The Erotic Highway

Provider Health Challengessad_smile
newlawsucks 16370 reads

I was reading reviews on a provider who had groundrules concerning having sore breasts and not wanting them fondled or nipples sucked if touched at all.

This appeared in multiple reviews on her, which put her in bad light, but I was wondering if this is someone with legit health challenge having nothing to do with a bad attitude.

To be clear, not sure how she expects to keep hobbyists happy if won't allow them to touch her breasts (and all critics cited hers are beautiful), but taking a complete leap, maybe she's tackling lupus??

A good friend's wife has it and she deals with sore breasts and shoulders constantly.  I can't imagine if this provider, described as mid thirties, has such consistent symptoms she hasn't had it checked, and if such an affliction, how can that allow her to genuinely hobby if too uncomfortable to have her breasts touched?

How do providers handle health issues like say lupus or diabetes, which can take a helluva lot out of anyone?  Can or should those be grounds  not to escort, or, call it quits?

Plenty of people manage health challenges responsibly so that it doesn't automatically reduce their quality of life, but what about such matters?  Thanks LG!

Love Goddess15358 reads

Really good topic, apd4041,

I have referred to provider health in previous threads. It's a touchy issue, pun intended. I'm not sure of what came first, the chicken or the egg...meaning that I think this particular vocation attracts [or makes] women that can have health problems in the first place. And certainly, the mental stress can be enormous. Yes, the job looks easy from the outside, but  reality can surely paint a different picture.

Most people in general imagine that sleeping with a bunch of strange men is disgusting, weird, strange, and unpleasant. That's the cliché that permeates media - the street hooker, the slave woman underneath some sweating, unattractive, greasy-haired john pumping away..or, remember Jane Fonda in "Klute," looking at her watch?

I believe that nothing could be further from the truth, particularly when clients come from TER. Providers who cultivate an image of reasonable intellect, good conversation, glamour and dependability, end up meeting with wonderful clients. This is a consistent theme in providerland. Many providers prefer clients to civilians, since they are treated with more respect, kindness and deference in general. So we can rule out the larger part of client behavior as a stressor.

But the rest of it can be brutal: the Damocles sword of unsatisfactory reviews; the worry over LE; the constant attention to appearance; the huge worry over client supply and demand; the super stressor of leading a double life; the tax man...and a myriad of issues too complex to list [and which I have listed in past threads.]

All of this takes its toll healthwise. For some providers, living in sort of a psycho-physical denial creates somatic conditions. Many providers do have health complaints directly related to unverbalized stress, and these complaints take on various forms. Some have sore breasts, others have generalized body aches [fibromyalgia, anyone?] or recurrent low-grade infections. If there are chronic conditions present such as lupus or diabetes, most providers try to make the best of it, but the chronic, ongoing stress of the job can surely exacerbate these conditions.

Can they be grounds for calling it quits? Yes, but it's EXTREMELY difficult to call it quits. As I've mentioned before, only a fraction of all providers have an exit plan. And the longer the job goes on, the harder it is to quit. The money is probably the biggest variable, but for others it's the freedom from 9-5 jobs, bosses and other assorted benefits. Also, some providers who DO have health conditions which would complicate civvy jobs have chosen providing as a means to earn a living with is more compatible with their condition. Paradoxical maybe, but it might be easier physically to work an hour a day, in real time, instead of putting in a 40 hour week, plus commute and perhaps even taking work home.

Now, providers and women in general are a tough lot when it comes to chronic physical conditions. Studies show that women are able to handle physical pain significantly better than men. The benefits of providing may outweigh the drawbacks...until the scales tip, and the time comes for a provider to either do or die, perhaps literally.

There are definitely providers who are forced to quit because of health problems. But the majority of providers are under 50, and the job by definition rules out those who can't engage somewhat physically. Those with chronic conditions will NOT discuss them with clients, for obvious reasons, unless they become very friendly or feel like they can open up. And so yes, your assumption may be valid in this case. As to lupus for this particular provider, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe she has had an enhancement that has made her breasts very, very sensitive in the wrong places? Most providers devise a lifestyle that creates pathways around any type of health problem. But the stress around providing can make things worse, thereby forcing a quitting's a strange Catch-22, for sure.

What do other providers say,
the Love Goddess

newlawsucks14828 reads

Guess you're right LG, must indeed be a touchy subject judging from the replies :-0

Kidding. Great feedback though, as usual.  On the surface, it sounded like this provider is so structured with rules ( and at a $$$$$$ rate), that hobbyist demand suicide is imminent.  Makes no sense, unless if perhaps a health issue. But like you point out, that's not going to be discussed with clients, especially an excited first encounter.

I'm seeing one girl regularly who has absolutely perfect breasts/tits.
D cups and some wonderfully sized nipples.
I fondle, lick and suck her nipples and breastts as much as I can in the foreplay stage.
Because after her 1st orgasm, her nipples and breasts are way to sensitive to touch.

Not all girls who have sensitive breasts and nipples have health problems such as Lupus. Sure some might, but I'd bet some girls just are more sensitive than others.....


I discovered the sensitive nipple issue early in my short hobbyist career. i asked the particular provider why and she said that it is like an overuse injuyr. The nipples were made to be suckled they were not made to be bitten, squeezed very hard and sucked several hours a day.

The become sensitive and the escort warns her clients that they are sensitive and that happens to be true.

I have had providers say they want to be pounded hard and deep, but when I start they tell me to slow down and not so hard because it hurts.

Again, an over use injuyr.

Dah Dude

very true about a girl telling you to do it harder and longer....

This happened to me just last week. We were going a while and I asked if she was ok with keep going, otherwise, I'd hit the finish line and she said it was cool.

I got an e-mail over the weekend telling me she we went over the top and next time we need to use just a tad more caution.
I called her today and asked if she was ok
she was, but had to take it easy for a day since we went into overdrive in our session.

What the mind wants, sometimes the body makes you pay a little bit later. And I think most have done this;
You're at a bar, have a few drinks and are feeilng really good. A friend comes by and buys you a few more drinks and that's the point right before yoiu should have stopped.
Sometimes the brain is just a little bit slow in telling you when is too much.
Fortunately though, the human body is a great machine, needs just a little bit of rest and we're back and ready to go...

I've been told that for many girls, right before or right after their periods, their breasts and nipples do get extremely sore and sensitive.
Sometimes the erogenous zones can just have too many nerve endings sometimes...


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