITY ESCORTS", this is the agency that "Dominique"(who had my pic up) works for! So without any explanation, they inform me that they will remove the pic.
So that they did!
But then I called "USADULTENTERTAINMENT" which is the advertising site, and I spoke to a girl there! She was absolutly NO Help!!!! She informs me that "it wasn't the agencies fault, it was the programer!"
What the hell does that suppost to mean???

So, I go looking more into this site, and I start realizing that 99% of these girls have all the same rates and contact info.

Then I came across the ad that I have attached! Now obviously, I am NOT a Brown skinned African American girl! So I see this ad for "Simone of Laurel,MD"
and its obvious to me that the top pic. on the ad of the African American girl and the bottem pic. on the same ad of a Italian or Spanish looking girl, IS NOT THE SAME PERSON!!
So I ask, "How many other pics. of providers are they stealing, and profiting from??" They tend to change pics often!!
If anyone knows who the 2nd pic is of, I feel she has a right to know, that they are making money off her!!!

Things like this really Bother me!! Theres no excuse for things like this!!!!

Thank you for your time!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe!!

-- Modified on 11/23/2004 4:50:53 PM

VeeTracker5173 reads

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is absolutely routine.  Fake pictures, fake descriptions, bait & switch, cash & dash...  It's why sites like this one exist -- to allow those in the biz (both hobbyists and legitimate providers) to network and seperate the wheat from the chaff.  I'm sorry to hear that you got taken advantage of in this case.


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