The Erotic Highway

Changed SA Demographics – Part 2, Composition
Dick.Everhard 356 reads

In part 1 I took a look at how the raw numbers of SBs on SA have changed over the last 10 year – for the worse.

In this part I will take a look at the composition of the SBs that remain.

The first and most obvious observation is that the average SB is no longer an undergraduate college coed. Young college students with time on their hands and a need for funds, were the original quintessential sugar babies. Almost defined the genre. That is no longer even remotely true.  

Ten years ago, the most numerous SBs were in the 18-22 year age bracket, and numbers fell off with increasing age. One year in particular, many SoCal sororities made dating a sugardaddy an initiation challenge for incoming freshman pledges! The local SA pages that year were full of newly admitted 18yo freshman college cuties, and I confirmed this observation in conversations with some of them.  

Now, the average age is much higher, and there are remarkably few SBs in the 18-20yo age group – the former prime target audience who might want an SD for assistance with spending money and college fees.  

There are now far fewer college students of whatever age. They are easy to spot, as they get premium status by using their college email address when they register. There are few these days. Ten years ago, many SB profiles proudly stated their college affiliations directly on their profiles – leading private and public colleges such as UCLA, USC, UCI, USD, UCSD, etc. I took a look locally last week, and the number locally that now state where they are studying can be counted on one hand. One hand!

In addition to being older, the quality of the present SBs is demonstrably worse. No longer young and somewhat well educated, they now are skewed towards Instagram influencers, OF model types, gold diggers in search of a rich husband, and of course, the ubiquitous scammers, content sellers, and fakes.  

Why has this happened? Probably many factors, but I suspect that a leading one is simply fashion. That what is all the rave and the “in-thing” with the younger generation one year, will be completely out of fashion and disfavored five years later.  

Opinions welcome!

joedp19 reads

@ Dick Everhard: Indeed what do you do when post-Wall women who are in their 30s, 40s, 50s or (God Forbid) 60s post on SA?! I would save my cash and spend it abroad where you get more bang for your buck! What about Russia? Get a young Russian SB for a couple of weeks during your stay in Russia.

You are correct that in past years there were many more college girls on SA than there are now.  Back then, Sugar Dating was a secret activity that the girls hid form all but their closest friends.  It was relatively unknown and taboo!  Those that ventured into the bowl and found their way into my bed always said they heard about it in confidence from a friend who had tried it, and no, they didn't tell almost anyone about what they were doing. There was something delicious about doing something so "wrong".

I was dating a lovely Asian girl at the time and she told me she was a sorority girl.  I didn't think much of it until a few years later, when the arrangement had fizzled out and I had moved on, that I went online and found a group photo of her sorority.  There she was in the back row.  And in the front row, to my utter astonishment, was my newest SB!  They belonged to the same sorority and had no idea each other was sugar dating!  And I never spilled the beans either, gotta be discreet and respect confidences, right?

But now everyone and their cousin knows sugar dating is a thing, and there's so much misinformation spread around about it on social media and online that it's a wonder any young girls still want to do it!  Just be glad that some still do.  

It's a truism that young females have a herd mentality. They are always trying to fit in. So they follow trends slavishly. That's why they're all covered with tats and piercings these days.  
It's possible the trend has shifted. But it has introduced the concept widely of money in exchange for sex, so those most desperate for money will remain in the SB population.

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