
Re: Price drop
seanjb 9 Reviews 44 reads

Yes, and most that are posting rates of 300H  go for 200hh.

Are the Escorts asking prices today still way Too High  ?  
If so, what would be ideal asking price for you ?  

I understand the way this outrageous US inflation has so compromised our budgets, our pockets, but is there  
a limit or certain degree for escort "roses"  that you will say Yes ..or a limit to say No ?  
Looking at ads, it seems like the average asking price from escorts is at least $300.  
I'd strongly prefer the $200 range.

I guess the other big question is, will we ever see escort prices eventually go back down , or is it here to stay ?

They are high I agree , they would come down quickly if that's all guys would pay . Like anything else you can ask what you want but if the market  only supports a 200 range they might hold out a bit but will accept it if that's all the market will bear.

For anyone with decent reviews, I would say $300 is more the low end. $400 and $500 are fairly common. I don't mind these prices if they are reviewed well either. However, there are quite a few entering the $700-$1k range, and this to me even for a higher end TS is over the top.

I agree that if certain escorts have quite a number of great reviews, then that' could be worth taking a chance on.  

However if an escort is a  newcomer, new face and has zero reviews, then could that bring some skepticism, some hesitation, especially for such a dollar price nowadays ?  

In past years, it would not have been so risky in that $200 dollar range. But with the rising price tag nowadays, it has me to thinking to wait this escort out down the road to see if she is scam, has the vibes of a disappointing  experience or  
if she can be the real deal.  

All these suspicious photo shop images in ads definitely doesn't help matters.

I think it’s a bit unrealistic to expect the cost of escorts to remain low while everything else is through the roof. They have cost of living expenses as well and the service is very provided is very unique/specialized. Someone charging 200 is likely seeing a lot of people in one day (potential for questionable service significantly increases amongst other risks), and/or staying in an undesirable location. I think 500 is reasonable assuming they are in a decent location.  

One thing I would like to see is the VIP thing go away all together. I get not wanting to explicitly discuss things before hand or wanting to put a “menu” up, but I can’t imagine either party wants to be in a situation where a surprise cost arises in the meeting. It’s fine if that means they charge more, but just have one price in the ad that covers everything.

Prices rarely go down elsewhere with any other product or service, I don't see them going down in the hobby either. I agree the current standard price is at $300-$400 per session. Some girls are "asking" for more, but I believe only 15-20% are actually getting $500-$600+ per session. Much of this is confirmed in reviews. The days of $150-$250 seem to be long gone. There are exceptions but times have changed...

Most of the ladies I know would not get out of their Tesla's for $300, yes times have changes and inflation is a bitch. Remember some of these ladies make 200k + tax free a year. Cost a lot of money to be beautiful. I love all my ladies if I can't pay I retire or marry one.

It will serve to enhance your +correlation between funds paid and your pleasure and sense of status, to say nothing of the love you will chivalrously demonstrate. Perhaps for your very favorite Tesla driving ladies, even ... a shrine in a spare room in your mansion for show when they visit on outcall dates.

I completely agreed! Making the correlation with them that better service can make for a tip, a larger tip and so on. But the way to broach the subject needs to be subtle; asking if they accept tips is a simple way to break the ice. They're most likely going to say yes. Next asking them what kinds of things they get tipped for and what was the biggest tip they've ever received are good first questions on that topic. You may also understand from their answers they're a cash and dash type or actually might provide an above average or well above average service if properly motivated. There are no victims who are clients in my book any longer. You either learn to navigate the hobby or you don't. It's not like you can pick up the latest copy of Field & Stream to easily learn better fishing techniques.  

I'm not a fan of tiping if they are independent. This is especially true if it's expected to get better/more services. This is like going to a restaurant and tiping the owner. I tip the wait staff because they are severaly underpaid and provide me a service which deserves more. If the wait staff was making 200K+ a year, I don't think any of us would feel they need tips.

If an escort works for an agency, then it's a little different. They often don't get paid as much and don't make as much. And, they do not control the prices. The agency does.

But if a lady is independent, set your rates for what you feel you are worth to provide good service. If you have an extras menu and those cost more, put it right out there so it is known. If someone wants to bring you a gift because that's their style, that is totally fine. If they want to tip you because they had a great time, that is fine too. Nothing wrong with it. But I don't like the idea of it being expected or impacting the service.

420Smoka4Eva58 reads

Yea I mean I'm not a fan of it but it kind of exists in this market. Many providers have the regular and VIP rate etc, it is almost baked in. I agree with your sentiment but everything in this hobby is YMMV to a certain point. What else can you expect from an illegal service industry? There is no regulatory agency and even in other industries tipping above and beyond gets you special service.

I absolutely hate the VIP rate. I hate it because it's not honest about what it is. I have yet to find a lady actually explain the difference. And, without them explaining it, you are left with the fact that it doesn't mean the same thing for every provider. In some cases, it literally means thank you for paying me more for the same service. In other cases, it actually gets you something. What does it get you? Well, it depends. Maybe it's GFE vs. bang and go. So, for VIP she will kiss and cuddle, but non VIP not gonna happen. Maybe it's multiple pops vs. one. The mystery of it frustrates me. For this reason, I refuse to pay the VIP amount without knowing what I am getting for it. And, TBH, in most cases, the VIP is not an absurb amount that I wouldn't consider it if I did know.

The VIP is the rate for anything satisfying and is almost always overpriced. The lower rate is simply the bait & switch hook, and paying this lesser amount is throwing your money away. Don't do either and don't bother trying to find out more about the difference in service. Leave them and their Teslas and move on to NON VIPs.

Not in all cases, but in most tipping is a waste. (Though I tipped someone a week ago, but she did more than usual and her base price was modest.) And from what I have read in the reviews higher prices are mostly a reflection of how attractive the provider is, or thinks she is, rather than the service, though there are exceptions.

Guess I was not clear in my reply , Trans  ladies spend a lot of cash transitioning and the fees take into consideration the expenses of their profession. $300-_$500 is a reasonable range. I wish it was cheaper . I have to collect a lot of cans and bottles to pay  their fees.  Fortunately my government  check helps.  

Whoamel60 reads

I've been seeing some $200 girls in the Los Angeles/OC area, and service hasn't really suffered.  I have a fixed income, and everything else has gone up, so I can't visit as often as I used to.    Sad, but I just can't pay $300 these days.  

The boat is adrift. The captain's butt is really sore after getting tranny drunk last night and cannot be found. The first mate has dropped anchor with this note attached to the chain ---
Prices in mid 2019 for fairly attractive T-girls ranged between $200 to $300 for a one hour hook-up.
Core CPI in the U.S. has risen by a bit less than 20% since.
If TS prices increased to compensate for the cost of living rise, no more no less, prices would be $240 to $360.

I've recently noticed a pretty sharp decrease in rates. There's also been a significant uptick in girls touring my small city. I've had three girls that I've seen before reach out to me, in the past five days, one of which I haven't seen in ten years, another one too. Escorts do not have inelastic demands. With inflation, people simply don't have the disposable income.  It seems the demand has dropped along with their rates.

Escorts are sensitive to the market and recognize that dick demand is not fixed irrespective of price, but quite elastic since  it is not a life necessity (though some here may argue that). Explanation seems to be that the covid free money handouts previously squirreled away during lockdown have been spent completely, which may bring sex prices down to levels more consistent with the 20% CPI rise from 2019 to now (see post). But it hasn't affected Vanessa9in apparently. Dropped her a compliment on her marketing strategy and her very smooth throat massage on one of her videos. She or her AI robot immediately directed me to a website listing some gifts to buy her highness. She is a true professional.

I’ve noticed the same. Particularly $400-500 ladies dropping into the $300 range which is probably fair in the current market. Ladies gotta make a living too and it’s not like TS can burn and churn clients all day long.

Yes, and most that are posting rates of 300H  go for 200hh.

420Smoka4Eva39 reads

In both the TS and CIS market, prices are starting to come down. The only TS girls who have increased their prices are the ones who are very good and well reviewed.

Offer her 1k for an hour got no response. She like others make bank on taking cash for gifts and videos. The bogus hucksters are ruining the market place.

You may get there, assigning the real culprit, if you remember this Life Rule: No Human Weakness Goes Unexploited. There's always those testing the fertile soil of gullibility in all life venues and it's instructive and sometimes entertaining to watch and stand back ... in awe! This field is rich, yet several mates here are getting very good at minimizing damage :-)  (A side note, my all-time favorites are televangelists practicing faith healing or the prosperity gospel.)

While Vanessa 9in (and some others) seems to be playing higher level games, they won't always be earning what they are now, like sports celebrities. I've seen a few girls 10-15 years after their peak and found them not so caught up with themselves realizing they did need to be cool with clients. They were great sessions at only slightly higher than average rates.  

My funny thought is wondering if escort prices have some unknown correlation to the economy. I worked for a very high level financial manager. He and his coworkers often joked that there's an unwritten rule about the US economy based on the sale of men's underwear, socks and t-shirts. If they're selling then the economy is good, if they're sluggish the economy may become sluggish and if they're not selling we may be headed to a slower economy or recession.  

RomanticWarrior36 reads

...and the market is always perfectly correct. Back to Econ 101, this is the true perfectly competitive market. A lot of independent buyers and sellers. Noone is coerced into either action. No monopoly price fixing. You either make the decision or you dont. But the invisible hand of capitalism works through it all, and its amazing. Everyone has everything.  

And there is no other way to set the market that works. Look at a centrally controlled economy, ie the soviet union where the govt sez a hair cut is 10 ruples. F&89ing disaster. Noone has nothing.

Intentional misrepresentation by providers and lack of specificity by the customer in describing services desired causes a price premium. Typically, the customer must travel to the in-call location before determining the accuracy of the photos and whether the services desired are on the menu. Often even payment is tendered before knowing these. VIP rates for undefined imaginary services enhance the premium, often without any benefit to the customer. Like blackjack the customer puts up the money first, and if the hand’s a bust he’s a loser regardless of whether the dealer busts.

I’ve noticed the VIP option being less and less prevalent in my area. Even some girls who used to have it on their ads don’t anymore. The ones that do I think it’s safe to assume what they mean by it at this point. While what you described is disingenuous on the provider’s part, I think there is also a certain level of naivety on the client’s part if it’s something they have been doing for a while.  Sure there are rip off artists out there, but most providers (especially local ones) prefer good regulars over having to rip new people off every time since it’s obviously better for business. In the age of the internet, there really isn’t a reason to put yourself in a rip off situation given how easy it is to research providers even if they aren’t reviewed here.

Navigating the setup to ensure you get what you want is definitely a learning experience, but I’ve found out what works for me. I think the “explicit language” thing isn’t a setup ender as much as people think, especially if both of you are willing to do a brief FaceTime confirmation. In regards to texting, in my experience as long as you don’t go into graphic detail most providers will entertain a level of it if you have been respectful up to that point. I’ve found using the word “finish” works most of the time to convey my expectations without being graphic.

Yes, the blackjack game is for new 'dealers'. Once a steady visitor, it's not applicable.

To avoid playing blackjack with new providers realize the "no explicit language" on the phone pretending concern about LE or vulgarity (mid-20th century standards) is simply a ruse to delay the customer knowing whether he's going to get what he desires until he meets in person. This maximizes his effort invested in meeting up with her (sunk cost) at the point of money transfer, giving her a great advantage because she knows he mistakenly thinks he will 'save' the sunk cost by settling for a situation he hopes against better judgement will not ‘go south’.

So he may lie to himself or think with the little head and go forward. But tossing money away on what most likely is going to be a disappointing hook-up is worse than paying a little too much to one you're pretty sure will deliver the full package based on tactfully asking the applicable questions before jumping in your vehicle. Casually repeating what you’re looking for after she opens the door and before monetary exchange, and tuning in on her reactions, is sometimes though not often needed.

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