I was just about to pull the trigger and remembered a post here about checking photos on google. So easy , hit the drop down menu on google chrome and boom the photo is a Brazilian porn star. Tried it on a few other ads and discovered a lot of ladies are using fake photos. From now on I am going to ask for a photo or FaceTime verification. It probably safer to stick with my regulars . This sucks , this hobbie use to be much more fun. Now you can photo shop a dick on any woman.
That's not just a Brazilian porn star, that's Bianca Hills! A few years back she made it into the 10 in a most beautiful trans women in the world contest. She does travel and still escorts but is usually in Basil, Europe or the UK. Another one of my unicorns I've been chasing for years through Europe... Always one step behind her in the town she just left...
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