The Erotic Highway

What's with the SA scam all the out of state women?
MDraft 876 reads

I haven't figured out the scam because I never engaged all these out of state women marking me as favorite even without  having looked at my profile. Plus all the Hello baby emails from all over? I just delete them but I'm curious...are they bots? what's the scam? I thought SA didn't have bots, unlike AM.

GaGambler376 reads

One other thing I have found on SA that is a bit annoying as well are the women who list themselves as being in a small, nearby city only to later admit they actually live hundreds of miles away and only need a "little bit of help" in buying a plane ticket to come visit. Naturally they have model quality pics, similar to the ones posted on BP of supermodels asking for $150 hr. lol

I have run across a few of these, I always report them to SA and usually within a day or so the profile magically disappears.

MDraft338 reads

Do you report them when you spot and suspect them, or do you report them after they ask for a ticket etc. ?

GaGambler342 reads

so I wait until there is an actual attempt to ask me for money prior to meeting before reporting her.

Also, it's not against the rules to ask for an "online arrangement" and that is what most of the women "favoriting" you from overseas are hoping for. It's certainly not anything I am interested in, but I guess if there's a market for it, my default setting is "live and let live"

The other group of SB's I avoid are the ones who claim they are looking for their "soul mates", Yeah right. lol

It is ironic though, not all the women on SB are looking for "cash for pussy" and are willing to "give it up" to a nice guy who treats them right. Sometimes all the "sugar" they want is to be treated right and get taken to a nice place with the guy picking up the tab rather than their loser BF's who take them to a burger joint and make them split the tab.

Zangari350 reads

I get a lot of messages from the Philippines, lol.   Some terrific pix, & I'm sure they're fake.  And occasionally an out-of-state SB will send me a msg. I doubt they're "bot generated".  I think Gambler got it right--these women are interested in online relationships.  A time-waster for most guys, but a few lonely men might take the bait.  

 There should be a msg filter so that you can optionally limit incoming e-mail to your state or region.  That would be a useful feature.  --z

Phillipines and other overseaslocations are from women seeking to get into the USA by marrying a lonely guy here. No matter, I ignore them.

is receiving access to privte pics before I've even viewed their profile. If I message them then they ask to move to email, and then say they really only want me to view their webcam sites. I report them to SA admin and they disappear. I've also had a few that were just shills for pay "verification" sites that no one has heard of or uses.

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