
ISO TS/GG threesomeregular_smile
transexpert 20728 reads

I just finished reading the review of TS Sonya in Los Angeles that described an awesome TS/real girl 3some.  Has anyone else had a similar experience and can you point me to some providers in L.A. that would be into it?  Thanks!

LALALand18130 reads

I would think that a three-way with a TS and a real girl provider would be tough to put together.  I suggest that you contact Sonya and have her put it together since she's obviously already done it at least once.  I read that review too, wow!  Sounds like fun, let us know how it goes!

latenxfour16540 reads

Try Kayla Coxx and Tami Monroe--they live together and brag about HOT threesomes! Please post results here as I'm very curious myself about the much-reviewed and much-maligned and still-tempting Kayla, not to mention her pornstar roomie.

Kayla is actually a TV, not a TS, so that combo might not work for everyone, but I'd be interested in reading the review if anybody goes for it.

latenxfour20171 reads

There's been a lot of talk on this board about how Kayla oversells herself, is a transvestite, not a true transsexual, and has no breasts (no silicone, no hormones). And you know what, that may all be true. But when she put on her little girl outfit and stuck out that pierced tongue and looked at me with those baby blues, then showed me the finest little ass I've ever seen...well, she had me.
She IS overpriced, but then I don't think she's looking for multitudes. Just  some very straight guys who can appreciate a really slutty bitch with a tight ass.
I'll post a full review when I have more than a minute or two.

the more i read reviews the more i realize are not real!!!!!!   if you are not Kayla then you must be a good friend of hers.   no str8 guy would talk like that about a drag queen.   a tv is just a gay man dress up like a woman. a transsexual is the closest thing to a woman even on the nude.

tamimonroe20010 reads

ha ha! finally a genuine review by a well known postee, and you still want to dish out negativity,by the sound of things, mr. vogliofarti, you're just mad cause you can't get her fine ass out of your head.. too bad i wasn't here to meet the well respected mr. latenxfour... kayla coxx is an american idol sex symbol and thats final! do u really think that i would have it any other way?

tslover6922827 reads

we all know that "Kayla Coxx" is really the guy Lexx Parker on erosla for men!! He's no t-girl he's just a guy with a wig and make-up on so stop your pretending ang bogus reviews!! Its an insult to all of us who are actually into t-girls..

tamimonroe19009 reads

Please be aware that all tamimonroe posts were made by my former roommate TVKayla Coxx aka Lexx Parker. I loved & trusted him. If he thought posting positive messages about himself could counteract his damaging reviews I did not mind him doing so. This changed last week when he robbed me of $8000.00 & beat me. I consider this a bargain if he will stay far, far away from me!!! I used to think he was so all I see is a sad & lonely man in a wig.

latenxfour18387 reads

I don't need to be in the middle of any flaming war between overactive supporters and uninformed detractors. I'm simply stating my personal opinion.  Neither do I feel the need to defend my heterosexuality. Think of me as you will. Fact. I met Kayla for the first time the other night. Fact.  Based on your grammatical malappropisms I doubt she'd be particularly interested in your company anyway, but there's no need to spout off beyond your experience and/or knowledge in blind condemnation of those of whom you know little or nothing.  The girl is trying to make a living. If you're not interested, fine, but I do not believe this board is the place for you to vent some personal grudge against anyone--be it woman, man, transexual or transvestite--and thereby get in the way of her working. If you have FACTS that contradict anything I have posted, please present them. But if all you possess is a prejudiced and uninformed opinion, I do not see that you are adding much to other hobbyists' pursuit of pleasure. Perhaps this board is in need of a moderator if uninformed opinions and false accusations such as yours are allowed to fly so callously and repetitively.  If you find it necessary to label anyone who finds Kayla to be an attractive and feminine specimen of beauty as an ignorant gay boy, then perhaps your concern should be more with yourself than the theoretical well-being of others. It was bad enough to get flamed on the non-trans boards, but to bring that gay-bashing prejudice here is truly ironic and depressing.  Just think before you speak. Then try and be  happy. This board is sparse enough without your insulting those few who actually come here to share their opinions. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just disagree politely and intelligently. I encourage any freethinkers to speak up or risk the loss of this board altogether. I, for one, am sufficiently put off to cease and desist until further notice. Congratulations, vogliofarti. One more honest opinion driven away. Have a nice life.

tslover6917172 reads

This is not a workshop where you talk about your feelings and how to stop ignorance in the world...this is a forum to talk about Transsexual escorts and dont forget it....people dont want to get ripped off anymore and we want to make sure that those who post fake ads or fill their profiles with bogus review arent able to all those glowing reviews of Kayla should be exposed for what they are, an escort just stacking the deck with her friends or whoever its is he got to write those reviews....I agree nobody should be attacked for their sexuality thats not what this forum is about, but what it is about is truth in advertising!!

mountP17431 reads

To each his or her own. Honesty is the word for today. We all know when we are being worked.

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