
Re:Prices for TS's going up and up????
231486 15 Reviews 11023 reads
1 / 24

Is it just me.....or has the price for a TS visit gone up quite a bit??? Most now are 250???

dickyemail 22 Reviews 11058 reads
2 / 24

for the past year or so, i've been paying $250-$300.

my experience is you get what you pay for.  everytime i pay under $250 for a tgirl the session is at best average.  when i pay $250 - $300, the sessions are very memorable.  frankly, i don't mind paying the extra $50-$100 for a great session.

<===8 11277 reads
3 / 24

I won't pay those prices! I consider myself str8. I go to t-girls on occasion because they provid differ services for resonable price. I love to DFK and to get rimmed. This isn't a problem for a lot t-girls. the most I've paid for a t-girl is $$. This was for Barbie and it was well worth it. She is better looking than most gg! She will DFK - try getting that from a gg that looks as hot as she does. If I'm going to pay $$$ for a lay, I'm gonna get a gg. The market place determines what the price is - if the johns don't pay those high rates, the prices will come down.

kyliesd See my TER Reviews 12145 reads
4 / 24

See it is guys like this one that often ruins it for everyone else!  OH and by the way who ever you are it is the law of supply and demand here. Lots of guys (especialy from this forum) see just how special many of these ladies are.
If all you have ever paid was $$ than obviously you like the SW garden variety of TS as well.........
Well good luck! and I hope you get tested regularly, because you should  if you are looking for SWs.


loverofts 10339 reads
5 / 24

This attitude ruins nothing for the guys, Kylie.  It only threatens the high priced girls.    
Yes, we see how special many Tgirls are, but it is not a correlative of price or HIV status.  Some girls are just special and some are not, irregardless of their rate.
There are many lovely Tgirls in LA who can be seen for 150.  Some for 100 as well.  These girls will treat you well, and give you all that you could ask for.  And they are not "SW garden variety TS's" as you so demeaningly put it.
Conversely, there are many reviews of girls who, despite having received 250 of the reviewer's hard earned cash, could not be bothered to treat him as a fellow human, let alone a valued customer.

TheAnswer 49 Reviews 8722 reads
6 / 24

C'mon Kylie, you know better than that.  Certainly, the best looking, best reviewed girls can definitely ask for, earn and deserve the higher price tags.  But, this market isn't perfect.  There are lots of great girls who charge less for various reasons including being relatively new to the scene or perhaps not fully appreciating their market power.

For the record, I'm a believer in markets and the power of supply and demand.  I WILL pay more for a session I know will be better.  And, sometimes, if I'm feeling like taking a risk, I'll go to a lower priced girl.  Not to trivialize things, but this is no different than when I buy my nice clothes at Nordstrom and but pick up a t shirts and stuff at Target (and sometimes get lucky and find something cool there).

PiquedinSoCal 2 Reviews 10367 reads
7 / 24

So, um, where is this "Target" or "Factory 2 U" where one can find a beautiful TS abounding in superb memorable sessions at great Target prices ?

(Jumps to Mapquest in hopes of getting lucky)

TheAnswer 49 Reviews 9409 reads
8 / 24

LOL, its easy to find Target.  The tougher part is the occasional diamond in the rough hidden in the aisles.

TS Star 9433 reads
9 / 24

I'm not going to get too much into this.  The way I see it is... a girl has her price.  If you want to meet her price, then all is fine and dandy.  If you don't, then just move on.  Please don't haggle. You're not at a swap meet.

You know, some reasons for charging more may have nothing to do with session quality or greed.  Some valid reasons may be:

Higher rent in a better, safer neighborhood.  A nicer apartment for you to feel safer in.  Medical expences!!!  You think hormones and breast implants are covered by a HMO?  You think most of us girls even HAVE an HMO?  Expences for a girl to look her best.  (Do you even KNOW how much it costs for a girl to get her hair cut & highlighted at a good salon???)  Nice lingerie is expencive (and not the most durable). Nice clothes, etc.  If these things mean something to you, then maybe a slightly higher price is worth it.  If you don't care about it, then there are always other girls.

Also, just the general cost of living has skyrocketed.  Gas is up, rent has been raised, groceries cost more, airline tickets cost more, hotels cost more, etc.  It has to be paid somehow and just like any other business, it gets passed on to the consumer.

I know you guys have expences too.  We all do.  I just wanted to point out that it's not all greed and that there are legitimate reasons for some higher prices.  But like I said before, if you are not comfortable with that, then be polite, be a gentleman and move on to the next girl.

These are just my personal opinions, I'm not speaking for any other girl.

Peace & love

loverofts 10671 reads
10 / 24

Ah, yes.  But soooooooo worth digging through the aisles!

bracbra 33 Reviews 11235 reads
11 / 24

All legitimate reasons, but IMHO session quality becomes paramount when paying higher rates.  
As you pointed out, we all have expenses.  Most of us have limited disposable income for use toward these endeavors.  When spending top dollar, a less than stellar session is doubly disapointing.  We walk away poorer both financially and sexually/emotionally.  And there is no customer service desk to find recourse.  
It is my opinion that when a girl charges top dollar, she is implicitly stating that she is worth it from the customer's point of view.  That she is going to do her best to leave you satisfied.
That said, it is a market, so let the buyer beware.  This site is where we can take a small bite out of the risk factor by disseminating information and experiences to one other.
Most importantly, your point is well taken regarding the importance of civility and respect.  Be polite and move on or pay up and take the risk.

231486 15 Reviews 8932 reads
12 / 24

Wow...and all I was doing was commenting on how the price has increased in the last year. There was no judgement involved, just tring to figure it all out.

dickyemail 22 Reviews 9693 reads
13 / 24

with email & message boards people tend to find both intended & unintended hidden meanings.  if we were all sitting together in a room, i'm sure things would be much more civil.

hey everyone this board is supposed to be fun and informational!  it's friday! let's party!

dickyemail 22 Reviews 10227 reads
14 / 24

you'll never find Ruby at Target.  You better go to SAKs!

TheAnswer 49 Reviews 9656 reads
15 / 24

Ruby is a great example now of a girl who demands and deserves a high price.  But remember, one day, some time ago, Ruby had her first day in the business. I suspect that, while I'm sure her time in the biz has helped her transition, she was probably Saks quality but at a Target price.

TS Star 8309 reads
16 / 24

I've already talked more about this than I wanted too.  But here goes some more....

In my view, all those things I listed, safe neighborhood, nice apartment, a girl looking, smelling, dressing her best - ARE all part of a good experience.  Others may disagree.  People are different.  What's important to one person may not be important to someone else.

One thing I disagree with you on.  I think when a girl charges a higher amount, she is not implying anything other than SHE thinks she's worth it and believes she can earn that amount.  I think the best encounters are the ones where people go into them with no preconceived expectaions, that way, your chances are greater that you will leave pleasantly surprised.

bracbra 33 Reviews 11597 reads
17 / 24

I think the best encounters are the ones where people go into them with an attitude of openness toward the other person.  Not necessarily with expectations, but with hopes of a positive, satisfying exchange between them.  All those other things you listed are an important part of it, just not the essence of it.

Since we are on complementary sides of the equation, it is only natural that we would see the implications of higher prices from slightly different facets.  If a girl thinks she is worth it, she will be proven either right or wrong by the marketplace (whether or not the customer thinks she is worth it)in the end.

cruiser1 10773 reads
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"I think the best encounters are the ones where people go into them with no preconceived expectations..."  Wouldn't a higher fee lead a client to have raised expectations?
    I enjoy reading your posts, TS Star.  We(guys) are lucky you post, as not many girls do.  I know you're not anxious to keep on participating in this thread, so if you choose to ignore my question, feel free.

socketome 14 Reviews 10801 reads
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A) I think there are more and move venues for TS's to advertise their services which we not available before.*
B) As a result of (A), more and more guys are seeing ads for, and "resalising" that they have an interest in seeing TS's.
C) As a result of (B), "overall demand" fo the services of TS's has risen.
D) As the result of (C, like all "supply vs demand" issues), pirce increases when demand increases outsrip supply increases.

* for a lot of guys, never having come in contact with TS's, or not relising that they actually have come in contact with TS's, they just don't know what they are missing. How many times have you heard the comment from some guy who you just know never would have ever consider a TS experience, after first getting dragged (pun intended) to some "Drag Queen Review" at some niteclub: "wow, I had no idea how good they looked"?

wouldashoulda 9672 reads
20 / 24

Hey Answer,

I had posted a response to Secret Maids and it's "Gone with the Wind", as was the original post from the aforementioned Secret Maids.

Was it something I said, or maybe my cologne????

TheAnswer 49 Reviews 11263 reads
21 / 24

LOL, smelly and inarticulate people are welcome here, my friend.

Actually, I killed the thread at the suggestion of one of the posters.  I welcome posts from Secret Maids but their last one was just an advert under the guise of a legit post.  Once you kill a post, it kills everything below it.  In the future, I'll just edit out the content and leave everything else as is.

billy_cuddles 8683 reads
22 / 24

Quality TS can be had for $$ anywhere in the country and most of them do not restrict their services to white Aryan males and most of them enjoy using their tools.

I don't want to offend you Kylie, but  you have been very open on other boards regarding your complete distaste for men who like to be bottom or have anything to do with your tool. You've also indicated all Hispanics look alike and you do not date blacks.. Has that changed?

Let's do the math.... you offer services limited to treating you like a gg, no rimming, no bottom clients, you hate it when a man wants your tool.(by your own admission).... price  $$$

Why would you critizies a hobbiest who wants more bang for his buck?

PiquedinSoCal 2 Reviews 10742 reads
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nylust 1 Reviews 10263 reads
24 / 24

Dammit. There shoudl be regulation. I say if you're a top you charge $25 an inch!!!

Seriously though. It's a hard job to do and if they want to charge a lot, and that's what motivates, then that's up to them. All one is allowed to do is pay up should you wish to. Everything, gas, milk, food, etc... is more expensive these days and my salary hasn't gone up to match it.

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