The Erotic Highway

These are more confusing than anything....
MissedOpportunity 118 reads

Not a text snippit but one of my faves to laugh at that I see is an SB whose profile picture is her ass backed right up to the camera in a doggy style come fuck me pose, and in her text she put something like "I'm not a prostitute, don't treat me like one".  

Another one has the tag line of "Hotter than a cheeto"......uhhhhh, ok..

From the "About Me" section:  

"Perfect mix of beauty and brains… curves in all the right places & a kitty with a juicy vice grip… Sure to tbecome  [sic] your new addiction. Hope to hear from you soon!!!"  

Feel free to add others...

Damn, Herb, you owe it to yourself to sample some of that !
and of course we want the full report!
Women are innately gifted at disguising the underlying fact that 'pussy is pussy' and theirs is somehow more magical than the others...and I keep falling for it

Please find below, SB's ENTIRE profile:

I was a cheerleader in high school.
I live tight tops and little skirts.
Would you like me to put on a short skirt and cheer for you?

another SB's tagline (might need a little marketing help):

"More like a bro than anything else"

Hey, just what I was looking for!!

"A real man will make your panties wet, not your eyes."

I found that one mildly amusing.

"I enjoy long romantic walks to the liquor store"

Profile Name:  Eatable Arrangements

Tag line: they are real, please be too

What about the profile snippets from the SDs.  To mine, I recently added this very enticing prose:

"I cannot host"

thereby indirectly confirming you are married or in a committed relationship.  

Nice. That will certainly attract the segment that wants to see married guys.

Profile Name: BritchesBeDown
Heading:  For the right guy, my britches are always down.

MissedOpportunity119 reads

Not a text snippit but one of my faves to laugh at that I see is an SB whose profile picture is her ass backed right up to the camera in a doggy style come fuck me pose, and in her text she put something like "I'm not a prostitute, don't treat me like one".  

Another one has the tag line of "Hotter than a cheeto"......uhhhhh, ok..

Makes you wonder where they keep the hot cheeto's ..... and why they keep them hot? :p

I just saw one that said. " looking for someone who has a lot of money and is willing to give me my fair share "

And more from her profile text:  

"if your looking for something cheap go to back page"

And the now more common "disclaimer" at the end of the profile  

"PLEASE DONT CONTACT ME for the following  

Scammers asking for my bank

Please be able to provide pics

Not looking for a monthly allowance right away until we get to know each other :)

Don't waste my time & I won't waste yours if your not trying to meet in person move on"

GaGambler119 reads

There really are scammers out there who target POT SB's with everything from the Nigerian Scams, to the phony cashiers check scam, to every other scam that has ever been run.

If she were hot, none of what she posted would scare me off. I bet you she'd be up for meeting within the first day or so after your first contact. I like that in a POT SB. It sounds like she is interested in PPM, works for me. lol

The only thing that would worry me would be her "asking price" most likely she is going to be asking closer to hooker rates than SB rates, but you never know. I have had a couple of girls "demand" $100 PPM, SOLD!!! lmao  It's the reason I try to get them to name a price first instead of making an offer.

Your assessment is spot on. Reads like hooker on the DL to me as well.  

Unfortunately, I was not attracted to her at all.  

Now the 18 yr old who moved to LA from Montana and was having problems paying her rent on her 650/month room in a house shared by 4 others was a different story.  She was working at a local strip club known for extras and still couldn't get the cash to cover her monthly nut.  

She asked for $500 in her 2nd message. I moved the convo over to text and brought her down to 350.  Fun ensued.

Brand new girl who I may be contacting. Her pic is basically a torso pic with only some flowers giving any cover. lol

That hits on another observation/rant I have:  

What's with all the snap-chat profile pics with the flower wreath all the time?  It's the same flower overlay for all of them.  That and the cat/deer/puppy/misc animal nose & ears. Annoying.  

GaGambler120 reads

I don't mind the flower wreath so much as the cat/deer/puppy/misc animal nose and ears. I agree, annoying.


It's a least some consolation watching Snap-Chat stock take a dive at least. It's been getting pummeled since coming public.

You see alot of the flower wreath because it comes along with a very good "beautification" filter. It smooths the skin tone out, gets rid of eye bags, adds a little color here and there. Because it's using the facial recognition to do it, the effect is pretty realistic.  

That is, realistic until you see them in person and they're haggard.

The snapchat animal effects are beyond annoying, and I don't understand the point. Do the POTs think the effects are cute? Do they think the effects make them more attractive? Are they trying to conceal their identities? If you're asking me, (a) they are not, (b) they do not, and (c) that's not working. I don't contact POTs who use them.

Yes beyond annoying! And until I read this thread I had absolutely no clue where that shit was coming from. It's so stupid, and the only consolation is that this obviously a "thing" that will be gone next year. But, for now, it is really irritating..

"A 6.9 is a good thing screwed up by a period."

Tag line:  "I like my scotch neat"  

Actually, I liked that but then I read the first sentence of "About Me":  

"I am a new breed of woman."

Couldn't read the rest because I was laughing too hard...

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