
The world lost a beautiful human being.
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 5483 reads

She was beautiful, positive, giggly, just an amazing individual. She stole my heart the minute I met her, just like she did with many other people that met her. She was just a tender, kind soul. Today my bed overflows with tears of sadness. Not knowing if tomorrow I will want to open my eyes. I will pray to God to take care of her now that she's in his kingdom.  

I will miss you Ari. The people that met you will miss you. We love you, you beautiful little girl. You're in a better place now.

R.I.P. Arianna.  

-- Modified on 1/26/2016 12:41:49 AM

Kind and beautiful words Sasha. Sorrow.

Posted By: TS Sasha
She was beautiful, positive, giggly, just an amazing individual. She stole my heart the minute I met her, just like the did with many other people that met her. She was just a tender soul. Today my bed overflows with tears of sadness. Not knowing if tomorrow I will want to open my eyes. I will pray to God to take care of her now that she's in his kingdom.  
 I will miss you Ari. The people that met you will miss you. We love you, you beautiful little girl. You're in a better place now.  
 R.I.P. Arianna.  

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 9:37:46 PM

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 7:12:21 PM

SDHercules1411 reads

Having seen and communicated with the oh so special Arianna many times, I share Sasha's sentiments and sense of complete loss. Nice, beautiful, smart, sweet, funny, loving are all adjectives that easily flow off one's lips regarding this beautiful human being. The fact Aria was so young and had so much to look forward to makes her loss all the more tragic. I will miss her dearly, and consider myself so lucky to have seen her when she briefly returned to San Diego a couple months ago after moving to New York City. I'll always remember her reply when I texted her at that time to wish her a happy birthday in NYC. She sent back, "LOL. Well you can give me that wish in person, because I'm here in SD now!". Classic Arianna!!! Rest in peace my friend.

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 7:39:09 PM

Oh my gosh NO!  I am so sad.  I had some time with her myself and then my wife and I saw her.  The reason it was a peak experience for us wasn't the sex, tho that was spectacular, but her spirit and the sparkle in her face and her joy at life.  Too bad to have been struck down so young.

Something similar happened to a beautiful TS lady named Vanessa from Florida.  She seemed to have died at the hands of an evil perpetrator in Britain.  Could we have some details about this nice one and what happened, so that maybe we would know what to watch out for.  Do not want her death to be in vain.  Thanks in advance!

Oh Sasha. I am so sorry. I know from our conversations how special she was to you. I was so looking forward to meeting her. All her reviews here were so wonderful and glowing. Its very sad when we loose someone so vibrant in our community here. May she rest forever with the Angels.

I merely met her once several years ago. She was just as charmingly giggly and sweet as everyone here has expressed. I remember just thinking of her every now and then and recalling what a memorably kind-hearted girl she was. In my entire life, I've actually only lost one other person who I'd shared this kind of intimacy with, and that other person was a former girlfriend from years ago. And once again, I realize, when you've shared that kind of intimacy with someone, no matter how long or how briefly, you feel the loss. I had the fortune of connecting with someone who spent some time sharing an intimate part of herself with me. And now that she's no longer with us, I'll continue to keep at least that briefly shared tender part of her alive within my thoughts and heart for as long as I have them. Rest in peace, Ariana. I'm grateful to have had that moment in time, however short, to know a small part of you.

Posted By: firefoxx
Oh Sasha. I am so sorry. I know from our conversations how special she was to you. I was so looking forward to meeting her. All her reviews here were so wonderful and glowing. Its very sad when we loose someone so vibrant in our community here. May she rest forever with the Angels.

I'm sorry for your loss.  I never heard of Arianna, but rest assured, I will do my research on her.  It's never easy to lose someone, but it always sucks worse when they go before their time.

May peace and grace fall upon her, and all those here who knew and loved her. ~ R.I.P. Arianna.

I'm absolutely heartbroken at this news. Arianna was a beautiful, vibrant young woman.  Not a mean bone in her body. I'm absolutely devastated. Can you please let us know a little of what happened. Don't need all the details but just a brief idea would be fine. I guess it really doesn't matter how but for those of us who got to know her, it would give us some closure. Thank you.

JackDunphy1019 reads

That's was a lovely tribute to your friend. I am saddened by your loss. :(

I can't even imagine the feeling of losing a friend.  I admired Ari but never had the chance to meet her.  All of you sharing memories and condolences gives those of a glimpse of what an amazing person she was.

It seems so often that the old adage rings so true..."only the good die young."  So sorry you lost your dear friends.  My thoughts are with you and all of Ari's family and friends.  Nick

Thank you for sharing Sasha, it's so sad when someone we love has passed and especially so young.
I appreciate you sharing, and letting us grieve with you.

SDHercules1319 reads

Yesterday Arianna's partner asked that I convey her thanks to all here for your concern and kind words. She said to let you know Arianna just laid down and never woke up Wednesday of last week in NYC. The coroner who examined her found no evidence of foul play or anything sinister. She inexplicably passed peacefully in her sleep and did not suffer. Her partner asked we all now remember Arianna as the sweet, vibrant, beautiful person she was.  Amen.

-- Modified on 1/29/2016 8:57:28 AM

This is devastating news, late as I am to it.  I have been wondering when she would return to DC again.  I assumed NYC had her completely occupied.   I had a true fondness for her and we shared a special connection.  In fact I was just talking about her this week to a friend.  I had no idea.  I'm so sorry for your loss, Sasha, and for all who are trying to work  through this terrible absence.  My sincere condolences.

Sdts476 reads

Oh my god, I was just getting ready to text her. When I saw her last here in San Diego in November, we had planned on getting together in late April. I am so sad, She was really special. God Speed Arianna.

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