
NYCHOT 9420 reads

i find it a bit hard (excuse the word) to understand how relations with a transexual (or any kind of 'sexual') can be considered, or rationalized as a 'hobby?' i don't mean this as a flame in any way and i'm hoping and expect -- from this articulate crowd -- well-grounded and reasonable responses. would taking heroin be a hobby? or having sex with a gay man in a restroom be a hobby? or going to female prostitutes be a hobby? i don't see how anyone who has sex with transexuals can call it a hobby??? as i see it -- and there's nothing wrong with it as jerry seinfeld says in that famous episode -- not as a hobby but rather bisexual or homosexual activity camouflaged under a different guise. i don't mean to offend anyone here -- and i do find certain tgrrls hot -- but HOBBY? come on, make a believer.

Enjoying time with an escort is generally considered "hobbying", whether its girls, tgirls, farm animals or martians.  I didn't make it up and generally don't care if its the right term.  IMHO, the term doesn't disguise anything - I just find it easier to say than "having sex with a girl for money" not to mention its a little safer in mixed company.

If there is anything "camouflaged" here its that this post is really about the over-discussed, over-hyped, who-really-cares-at-the-end-of-the-day, "are tranny chasers homos" theme.  

Maybe, instead of ruminating on such inane topics, you need a hobby (sorry, no offense, just couldnt resist that one!).

Hobby, I do think so! While some men my age fish, hanglide or ski, I prefer to use my discretionary income in pursuit of a different form of excitement. It is the process that is habit forming not just the sex. Instead of waxing my surfboard I wax my balls. To me it is the best of hobbies and the jazz is second to no other experience. In closing you may be interested in the traveling single male website, you will find a world of hobbiests.

beeevis8106 reads

that you don't mean to offend anyone doesn't make your post any less offensive. why should anyone here have to defend their behavior or explain it to you?

having said that, i will anyway.

"hobbyist" is just a label that has been coined to refer to those of us who pursue escorts. we may like genetic girls, t girls, street girls, porn stars, men, or any combination thereof.
just because YOU have decided that hobby = collecting stamps or playing with barbie dolls doesn't mean that we don't get to use the term. webster's new world dictionary says that a hobby is: "something that a person likes to do in his or her spare time".

Criticism accepted, beeevis.  I let my emotions get the best of me and shouldnt have.

That said, my point is that NYCHOT was talking more about whether transsexual-related activities were hobbying.  Hence, his point, "not as a hobby but rather bisexual or homosexual activity camouflaged under a different guise."  I'm just really tired of that kind of talk.  

I agree with your intelligent response and hope to see more.

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 7:04:37 PM

NYCHOT8356 reads

I have a feeling that the providers -- who are in the business for money, not love -- couldn't really care whether they are the object of a "hobbyist" affections or not, as long as that $150-an-hour comes in. as a test, i went on a site called, which has a chatroom for tgrrls and their admirers. and threw out the line that tranny chasing was a hobby. believe me, these grrls, some of them pros, hit the proverbial ceiling and in fact i was booted. indeed, they were extremely insulted and moreover shocked that they were considered the prey, so to speak, of "hobbyists." their main theme before i got the boot was "if you like us and want to fuck us, you're gay and refuse to admit it," all of which went far beyond what i was asking, which was -- do you buy the term hobbyist for a tranny-chaser. bottom line -- they did not. i'm sure the grrls who post on this site will respond differently, mainly because they make a living from "the hobby" -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

TS Star12243 reads

Now I'm REALLY mad!!!!   $150 an hour??? What kind of insult is that???  What kind of girl are YOU seeing?  What kind of cheapskate are you???  LOL

Ok, now.... seriously.  Anybody that reads these boards for more than 15 minutes can see that the word "hobbyist" is just a more friendlier name to be called than say, a "john".  It doesn't bother me what people call themselves.  It doesn't bother me that we girls are called "providers".  Who cares?  We all know the score.  We are all (hopefully) adults.

The only thing I DO care about is that people respect eachother and treat eachother like human beings.  Kindness goes a long way with me.  Whether there is some monitary compensation or not makes no difference. People should be civil.

I don't really hold too much stock in your test.  It all has to do with how you ask a question, where you ask it, who you ask, how you phrase it, your choice of words, etc.

Just like with polls.  You can get any result you want depending on who & how you ask a question.

Another Star

Firstly, you've confirmed my suspicions that you're more interested in the "are tranny chasers gay" point than anything else.  Why not ask that up front as opposed to hiding behind the escort thing?

Secondly, I don't consider tranny chasing a hobby - I consider going to escorts as one.  So, the opinion of non-escort trannies really doesnt matter.  If I have sex with a tranny for no money its the same as having sex with my girlfriend and isn't hobbying.  I'd never call fucking my girlfriend a hobby (more like a chore these days but that's besides the point).

Thirdly, as you probably know, urnotalone is far more of a cross-dressing site.  Most if not all of the guys on this site have no interest in cross dressers, who are far different in appearance, identity and sexual tendencies than trannssexuals.  I'd sort of agree that people who really like CDs are more likely bi.

-- Modified on 6/30/2004 1:05:43 PM

-- Modified on 6/30/2004 3:27:18 PM

NYCHOT9033 reads

i'm not really sure how i "confirmed" Answers "suspicions" about my agenda. but he's wrong. no, i was not aware that was a cd group...because from what i can see from their profiles there are many ft tgrrls and pros on there. star makes good points. i think i'll leave all this be. thanks for the stirring debate!!! seriously.

beeevis8444 reads

mr. Answer: i intended no criticism of you - i thought your original reply (and subsequent postings) were intelligent and to the point - my criticism was aimed at mr. hot :)

i'll repeat myself, and expand on my point.

first: i took offense at NYCHOT's first post because i have seen many, many posts of this type here on TER: "oh, gee, i don't mean to offend anybody, but how come you people all do such evil stupid things?"

can you say "passive aggressive"?

HOT's stated premise is that hiring escorts (transsexuals or ANY KIND of 'sexuals') should not be called a "hobby". i stated that since the dictionary defines a hobby as "something i like to do in my spare time" - I GET TO CALL IT A HOBBY!

STAR - you are definitely the class of this board. i feel you when you say you dislike being labeled as a "provider". it's just a convenient term, like hobbyist, and i personally mean no disrespect.

i agree with you, answer, that there are undertones of gay issues in HOT's post, and that stirs up all kinds of emotions. all i can say is if you have gay issues, then get your sloped foreheaded, one-eyebrowed, slack-jawed, hairy-backed, knuckle-dragging, sweaty ass off the TS board!

oh, of course i don't mean to offend anybody :-)

NYCHOT9277 reads

thou doth protest too much!!!!!! i have nothing more to say re this thread....too many bizarre, irrational responses now. ok ok, it's an f'ing hobby. hitler's holocaust was HIS hobby...Ted Bundy's serial killings were HIS hobby...f----g transexuals and getting f===d by them is beevis hobby. hey,let's all pursue our compulsive obsessions and call yjem hobbies.sorry i opened all these emotional wounds for some of you guys. no more responses from me....and i can see that open discussion isnt welcome here. buh=bye!!!!!!

Man, and I thought I was the master of analogies.  Now we're being compared to Ted Bundy and Hitler.  

Since when are compulsive obsessions not qualified to be hobbies.  I can promise you that I think far less about trannies than the guy in the office next to me thinks about golf and its his hobby (BTW, I get far more holes in one than he does).

But, this is helpful to clarify what you're saying.  You think tranny chasing is a deviant, compulsive obsession (perhaps due to some "emotional wound") that is very different than just chasing tail or escorts.  I humbly disagree.  End of discussion.

No heroin, but,I do smoke copious amounts of weed as a hobby. When discussing providers and sexual appetites, "hobby" is a convenient moniker that aids us in communicating with one another. It's a much better description than say "unrepentant butt-licking horn-dog  mutant bastard" or whatever. It's a simple meant code to crystalize what could be a wide variety of descriptions into one meaning we can all become familiar with. A hobby is an interest. I wish things like finding & surfing the perfect wave, consorting with escorts, smoking the biggest spliff, etc., could be a full-time job, but for now they're hobbies. Also, I prefer genetic women, but, I also have a sweet tooth for the occasional beautiful TS. I don't even think about it, but all my feminine TS friends consider me "straight", despite what that great philosopher Seinfeld sez.

NYCHOT7789 reads

well, ok...i can see using the word as a convenient moniker as prime rib calls it. code word or kinky interest might be more realistic, though. i guess bill could have explained away monica, too, as a hobby, but i don't think hillary or the american public would have bought it. in any case, i don't see debating the issue further based on the kind of subtly irate and defensive responses i've gotten. thanks, though, for your thoughts.and again, i nevere intended to flame or inflame, i just thought hobby was a strange term to give tranny chasing. i'd like to delve into the whole GFE thing,too, but i'll leave that for another time.

cruiser18797 reads

    Did you bring this question up on the other boards?  I agree with THEANSWER.  Your root of your question has nothing to do with seeing escorts, but rather TS escorts. Re-examine your choice of words.
P.S. I'm not subtly irate or defensive. LOL:o)

just when it seemed this discussion was getting somewhere. I also liked his subtle acceptance of the term "hobby" as a kinky secret code. Come back NYCHOT!

will_able9312 reads

I am not trying to upset anyone but just playing devils advocate here...

You said "all my feminine TS friends consider me "straight""...

If they considered you gay or bi then that would imply that they are not feminine. i.e. If a TS doesn't really consider herself a man than how could anyone who likes her be gay?

Here is the equation...

Like men = gay
Like women = straight
Like both = bi
Like something in between men and women = something in between straight/gay/bi

Are guys that like muscular women more gay than guys who like efeminite men? Obviously not, but it is an interesting philosophical question worth posing to all detractors of TS admirors.

Some of these TS friends have gay boyfriends , date bi guys, and enjoy sex with lesbians. I believe they (TS & partners) do all like each other, yet they remain feminine. So I not sure how to answer that question. Can you explain the 4th line of your equation?

Bonerowner11573 reads

Why does everyone on this board have to get so defensive when some questions come up? NYCHOT knew he was asking a sensitive question and seemed to go out of his way to tiptoe through not hurting anyone's feelings or pissing people off. Give 'em a break.

At first I thought nothing of the question, or the reference to having a relationship with another human being as a hobby until the replies made me wonder why the question was causing such a ruckus.  Having thought about it, I suppose if you want  to call soliciting prostitutes a hobby then I guess that's a convenient way to put a generic label on it, but in a deeper sense, how can you classify the treatment and entrance into the tenderness and fragility of someone's mind, body and soul as merely a hobby?

I am the first to admit I have failed Relationships 101 and do seek enjoyment from the admiration of TS's, and though I'll probably never bring one home to meet Mom, I would never trivialize my desires or acting out thereof as only a hobby.  
To each his own, but I think NYCHOT has a valid point.

I guess the reason I got defensive is that I saw the question more about chasing trannies than i did about cavorting with working girls in general.  I interpreted NYCHOT's post as asking, "how can you consider gay-like behavior a hobby?" and his conclusion being that "calling it a hobby is just hiding the fact that you're gay or bi."  To me, and most others, using the term hobbying has absolutely nothing to do with the "are tranny chasers bi?" argument.

The debate about whether "hobbying" is a fair term in general is more rich, IMHO.  As it relates to "the tenderness and fragility of someone's mind, body and soul," I tend to agree with you that when your "hobby" experience moves to that level, the hobby term might be less appropriate.  Its a fine line though - if a provider finds it insulting that she's your "hobby", how should you feel about her still taking your money and still being a "john".  To me, its more about nuance and degree than absolutes.

cruiser19402 reads

I agree with your interpretation of NYCHOT's post.  He seemed to be unclear (even to himself) as to the subject matter of his post.  His question is concerned with our attraction to TS escorts.  I didn't see his post on the other boards questioning their use of the term as a cover-up for their behaviour.  I don't in general use the term "hobbyist", but I don't impose my feelings and preferences on others, either.
NYCHOT's post degenerated into the usual mess.  I think there are alot of us on this board who have issues that we're sensitive about, many of which we haven't dealt with(myself included).  On the other hand, it never ceases to amaze me how many curious venture to this board.  Many probably would love to be with anyone of the many beautiful TS escorts that make themselves available, but won't because they cannot free themselves of thier personal and societal constraints.

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