The Erotic Highway

Seeking Arrangements..
1256849 23 Reviews 1180 reads

So....i had a date with  chick on SA. it..or she was not what I had hoped for, expected, or anticipated.  

She keeps texting me now even though I have not shown any interest or been the first to reach out to her.  

It was very much like an encounter with a provider, agreed to meet, cash, the hook up, and leave. Never "promised" to call or see her. She did make a comment that it was nice to see a man more her age and not older or flabbier.

I thought ignoring her would work. Am I going to have to break up with her? SMH.

And it's quite annoying when one person or the other does not respect those boundaries. I was just talking about this to one of my regular SBs who was telling me about a guy she dated from SA who was nice, but was too needy and kept sending her text after text saying please get back to me, why won't you answer me, etc.  The way it's supposed to work is you give your date 100% of your attention and when it's over you leave each other the fuck alone! In your situation you are going to have to break up with her.  I've been where you are dude so I get it.  A girl shows up and she's heavier than I expected, or smells of cigarette smoke or any other number of deal breakers for me.  I'll fuck her once but that's it. If she persists in asking for another date I don't mind saying as gently as I can manage that I really don't think we had the kind of sexual compatibility I was hoping for.  Best of luck to you, etc, etc.

I, somewhat, have a difference of opinion.  I agree, during the date, 100% attention on each other....but as an actual SD, I welcome the occasional texts, emails.  After 2-3 years of one daters in which I felt like an ATM....which is more akin to the hobby, I have found a SB that appreciates not only my financial help but the kind words throughout the week.  We each have our own wants and needs.....yes, boundaries need to be set, but to say this is how it works, fuck em and leave em....I disagree.  To each their own.

I did not mean to give the impression I fuck em and leave em. Although I have done exactly that on the few occasions there just was no sexual chemistry. But when I have a more meaningful arrangement I do exchange messages and stay in touch. I like that aspect a lot. I just meant that we are not blowing up each others phones with nedy demands for attention.

there is some texting with my SB daily. About five to 10 texts a day about inane stuff. it's fun on both sides

Some SB's you can just ignore them and they go away but others you do have to break up with, unfortunately. I had one that was very needy, kept texting me every day to get together after only one meeting, which wasn't that good. When I told her that I wasn't interested in meeting again, she then bombarded me with texts asking what she did wrong, why, etc. it ended up like George in Seinfeld: " It's not you, it's me." She finally let it go and blocked me on SA which was fine with me.

GaGambler177 reads

How often does a Sugar Baby "break up" with you?  

I've learned from them, the easiest, least drama filled way to deal with things like this is to simply ignore and/or block her. Personally I rarely if ever block any of them, I am perfectly capable of simply ignoring them on my own.

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