The Erotic Highway

Re:Preparation for big date
Kathy of 48th St 16297 reads

don't jerk off that day and think about your fat wife as you are doing it so you last longer

 Let's say I have an appointment with ATF and want to be at my best and possibly even be able to go twice ( which would be unusual ). What should I do the days leading up to big date to be at my best? Lay off sex for a week           (including masturbation entirely ), drink plenty of water, or what ?
 I've heard of guys that whacked off right before appointment so they'd last longer, I've heard of guys that layed off everything for a week ( I'd be afraid, I'd be quick draw McGraw if I did that ), some even say the few days before play with it , but don't cum. What's a man to do ?

Good questions. I have wondered the same things.

I did the whack off before a date routine.  It too care of the premature ejalculation thing, but it also put a dent into the overall enjoyment.

Now-a-days, with the benefit of age and some tantric training, I hold off for at least four or five days, if not a week, and get much more enjoyment than when I was young.

Sometimes age does has benefits.

don't jerk off that day and think about your fat wife as you are doing it so you last longer

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