
South florida vacation cuming up
fl4ever71 2 Reviews 5509 reads

On my way to south florida (fort lauderdale) was looking for any recomendations on beautiful TS in the area.  Want someone who is versitile and a GFE experience.  I used to live down there but my ol favorite provider is gone now.  Any help is appreciated. thanks

river17156 reads

Who was your favorite provider?

TS Salome was my favorite.  FIrst meeting with her was almost all buisness but I had a really good time.  Second time I saw her she remembered me and I guess I did something right one the first meeting cause from then on it was a whole different experience.  Much more friendly and open.  I used to live about 10 minutes from her and say her often.  Her web page is down and no answers to e-mails and can't get her on the phone, so I assume she is gone or no longer providing.:(   that is why I am looking for any suggestions in the fort lauderdale area.

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