The Erotic Highway

so many scams now
carguy111 33 Reviews 805 reads

been away from the sugar game for 5 years, but circumstances bring me back. my gawd there are so many more scams than i remember. pretty much batting 100% with scammers, from selling me crypto, gas money up front, pictures of their nudes, all of a sudden leaving the city so they can’t meet but wants to talk on text, etc.  

seems alot of there profiles are too good to be true.

And don't forget the newer Asian pig butchering schemes, etc, etc.  It's become much harder to find a traditional, simple, easy arrangement.  Also, now that B. Wade has reinvented this as Seeking, An upscale dating site, we have to be very careful about what we say.

That was John Oliver's main story last night.

AsianManNOVA30 reads

In the past year or so, I have talked to at least half a dozen POTs who said they either are going to another city for business and won't be back for a while, or they live in another city and come to the DC area for business sometimes. They still want to chat via text. I usually tell them I am only interested in meeting locals but they still text me. After a while, I just stopped responding. The funny thing is they all said they have been to some country in Asia: Singapore, Hong Kong, etc (they are all White). I think it's because I am Asian so they wanted me to feel closer to them. I am guessing eventually they will ask me to invest money in their business ventures but I stopped responding way before we got to that part. They probably learned the Asian pig butchering scheme somewhere.

Several years ago, I met an Asian woman on FB who was involved in the Asian pig butchering scheme. She sent me a friend request. She looked very attractive in her FB pictures (fake I assume). We chatted for over a month. Every day, she would tell me what her daily life was like, where she went, what she did, and what she cooked that day (even showed me pictures of the dishes she cooked). Finally, she told me her uncle made a lot of money via some investment strategy and asked me if I was interested. I knew right away she was trying to scam me so I told her I wasn't interested. I never heard from her after that.

Whoa! Was that a familiar story. A few months ago I reached out to a person on Snapchat that had been posting pics. She was asian and looked cute so I reached out to her. She told me what she was doing during the day including pix of what she was cooking/eating.Almost the same story - uncle who had inside info on Hong Kong stocks. Told me I should open a trading account with an asian online broker. During the resulting conversation she got snippy and demanding and so I stopped communicating with her. Dodged a bullet :)

Euro-Guy27 reads

I don't get on Seeking much anymore, but I've become the de facto mentor to a couple of guys I met a few years ago when we were all enjoying the previous version.
The site has definitely deteriorated badly the past couple of years, to the point it's almost useless.  
The pleasant problem is this: both guys have seemly found, this month, real girls, quite cute, and incredibly genuine.
When asked my opinion, I couldn't find any issues with either: mid 20's, employed, can carry out a conversation.
Not beauty queens for sure, but sexy nonetheless.
So there is hope.
It's just going to take you 2-4 months to find anyone genuine, whereas in the past it was more like 2-4 weeks.
Truly a numbers game.
But good luck and keep us informed.

pig butchering. a new term for me, but so accurate. the invest beside me in trading bitcoin looking for “node” imperfections. was new to me. even had financial trading g charts. i’m so attuned to scam that the pay for my gas before we meet thing was pretty much a nonstarter. too bad, her pictures looked pretty good.

Even the FBI is calling this scam Pig Butchering!  Lonely naive guys have lost millions.

Got back on SA after a long hiatus and agree, it is overridden with scammers now.  Decided not to renew and, of course, as my subcription was coming to an end, I got a complimentary "boost" which generated a lot of interest.  I'm still not renewing.  Time is money as they say and lots of time wasted on there that could have been better spent elsewhere.

As mentioned previously, John Oliver did a deep dive on the pig butchering scam, so if you don’t know the details yet, head to YouTube and watch that.  

I am grateful for this forum, because earlier this year someone try to play it on me, but thanks to all of you, I knew exactly what was happening as soon as it started.  

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