
Need a little help....
timotl 200 Reviews 1636 reads

I've seen this girl's ad for a while here in Chicago now and have thought it was totally fake until she posted a video of her saying her number. I'm still wary of this one. She looks TGTBT to me, but I'm starting to think she's legit. Can anyone think of a valid reason NOT to see her? She's obviously hot as I just being paranoid?

Kevin4323451 reads

Timoti -  seems like legit to me. Go for it and let us know

Had a real hard time getting a hold of her. No answer for days.... Bad sign. When I did finally talk to her, she asked me to text a pic. Bad sign number 2. She said her donation is $300. I refuse to pay $300 for an unreviewed girl. Looks like I won't being seeing her...

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