The Erotic Highway

need a way to spice up the bedroom activitys
bigbabysweets 13137 reads

my long time girl friend is an entertainer and i was wondering what i could do to spice up love making at home

Love Goddess10027 reads

Dear bigbabysweets,

Well, the way I see it, you've got heads up already ;-). Your girlfriend is an "entertainer.." does she entertain other gents or just you? Regardless, an entertainer's got imagination in some sort of area...ready to be explored further.

In any case, lovemaking in all its marvelous permutations is a very indvidual thing for women. What works for one, may not work for another. Blame our double X chromosomal configuration for that :-D!

In all seriousness, however, a good way to start would be to have an open and honest conversation with her about the issue. Does she also feel a need to spice things up, or is she fine with the way things are? I'm a firm believer in couples communicating, particularly when it comes to delicate sexual preferences. You'll need to approach the subject gently if it seems to be a sticking point with her, and then voice your concern.

Of course, romantic gestures never fail to inspire passion. She's your long time love, so you probably know what gets her in the mood. Flowers, chocolate, good music, wine, all those are the usual mood elevators in Western society. And, once she's IN the mood, take it from there. New positions? Bringing in a third party? Erotic costuming [for both of you, of course]? New indoor/outdoor places to do it - nature is always a powerful aphrodisiac, unless it's freezing of course.

Generally, I find that long term couples can get into a rut, and that mechanical lovemaking is the result, not the cause. The rut invades just about every part of the relationship. It's understandable, but also manageable. Start from how you greet each other in the extra kiss or fondle, and it could set off unexpected fireworks. Or change your bedtime ritual...or your dinner dessert on her body..the possibilities are endless, she just has to be surprised and entertained in a caring way. Women respond with their brains before their vaginas, so engaging their emotions first will usually do the trick.

Have fun breaking your patterns,
the Love Goddess

If I read the last sentence correctly I have to conclude that the most likely version of the unsaid is ..."and men think 6 inches below the belt buckle." (that might be less with hip-hugger pants.LOL.
Aye? Naye?

Love Goddess11166 reads

Dear 2ski469,
I was not doing a comparison between men and women here. I was merely stating that sexual acitivty in females begins cerebrally rather than with a display of excitation in her nether regions.
Technically, it's all brain activity and impulses, regardless of gender. But, women's sexuality is particular in that regard. Witness the failure of Pfizer's massive research on female Viagra, and you'll know what I mean.

Think sex,
the Love Goddess

Thanks for the clarification.
You bet I think sex - below and above the beltbuckle until that comes off.

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