The Erotic Highway

Welcome Back Herb!
Adonis48 27 reads

What a great adventure Herb! A lot of work to pull it all off and a lot of travel time - average flight one way to to Manila is 16 hours! That element alone would be a deal breaker for me, plus I hate humidity... but the benefits sounds awesome! I applaud your travels and appreciate your sharing the details so us stay-at-home daddies can live vicariously through your worldly experience! Welcome back! Hopefully you haven't returned with any STI's!  

Ok, I don't know what you are thinking about, but that's not what I'm thinking about. :p  

I wrote a full report covering my 30 days in the Philippines and have posted it - but not here.  It turns out that TER has an 8,000-character limit on Board Posts.  My full report is over 35,000 characters, because, well there's just that much content to report.  If you want to see the full report, send me a DM for a link. No cost to read it.  

A much more condensed summary will have to do here on the Erotic Highway.  

Total BCD sessions: 14. That includes some repeats (2 or 3 times) and one three-some.  
Total Number of women: 11  
- All between 20 and 32 years old
- All between 4'9" and 5'2" tall
- All between 93 and 115 lbs.  
Number of condoms used: Zero  
Total BCD Spend: 58,000 Philippines Pesos (or $1,032 US dollars).  Divide 1032 / 14 = an average of $74 per BCD (2x for the threesome)

Experience using Seeking to find BCD dates: Overall poor.  
I had lined up 4 M&G's with BCD pre-negotiated. Sadly, 3 were no-shows or cancellations. Once showed up but was "shy" and almost limp in bed (the definition of a starfish).  
- Conclusion:  There simply are not enough viable POT's in the Angeles City area (about 45 miles north of Manila). I had much more success with Seeking connecting, meeting and fucking Pinay's last year in Manlia.  

Experience using Pinay-focused dating apps: Overall good, occasionally excellent.  
I had many contacts, especially through PinaLove (Monthly subscription=$20). However, as with Seeking, despite my profile explicitly stating I was only looking in Angeles City, perhaps 70% of those who contacted me were nowhere near me. Next, again as we see on Seeking, I needed to weed out scammers (send me money now...), ladyboys, and a few GPS queens. Still, I was able to go BCD with 3 women, and two of them were asked to come back for repeats. "Allowances" through the app was about half of what I paid to "bar fine" a dancer from a traditional GoGo bar ($40 vs. $85).  
- Conclusion:  Viable source BUT: Increased risk of STI's, and generally less attractive women (more baby damage) compared to the top-talent found in the bars.  

Experience pulling from GoGo bars:  Overall excellent, but with exceptions.  
The rest of my BCD's were with Bar Girls. And that includes one that provided a 2:00 am repeat (almost for free).  
The process at a high-level is: Grab a seat in the bar (no cover fee), buy a drink ($2-4), pick a girl you like and buy her a drink to sit with you ($6-7), if she's amenable to go with you, negotiate services and inquire about the bar fine amount, pay for your drinks and the bar fine, vamoose to your hotel room, shower, BCD, optional tip, optional pics if allowed.  
- Conclusion: Tried and true but as in any BCD with a stranger, YMMV. Taking enough time IN THE BAR to sus out her personality and (VERY IMPORTANT) determine that she LIKES you (or at least is not repulsed by you), and as always, level setting service expectations (kissing, oral, BJ time/effort/etc. condoms, where to finish...) are critical steps to avoid disappointment.  

Weather:  Hot! Daily temps between 85-95 degrees F, medium humidity
Food: Adequate western-style food from clean, safe restaurants available from at least a dozen locations for moderate prices.  
Local transportation from least to most expensive: Walking, Trikes (not recommended if you are large and/or tall), Grab (local version of Uber), taxi, private car.  

Hotel Options: Run from cheap ($25/day) for shit holes, average ($40-80/day) for decent, to best ($90-175/day) for excellent.  

Shopping/Touristy places (for your cover story): Minimal, but not zero.  

Summary:  I banged over a dozen babes that I consider (mostly) fantasy hot for less than I would spend for 2 BCD dates in the states (not counting other travel expenses like air, hotel, food & drinks).  ALL of them were texting me within 1-4 days of our date asking for a repeat, usually for less that our first BCD.  No regrets. But 30 days in a sweat-box country is LONG time. I have no plans on repeating again soon.  


Life is good

The Cat

Were there lots of other men there for the same reason?

Lots of other men?   No.  

HUNDREDS of other men?  Yes!

I was pretty impressed until I read the amount of protection used, I guess you’re a betting man, that is worse than playing Russian roulette!! No Bueno Herb!

Thanks for your response, RMB.  It gives me a chance to dig into my personal analysis of BB vs Covered.  

It's a calculated risk. For me, CBJ and CFS is just not an option for various physiological reasons I won't get into here.  

However, I take significant steps to mitigate the risks, thanks to a robust medical plan and abundant medical resources available to me:  
1. I get tested regularly (at least monthly) whether I have been active or not. I use a private lab that sends me same-day results in a .PDF format. This can be easily shown to or sent to any prospective partners.  
2. I take PrEP which reduces the likelihood of contracting or passing HIV to almost zero.  
3. I take DoxyPep within 24 ours of sex to reduce the likelihood of contracting other STI's by as much as 60%. This is a new treatment regimen, so long term result data is not yet known, but short-term clinical data looks good.  
4. Bar Girls get tested weekly.  Are these best-in-class testing facilities? Who knows. But getting tested is better than not getting tested.  
5. I ask all new and returning partners about their current test status. Yes, they can lie, and I need to make a subjective judgement call. But better to ask than not.
6. Once I got back home, I got retested twice: once through my private lab, and again through my health plan provider, and
7. I did not have sex with any of my SB's (or anyone else) until I got back clean test results.  

My calculus on this decision:  Of all (or at east most of) the STI's I could contract, only HIV/AIDS is incurable. And PrEP virtually removes HIV as a risk. The rest can be easily identified through regular, frequent testing and cured with either pills or shots leaving me "clean" within 7-10 days.  As for your Russian roulette analogy, let's take a took:  Russian roulette odds of shooting yourself are 1 out of 6 (assuming you are using a pistol that holds 6 rounds), or 16.7%. I have gone BB BCD with at least 3 dozen women in the last year, making my odds 2.8%.  Certainly not zero... but acceptable odds for me.  None of these steps guarantee anything.  But for me, the benefits outweigh the risks.    

Of course, those risks may not be worth it to you. There are many, many guys I met who always use condoms, just like we find with sugaring here. And there are some women in the bars or freelancers who will refuse BB services as well. It's always about mutual consent. If we can't agree, we move on.  No one I met would refuse to use a condom, though some newer girls may forget to ask... so if you go, do what works for you.  

Life is good

The Cat

Using Prep and DoxyPrep, along with the testing, really does seem like a good way to improve the odds.  And it seems like going BBFS is a common enough thing there in Angeles City.  Knowing that the bar girls get tested weekly is significant.   Seems like you are doing everything you can to protect yourself, given your requirements.  What about the girls' safety?  Do they usually ask to see recent test results to prove you are clean and healthy?  Do they use Prep?  Aren't they concerned about contracting HIV?  

The girls are, sadly, not as thoughtful about protecting their health.  This comes from a combination of factors including cultural, economic, and (lack of) education.  Although I always offered to show my most recent test results to every girl, most declined or when shown clearly did not easily comprehend the document.  The same applies to using PrEP.    

It's a mostly Catholic, followed by Muslim country.  Neither of these tend to advocate let alone allow birth control or preventative health care for women.  Birth control (the pill) is available throughout the country. But many of the bar girls and freelancers see a half-American/European/Australian baby as a possible ticket out of poverty (and by extension a way to get to the father's home country). So my guess is that only those girls who are not pros (i.e.: POT SB's, call center and retail workers in the more affluent areas like BCG, Manila), take them regularly.  Fortunately for me, I got snipped during COVID. :)  

If you drill down into this, the wayward monger in the Philippines who goes BBFS is really relying on all the other mongers (weekend millionaires and expats living there) to go in clean.  

If that scares the fuck out of you (figuratively and literally), then you need to suit up.  

Life is good

The Cat

Euro-Guy28 reads

Well done on the prophylaxis - and the cool thing about doxycycline is that it also works against malaria and other bacterial infections.  

If you really wanna be totally compulsive, one can always do a weekly injection for gonorrhea, similar to what they offer rape victims.

I have a question about the testing centers one sees in a Google search.  If you go in and test positive, what then?  Do they have a physician on staff who can write a prescription for antibiotics?  Or do you have to make an appointment with your regular doctor?

... mostly on how the lab works and who owns or operates the lab.  

For the lab I use, they primarily serve the adult film industry in the US.  A positive test result will generate a phone call to you, as well as a text and email message. If the specific diagnosis can be treated with pills, they have a Nurse on staff authorized to issue a prescription to a pharmacy of your choice.  If a shot or series of treatments are required, you will need to go to a health care provider on your own, such as a free clinic, urgent care center or your medical plan provider (if you have one).  

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, health care provider or anything even close to a reliable authority on STI's or any other health issue. Please consult a professional of your choice.  

Life is good

The Cat

Adonis4828 reads

What a great adventure Herb! A lot of work to pull it all off and a lot of travel time - average flight one way to to Manila is 16 hours! That element alone would be a deal breaker for me, plus I hate humidity... but the benefits sounds awesome! I applaud your travels and appreciate your sharing the details so us stay-at-home daddies can live vicariously through your worldly experience! Welcome back! Hopefully you haven't returned with any STI's!  

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