
Re: TER is classic, not dinosaur.
Jmaps 127 Reviews 2891 reads
1 / 20

Has this site become a dinosaur?  

I've been on and off this site since 2000/2001 under a few usernames. I left before due to the same ongoing problems. Reviews taking a day then 5 days to be approved. The lack of consistency among the people reading reviews, I gave to much detail by saying the provider was at a national chain hotel around O'Hare airport an area of 50 square miles and 20-30 hotels. Then the next week a review mentioned the provider was near the intersection of this street and that street that's within a block of her location, wtf? I was told I couldn't give an 8 review becasue there wasn't DFK or other things to which I replied there was DFK and anal if you read the review again wtf?  

I left the site before around 2005 for similar problems. Back then then TER was the most well known and predominant review site and people used it. My login info was lost and I no longer had access to an email and I had to open a new account, fine but it was put all on me, sorry the sites servers are always timing out these days. Reviews are doubled or lost, it takes a day then it takes 5 days for them to post. There's little accountability on the part of the site. Again it was great 10-15 years ago but as the reviews diminish along with possibly the sites traffic, can they humble themselves and actually improve things?  

The 200 style drop down boxes with all the ridiculous questions for reviews, the sites that aren't considered legit, the lack of any improvements I'm like this just seems to be a waste of time, not the hobby, this site. Will they ever address any of it or just become another blockbuster? I bet this won't even get posted and if it does that's a first I've posted rants before and they haven't... we'll see...  

I'm on vacation right now and trying to post a few reviews while in Europe and the servers keep screwing up and now a review with the wrong info has posted becasue the correct one wasn't used. Maybe TER could gain back lost viewer ship with a better up to date 2022 site...? End of rant!!  

MellowSoul 120 Reviews 134 reads
2 / 20

The only reason i stick with it is because of the information from the reviews. Has saved so much time and money.  

But i agree about the review process. Ive had reviews not be accepted for items that were clearly in the review. The site itself could probably use an overall as well, but im not too picky when it comes to that stuff.  

Ive also, been around since 00-01. I actually had a different sn back then, but had to create a new account due to a ps not liking a not stellar review. Im fairly certain she had an in with the reviewers and mods back then. Got me banned for saying her pussy had a whiff of funk on it. Which it did.

lustafire 45 Reviews 110 reads
3 / 20

I rather imagine that it shares some of the issues of mutation along with FB, "X", Reddit, whatever.

I do believe that shutting down access in the USA over FOSTA/SESTA concerns was damaging.  What was it?  Something like 2 years that USA denizens who didn't want to go the VPN route couldn't access the site?  I'm actually kind of surprised (and grateful) that the site survived that and came back (albeit maybe came back weaker.)

I've not felt the sorts of issues you're complaining about.  My latest review was approved in less than 48 hours, far faster than I was anticipating.  But then, I'm nowhere near as prolific as are you - gettin' old and slowin' down, I suppose.  (But I'm envyin' your review profile - 5 babes this month alone ... go get 'em stud!)

Surely it's an imperfect site, but I still don't know of a better site.  I've dipped my toes into some other review sites and ad/review sites over the years and (in my view) this one's a clear winner.  But then I have one inhibition that might not apply to all of us lustful mongers: I won't pay, won't have my credit card registered at any porn/escort site - I only earn my VIP with reviews and site support, and TER is good at supporting that.

PinkPentouse23 113 reads
4 / 20

For everything you dislike will be hundreds who like it.   It’s not perfect and it can’t be, but it works. You will be back.

GitHerDone 135 reads
5 / 20
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 122 reads
6 / 20

for a lot of reasons i would say. it needs to reinvent itself.

Jmaps 127 Reviews 139 reads
7 / 20

A few improvements will go a long way. I was amazed the site allowed this thread to post, kudos to TER!  

A rant of mine at first, but the desire to improve the site. I don't give much weight to covid or being blocked in the USA for the decline. The worlds oldest profession has not declined, has it? Its due to changes to the hobby and the changing times. Newer hobbyists find the site cumbersome, dated or restrictive, but in the wrong ways.  

When the site began, as with most then, you had to play by their rules. Learn all the new acronyms which are now common. Today, sites are user friendly as possible due to competition, they'll go elsewhere immediately. TER is a specific niche, but there's more ways to gain provider info today. While it's still among, or the most legitimate, subtle changes/improvements can condition new hobbyists and draw back older ones.        

What would you like changed/improved, these are mine:  

1) For NEW PROVIDERS streamline the questions for ease and speed of use. There's literally 30-40 lines of info to go through. Add more check boxes to combine details, remove as many fill in the blank or drop downs in a way to maintain the existing criteria. Add the ability to add other cities around the world, instead of only whats in the system. Immediately negate sites not acceptable to add and better highlight what isn't complete or acceptable when trying to submit the review form.    

2) For EXISTING PROVIDERS add the ability to update contact info, websites, rates and or other new info instead of being pigeon holed to follow as much as currently.  

3) For BOTH add a way to add their social media, which can be a useful tool to find more about providers. These days it's rare for providers to have personal websites. More and more they don't even post ads on the main provider sites as social media and phone/internet use evolves.    

4) For BOTH add a specific area that coincides with performance levels. Unlike the current method where those questions are spread out, put them in one spot, list them as a way to rate the performance. Instead of a prompt that says for a level 8, 9 or 10 you need this or that, let the performance be maxed by the boxes checked so they can score lower but not higher without those elements selected.  

5) For BOTH maintain a minimum/maximum amount of description and or info needed. A word count or perhaps a paragraph for the general box and 2 for the nitty gritty one. Asking for too much it can detour reviews, if not enough it's somewhat a waste of everyone's time. Consistency for the location of providers. I've written that a provider was at a national chain hotel near O'Hare airport, Chicago, 20 sq mile area, 30+ hotels. I was told it was too specific and put them in harms way which is a good thing. But, I've often read the cross roads or block someone was at. Which is safer?    

6) For NEW REVIEWERS establish an introductory period, too many amazing reviews of otherwise unknown providers should flagged. New reviewers writing amazing reviews of an existing provider with bad reviews and or poor history. The review reads as a night and day comparatively. This is also for the opposite, a provider who has consistent good reviews then suddenly a bad one or a few bad ones by someone new or newer.  


Jmaps 127 Reviews 112 reads
8 / 20

Thank you for your input. You read this only as a rant, or I'm threatening to leave. While it was initiated as a rant during another time of frustration with the site. The main problems are of a technical nature and lack of constancy, not things people may or may not like. Many systems that don't change with the times become the next Blockbuster or Netflix depending on which side of the coin they're on.    

Jmaps 127 Reviews 121 reads
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Thanks for your input. I think it's much more than that or the affect of covid. The hobby has changed, the times have changed. both have increased use of the internet. In 2000 5% of 6.14 billion people used the internet Today it's over 70% of 7.18 billion, that's the biggest difference. The worlds oldest profession has not declined, there's more avenues to engage it now.    

Jmaps 127 Reviews 111 reads
10 / 20

Thanks for your input!

Jmaps 127 Reviews 119 reads
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Thanks for your input. The amount of time to approve reviews doesn't bother me as the lack of consistency does. If the site wants to continue to be more accurate and legitimate than others, it should take 2-3-4 days for each review, not 1 day and then 4. It could maintain it's accuracy by streamlining the review forms themselves. Overall, the internet has grown exponentially since 2000, with 350 million world wide users then to over 5 billion today. Sites like Twitter and others may show decline and usually a new one has drawn it's users like snapchat, twitch or others.  

Jmaps 127 Reviews 116 reads
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Thanks for your input, always good to see providers comments :-)

dax2u 50 Reviews 125 reads
13 / 20

Still here after all these year, San Diego misses you ! Let's hit the links cutie 😊

dax2u 50 Reviews 132 reads
14 / 20

Many of the reviewers on this site have been around for years and Canberra trusted to give you some good intel. Maybe the site should market that fact and people would return. 19years of reviews should count for something. The format does need some updating. I ain't taking anymore for the team, I need the reliable information.

Jmaps 127 Reviews 128 reads
15 / 20

Yes, I hear you, I've also taken enough for the team. There should be some kind of attempt to gain back those on the site for 10+ years who no longer frequent. Perhaps they left the hobby?    

Oldknob 117 reads
16 / 20

Wow what a great discussion- TER please take note.  I see TER as the gold standard of reviews.  Likely not perfect, but more reliable in my opinion than others    TER - why might you remain that gold stabdard?  I welcome other opinions but - 1 - the shear number of reviews; 2 - as I search for a provider - no review in TER is reason for concern and proceed with caution. 3 - what ever the TER review is I perceive confidence in the review - to expand I have had providers ask me to to do a TS4RENT review while I either them - how credible might review be?  4 - others - please wade in with makes a review credible and what make doing a review to painful to do?  What is just right?  Again - more credible reviews is better that great "porn fiction"

Jmaps 127 Reviews 118 reads
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Thanks for the various input, we'll see if things improve. While I agree TER is still among the best resource, perhaps the best for hobbyists, the common complaints that come up routinely on the message boards go unnoticed. Kind of like the Lily Tomlin skit, we're the phone company, we don't have to care lol...

jamesbinger 7 Reviews 84 reads
18 / 20

Anyone have other sites to recommend? Lots of listings elsewhere but I like checking verification here. I am not on P411, how is it?

Inquisitive1 95 reads
19 / 20
Jonnywaddd13 94 reads
20 / 20

P411 is just ok
Unfortunately there are providers that ask for additional verification on their platform which is on same.
I thought I was thoroughly vetted on p411 yet some want more info

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