The Erotic Highway

That's how it should work
hobby48 18 Reviews 79 reads

Good for you!!!  I had success like that early on in the bowl.  That's why I'm hooked.  My current fav SB is a 21 college hottie and we now meet for BCD moments, but it's all biz with her.  Only oral so far but I remember the 2 hour fuck fests with my early ones.  I'm going to try out a new one soon.  You rock Herb!!!

Set up a meet & greet after several back and forth messages on SA about mutual interests and desire to meet first to check chemistry, build rapport and trust, etc.  

She texted me 90 minutes out that she had to make a long drive to pick up nieces but would be on time.  My Spidey senses went up, but I didn't cancel.  Sure enough, she's right on time. Sushi and excellent convo follows but the place is a bit too noisy and close to other tables to allow any meaningful discussions.  

I paid and we found a Starbucks a block away, grabbed a beverage and chatted.  Talked about frequency, budget, non-BCD expectations, and some specifics on physical likes and dislikes. It was all looking good for a fast follow 2nd date with BCD.  Then she flips it on me and says lets find a room - now. Caught me by surprise, mostly because I am not SFtD. :P  

Off we went to my place, with a pit stop at a nearby ATM.  2 hours of happy times and she headed home.  

I feel like such a slut! Yay!!!!!!  

-- Modified on 7/26/2017 3:53:51 PM

That's a great story Herb, it's always so unexpectedly delightful when the coffee date morphs to BCD.   I find I am deluged with pyts right now, so much so, that for the first time in my career as a SD I've had to decline several perfectly sexy invitations!  But not all of them, that's for sure!  I just started messaging a super cute 19yo who says in her profile she'll do what you want if you comply with her rules.  So I asked about her rules which were simply: gift per visit, NSA, discrete.  I'm all in!  We have our first date set up in 6 days and she does NOT want to waste time drinking coffee with me, just wants to go for it. I have high hopes.  Meanwhile, I'm visiting my current favorite SB again in 2 days, and have a coffee date tomorrow with another newb.  Life is so freaking excellent!

That is awesome. Let us know how it works out

I need some encouragement right now after a lot of bullshit sugars recently

Sympathyforthe devil, one of our regular contributors.

Good for you!!!  I had success like that early on in the bowl.  That's why I'm hooked.  My current fav SB is a 21 college hottie and we now meet for BCD moments, but it's all biz with her.  Only oral so far but I remember the 2 hour fuck fests with my early ones.  I'm going to try out a new one soon.  You rock Herb!!!

Answer is a couple posts above!

***  BIG QUESTION of mine, for any takers,

What is your ratio of SBs who:

1. want to go BCD on the very first meet, either by pre-arrangement or impromptu?

2. go BCD on second date, and are up for full service right away?

3. go BCD on second date, but want to "take it slowly", and hit some bases then without FS?  Do they come around on the third or fourth date (if you continue, lol)?

Of the dates where we don't have sex on the first date and there actually is a second date over 90% of those dates end up with us having sex.  

I can honestly only remember one POT SB who would not "go all the way" on a second date. She wanted to "get comfortable with me" before having sex, but still wanted to get paid. I am sure anyone who knows me knows how well that worked out for her. lol She did "come around" about a week after our second date, but wanted to do a threesome with her (rather unattractive) friend for $500 and I simply lost interest. I am certain she would have been a very "uninspired" fuck and I really have no desire to "force" some girl to have sex with me. If she is not a willing, eager playmate it would make me feel like a rapist, and like I had forced myself on some poor girl. That is NOT the feeling I am going for here.  

Most of my dates here seem to flow rather naturally, very few of them involve much if any "negotiation" and the sex just seems to kind of "just happen" I will confess I am not exactly bashful about "making a move" I mean this isn't MATCH.COM it's pretty obvious what most of us/them are here for. Usually a first kiss is all it takes to get things moving along.

Very consistent, GAga! Incidentally, props for all the interest, insight, and ingenuity you provide the board here, it's really awesome for newcomers and veterans alike.  

But, jargon technicality, is your "first date" the date after the initial meet and greet, which I believe you always do, or is it in fact that first M & G?

About half of the time our public meet and greet transitions into going BCD directly from the bar or restaurant where we started from.

I think NOT giving a "gift" simply for showing up encourages the girls into going directly BCD. If they are getting paid just for showing up, where is the incentive for going BCD. Almost all of the girls are here for money, if they know that no money is coming until we have sex, there is a lot more motivation to get right to it.

Now that said, I do make it a point to NOT treat these girls like prostitutes. That can be the kiss of death where it comes to getting laid.  I NEVER make a move by offering money for sex, a HUGE percentage of these girls will rabbit on you with that approach. I just try to "allow it to happen" usually by moving in for a kiss which we all know is nothing more than an "application for a better position" lol If she is responsive it's not a huge next step to "let's continue this at my place"

1. Not too often (3 or 4 times out of 10), but that's more often than I would have originally expected. I assumed that BCD fun would almost never happen on the first meeting.

2. Almost always, if there's a second date, it's on. I don't have the energy or the time to go on multiple dates without BCD. If we're not going to a hotel or her place for the second date, there's no second date.

3. I've had this happen a couple of times in the last few months. One POT agreed to a second date at a hotel but wanted to take things slowly. As it turned out, she really meant it. Clothes never came off and there was no sex in the Seinfeldian definition (sex happens "when the nipple makes its first appearance"). There was no third date. Another POT wanted to go BCD on the first meeting but the action was abysmal. No oral, no real kissing, just a FS quickie and I was out the door in less than 30 minutes. Again, no follow-up date with her either. I really don't believe she was a pro, but she had this "Pretty Woman" notion of what limits she was going to impose.

I really don't have the quantity of experiences but so far:

1 girl wasn't up for it at all.  This one (my first) led to me being more direct in my correspondence prior to meeting.
2 girls fit number 1, but one tried to renegotiate and I walked away

1 girl was number 2.

I really really try to emphasize the intimate, BCD so that they know what is expected  and can decline after our "no expectations" meet and greet.  Since I've taken that tack things have gone much more smoothly.

Ive got a few pot sbs lined up but it has been flakes galore. I'd say 90% of my successful meets have been where they come to my place with the money and expectations for bcd fun done. Its risky but if she has been hiding her weight or she looks different.  Buh bye.

And that's why I gave the nod to you, Sir.  

You are what my sales team calls a "one call closer".   At a 90% conversion rate (to BCD), I'd say you have the highest efficiency rate as well as the best ROI (return on investment) in terms of time and cash.  As you said, it's risky, and not just for the potential of fugglies to showing up.  

My current process includes a no-sugar meet 1st, followed by clear messaging that sugar is available on our next meet.  Assuming I want to move forward, I can usually (about 80%) close the deal in a 20-minute text session.

But I'd also say that about 35% of the messages I receive from qualified POT SB's (qualified = local and hot) offer BCD upfront and typically want to meet that day.   From these, I'd say more than half are pro or semi-pro and are looking for a one-and-done cash out.  

Herb, do you have a public photo on the profile? Anything about profile creation that you think accounts for all the incoming, unsolicited messages?  

Could check your reviews to see where you might live, but would assume it is a high-volume area with plentiful semi-pros, etc., and even more genuine SBs. How are you set up for collegiate SBs, btw?

I meant that by the time they are coming to my place weve already agreed to play. Id put them most as quasi pros . The rest are just broke. I find it easier to discusd finances and fucking via text easier than in person. I usually get a selfie in a bikini as well.

OTOH meeting in person can eliminate the ditzy ones and bitches lol.

I don't do meet and greets as a rule. I work out the details by message and/or text. If they aren't willing to go BCD on the first meeting, forget it.  I lose a lot of potential SB's at the message/text stage, but it's a minimum of time expended. I also gets my share of ghosts but, as noted above, don't get a room reservation until they show up to the hotel or set it up at a time that you can still cancel without being charged if they don't show up. If their performance is lackluster or their appearance isn't as advertised, no second date. I'm lucky that I live in a fairly rich co-ed area.

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