The Erotic Highway

Re: What you describe is reprehensible behavior for an escort....
gotducks 385 reads

Nope same with civie dating... I treat them almost the same.. The only difference is that I expect bedroom salsa if I pay them and know I'll get it... If a civie is 30mins late on me and is not responsive, I leave.

Was suppose to meet a POT SB today at 5:30pm as originally agreed upon. Texted her 1 hour before meeting and she said she'll be running late. I asked her how long and she responded 5:50 or 6. I was going to blow her off and move on because I had a feeling she was going to flake. Unfortunately, traffic was so bad tonight in the DMV area that it just made sense to go grab a drink and wait out the traffic.  

Arrived at 5:30pm at the original agreed upon time. I was the one being proactive the whole time and asked her how late she'll be. When 6 showed up, I called up my side piece and left. 6:30pm rolls around and she calls me telling me she's at the front. She never followed up with me and giving me a heads up that she'll be running late. I told her I'm not there anymore and have a good night. She texts me "what's the point of us meeting then?" I replied with "be on time for the next guy".

Maybe I'm a bit hardened and jaded but I meet quite a lot of flakes on here. My rule of thumb is I confirm the appointment 1 hour before our scheduled time. If they don't respond within 15 minutes then I go on about my day. If I show up after the confirmation and they're not there within 20 minutes upon the agreed upon time without following up with me on their ETA then I roll out. I'm understanding when a woman is responsive/apologetic and tells me the situation. I'm happy to wait 30min-1hr because I understand that shit happens as long as they're responsive and keeping me informed.

Gents, you all need to grab a pair and show that these women don't rule over you and that they need to respect YOUR TIME just as much as you respect theirs. It's a mutual thing. I feel that these SBs for some reason are entitled with their youth and  there are too many rich fucks putting up with their shit and being their whipping boy.  

What's the longest you'd wait before rolling out?

but the question for me is:  Do other rules apply to the SD/SB game?

For example, if this was civie dating, she could be 3 hours late before you're even allowed to open your mouth.

(Am I right, or am I right?)

gotducks386 reads

Nope same with civie dating... I treat them almost the same.. The only difference is that I expect bedroom salsa if I pay them and know I'll get it... If a civie is 30mins late on me and is not responsive, I leave.

GaGambler255 reads

Let's start with hookers, if I schedule an incall appointment and have to wait in my car in the parking lot waiting for than infamous "second call" my threshold is pretty short, usually no more than 15-20 minutes tops, a little longer if she keep in communication. Now lets say I schedule an outcall to my room at 10PM on a night where I have no other plans, I have to keep it real here guys, if she shows up at 1 AM looking hot and ready to fuck, I am most definitely going to answer that knock at the door. lol

The same with SB's if were are meeting at lets say a coffee shop or a restaurant without a bar, I am not going to sit in some coffee shop for hours waiting for some woman who may or may not show up, but now lets say we are meeting at a sports bar, or a restaurant with a decent bar. I will typically wait outside until 5-10 minutes after we are supposed to meet so we can go in together, after that I go inside by myself, sending her a text letting her know where to find me and then I wait for as long as I am enjoying myself at the bar, that could be ten minutes or as long as a couple of hours depending on whether or not I am enjoying the wait.

I had a 12pm coffee me at some coffee shop where the foot traffic was perfect for people watching. I had the perfect table to see all these hottie pass by. As I didn't have anything planned I waited, 12:30 she lets me know she's running late , 12:45 traffic is bad so she'll be there at 1pm. 1;15 she's finding parking, 1:30pm she shows up. She was one of the most striking young ladies that I have seen on SA. We talk and then then she tells me it's $800 per meet. As I evaluate her rate, the fact that she'll probably always run late, I have to hassle for a room to play in.. I said "Thanks but no thanks, It was nice meeting you"....and I was gone,but man was she hot.

GaGambler285 reads

Yes, If I have nowhere else to go, I might hang around for a while, or even quite a while, but that doesn't mean I am going to pay HDH rates once she finally shows up.

I want to make sure we are even close before I will meet.

Posted By: hpygolky
I had a 12pm coffee me at some coffee shop where the foot traffic was perfect for people watching. I had the perfect table to see all these hottie pass by. As I didn't have anything planned I waited, 12:30 she lets me know she's running late , 12:45 traffic is bad so she'll be there at 1pm. 1;15 she's finding parking, 1:30pm she shows up. She was one of the most striking young ladies that I have seen on SA. We talk and then then she tells me it's $800 per meet. As I evaluate her rate, the fact that she'll probably always run late, I have to hassle for a room to play in.. I said "Thanks but no thanks, It was nice meeting you"....and I was gone,but man was she hot.

We did text prior to our meeting, she sent me some photos that even if we did discuss expectation and I couldn't meet them, I wanted to meet her anyways, she was that hot...My feeling is that she wasn't going to go into details via text (Hooker?) and probably felt that face to face time was better for her. But all in all, I had no regrets meeting her. At that time is was a learning experience so I chalk it up as that.

GaGambler253 reads

It's just like dating civvy chicks, there is zero pressure for a whore monger to "score" with a civvy. Sure we "want" to score, but if we don't we can always call a hooker two minutes after dropping off a civvy with nothing more than a peck on the cheek for our efforts. Unlike the poor dumbfucks who go home with blue balls because they are "too good to pay for it. lol

We were meeting at the beach. Great day. I had cold beer, tunes and a good read. If she shows up fine. She texts me a half hour after our meet time saying she is hungry, needs lunch and btw she is half an hour away. She looks awesome in a bikini. So I popped a beer and kept reading.

Now Ive seen her treat meets with other people the same way. So when she shows up 1 point out that she is very late. I  then tell her I m putting my dad hat on and lecture about how her actions tell the other person your time is more important etc. Etc. I know she was surprised that I would talk to her that way. I told herif she does it again we are done.

A few more cocktails at the beach. Great dinner and a fuckathon at my place. No cost. We split 3 weeks later. Lol.

gotducks216 reads

It's a little different when you've seen her before vs. meeting up for the first time... But even then I'll only wait 1hr tops if they keep me informed and seem sincere.

Had a lunch date set with POT. 30 minutes go by from our appointed start time and she's a no show. I said "screw this" and left. While I was grabbing lunch 20 min later, she texted and apologized that it was her bday the night before and she had partied too late and had overslept. In her defense, she had told me previously that it was her bday that weekend. Her apology seemed sincere and God knows I've gone a little overboard on more than one occasion before and not been able to raise my ass out of bed the next day, so I decided to cut her some slack and give her a 2nd chance, although we never did ever hookup bc I met my current SB in between and she started taking good care of me and so I never got back around to the first chick.  

To answer the OP's original question, I would probably wait about 30-40 min if there was no communication before bailing. If she's texting me updates that she's coming and depending on how hot her pics are, maybe a little longer.

As long as they let me know in advance they will be late I'll cut them some slack.  A half hour isn't much, maybe more.  In my case I have to drive an hour to get into the city where the SBs reside.  So I really appreciate an hour's notice if she's going to cancel or postpone.  But once I've driven into town, I'll wait a while.  I am always nealry pathologically prompt.  Being a half hour early is my idea of being on time.  So when a SB reciprocates I really appreciate it.  I've had to come to grips with them being late more often than not.  Just depends on how  motivated I am and how hot they are.

gotducks214 reads

Considering your circumstance that makes sense. But for everyone else that lives in or close to a major city and let a SB show up an hour late just because... They are part of the problem.

GaGambler309 reads

and while I won't put up with it from hookers, I have a slightly looser stance with SB's and en even looser stance with civvies.

I don't like to "reward bad behavior" but I also realize I can't make the sun rise in the west simply because i want it that way. lol

garquad257 reads

half hour seems right. Any longer and I'll be mad and won't enjoy myself anyway. People who always way late usually have a bunch of other issues too, so I try to see it as a good thing--saves me from wasting any more time on a flake.

So long as she not only keeps in touch while updating me of her ETA, but also genuinely apologizes for her tardiness. An hour though specially if there is a table booking at a restaurant? Well, no! That is really weak sauce and not only it portrays and projects weakness and being completely p*ssy whipped, it also makes me look really bad at that restaurant and with the Maitre-D'!

gentgary270 reads

For me, I treat SB dates no differently than I would plain vanilla dates, and I also follow the 30 minute general rule of thumb, although there can be extenuating circumstances, particularly two: (1) she's in regular communication about her delay, and/or (2) she's really hot.

To improve your odds of not getting stood up, I find that it's important to have some contact the night before (via text preferably, and with a little sly innuendo if it can be worked in naturally), then also a follow up text a couple hours beforehand.  If they don't respond to either of those, you should make other plans. For the questionable ones, I generally try to pick a nice, new place I'd be happy checking out on my own, so the night isn't a total loss if she doesn't show.

So many of these girls are flakes, so if you're not getting stood up occasionally, you're probably not setting the bar high enough.  But I agree with the other poster, if she does show up significantly late, don't let her get away with it without suitable ribbing (it will pay off). And if you get stood up, do not, under any circumstances, respond to half-apologies later - if you still really want her, make her put forth the effort to come to you, at your convenience, on your terms

GaGambler355 reads

I take your advice even a step further.

In hooker land you see guys whining all the time about the many NCNS's they encounter, most of the them have a common theme, the rant starts with "I booked the appointment well in advance" BINGO. that's the problem. I never book with hookers more than a day in advance, usually I book same day and wonder of wonders I almost never get cancelled on.

In the Sugar world I am much the same, any "dates" more than a day or two out are more of a "lets try to meet on such and such a date" The day before any of these "penciled in" dates I try to make the date more confirmed, but still sign off with a "lets check in tomorrow morning to make sure nothing has changed" The day of the date I usually send a "can't wait to see you" message, and during that text exchange I mention that I will text when leaving for the restaurant/or wherever we are meeting. I often have to travel a hundred miles or more due to living between two major cities, but my actually hometown is a small city of only 100,000, I refuse to leave for a date until I get a return text confirming when and where we are meeting. It's very rare that I get flaked on doing things this way.

On local dates I still do pretty much the same thing, just out of habit, a very "good" habit I might add. lol

I wish I had followed that advice a couple times when I texted a girl to confirm our date the following day, she never responded... but like a schmuck, I still showed up anyways and got stood up! Lmao. Oh well. Live and learn. At least I can say I won't make that mistake again.

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