
Re:Oakbrook 5/18-5/20
LuvEmLong 1 Reviews 7097 reads

It's really too bad things didn't work out better.  I thought it was a great idea.  I would have found time to see you if you were visiting my area!

Well, so much for that idea . Five appts, five no shows with no calls to cancel. Last week in Schaumburg , I had four no shows that didn't call to cancel, although at least some guys who scheduled showed up.I really don't understand the guys who keep playing this game.A lot of guys asked me to come out to the suburbs, and sounded excited about it, and then this.Won't try this again.

It's really too bad things didn't work out better.  I thought it was a great idea.  I would have found time to see you if you were visiting my area!

Sorry that the guys in Chicago don't appreciate you, can't wait till you come back to Milwaukee.

I'll be back in Milwaukee from June 29 thru July 3. I'm really looking forward to comung back, had a great time last time I was there.
Kisses, Brasil

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